O Shipwrecked [Open To All]

Lacy hated to feel like a third wheel in any situation. It made her feel a bit like a sob drawn towards romantics who literally wanted to “Aww” at the slightest form of affection done or made. This was a serious moment however. Amid Roswell’s pain, she held him firmly in place, a hand pressed down on his chest and another supporting him while Rivers himself finished the operation.

“I’ll have to keep an eye out on it,” she insisted before rising up from the sand. Blake had been gone for a little while, but the boar’s corpse came plopping down on the sand shortly afterwards.

“Correction,” Blake announced. “Some of us aren’t reckless to fight a boar and puncture something serious. I’ll take my risk on a football field, thank you very much.”

That or see if the boat itself had something like a spear gun the next time. Lacy was thrilled to see him and even ran to hug him. Blake felt really bad, but he insisted she should wash the blood off herself first before anything else and likewise; his sweater was now ruined by Ross’s blood from carrying him. That was the excuse this time. How long could he keep it up with her? He walked away and she followed suit.

Rivers bit his lip as he watched the interaction between Blake and Lacy, it was almost painfully obvious to him but seemed to wash over Lacy like water on a duck's back. He briefly wondered whether the girl was just so into Blake that she didn't realize or if she was so interested in his status and money that she didn't care. Those thoughts didn't last very long however, the weight of Roswell's good arm around him quickly bringing him back to their current situation.

He had to admit, he was slightly apprehensive about the conversation with Roswell that was sure to follow. It certainly wasn't the best place or time to be talking about affections towards one another but it was also clear that Rivers had to feel more than just friendship between himself and Roswell. The was his heart was beating and his nerves were frazzled at the mere thought of losing Roswell had almost been enough to send him into an early grave himself.

Taking a moment to watch Blake and Lacy walking off, his green eyes quickly turned back to Roswell, a hand coming up to brush against the other's forehead. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" he asked quietly even though it was just the two of them now. "You gave me a helluva scare. Don't fuckin' do that again." A dry, airy chuckle left his lips as he rested his weight against the same rock Roswell was leaning against.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Roswell nodded and smiled at the delicate touch against his forehead "Yeah, I feel fine now." Roswell said quietly, thumb moving slowly across Rivers shoulder and his head dropping to the other shoulder that he wasn't holding. "I didn't mean to scare you, Riv. I didn't expect any of this to happen, either... I thought it would be an easy fight." Roswell said quietly, landing his injured hand gently against Rivers' thigh, fingers moving up and down slowly, it hurt a little but it was manageable, and at least he still had movement in that hand.

"But, I definitely think we need to talk... about whatever is going on here." Roswell commented quietly, tilting his head a bit so he and Rivers were more eye-to-eye. He cleared his throat awkwardly, having had a speech prepared for this moment for such a long time. He had feelings for Rivers longer than he could remember and it was definitely a little strange bringing it up, especially now when they were stranded on an island... But, then again - They also couldn't go anywhere, so now also seemed rather perfect. Fate intervening in their lives perfectly.

"I'll be the first to admit that I have had feelings for you for some time now. Probably since you joined the football team..." he said quietly, reaching his hand up that had been resting on Rivers' shoulder to lightly take the back of Rivers' head in his hand, bringing their faces a little closer "I won't say that I love you, but it might be true that I have deeper feelings that could easily be persuaded in that direction. I want to make us official, Riv... I want to be more than just your friend and teammate, I want to be... I want to be your boyfriend." Roswell said quietly, leaning in to kiss Rivers on the lips softly, lingering for just a few minutes longer than necessary before he pulled back just enough to rest their foreheads together "Would you be interested in exploring those options, with me?"

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Rivers could feel the heat in his face as he listened to Roswell talk, having thought of this moment himself for quite sometime. The scenery and situation was a little different than he'd played out in his head, being shipwrecked on an island and having just stitched Roswell up after he nearly bleed out, but he was still happy. More than happy. His heart felt like it was minutes away from beating out of his chest and not from panic like it had been only minutes before.

Without a second thought Rivers brought his hand up to rest against Roswell's jaw, pulling him in for another kiss--one that he initiated. With the kiss he was hoping that he could portray the fact that he agreed with everything Roswell had said. Rivers had felt an attraction towards Roswell since he'd met him but it wasn't until he'd gotten to know him and talked to him after their football games that he felt something more. Of course he'd always been a bit bashful when it came to relationships, probably the reason he'd never really had one before, not anything real at least. So he'd kept his feelings to himself and appreciated simply having Roswell around as a friend. Now he was happily surprised to hear that Roswell had been feeling the same way, and felt a little foolish for not admitting it earlier.

Pulling away from the kiss he ran his thumb across Roswell's cheek and nodded with a smile, green eyes searching Roswell's blue. "Yes," he admitted, carefully pressing himself closer to Roswell while still being over cautious about the other's wounded arm. "I would be more than interested in exploring those options with you."

A light chuckle left him, resting against the rock and Roswell as he let his body sag and his eyes close. "Though, as a boyfriend, might I suggest a good couple hours of rest? As much as I appreciate this development I have to say it was exhausting getting here." Another airy laugh escaped his lips as he opened an eye to peek at Roswell. "You really didn't need to nearly get yourself killed before asking me out," he told him humorously. "A drink would have been just as good."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Roswell laughed and nodded his head slowly "Yeah, we can take a nap... Although, I'm sure that doing it out in this beating hot sun won't be such a good idea." Ross said as he looked around the island and then to the wrecked boat - it was still mostly available for use, although he wasn't sure if there had been any leaks when they made their crash landing.

Rubbing his and Rivers foreheads together lightly, Ross smiled and leaned in to place another soft kiss on Rivers' lips "Lets go see if anything in the boat is still salvageable, and if the beds are still intact enough to sleep on." Roswell said, slowly standing up; only a small grunt leaving his lips from having been in a prone position for too long, quite used to being very active and hardly stopping to do much more than rest for a few minutes or get a drink if need be. He was sure that laziness would be second nature to him by the time they were rescued - if they ever were.

Roswell took Rivers' hand once the other was standing up with him and he smiled lightly as they made the short distance over to the boat "I really am sorry about what happened... I'll keep it in mind that I don't have to nearly die to show you that I care." Roswell reached up, lightly brushing some strands of hair off of Rivers forehead and then leaning in to kiss that forehead as well "Sleep first, and then hopefully we will have a better idea of where we go next..."

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Rivers nodded, slowly standing himself. At the slight grunt from Roswell his hands hovered over the other athlete, worried the movement had caused him pain from his wounded arm. "Are you alright?" he asked, squeezing Roswell's uninjured hand. "I think I've got some Advil in my bag that might still be good if you're still feeling any pain." Rivers chewed lightly at his bottom lip, hoping for a swift recovery for Roswell.

Green eyes glanced down towards where Blake had left the dead boar, running a hand through his black hair. "Hopefully on the way we can find someone willing to cut that thing up and make it worth almost losing you over." He grimaced at the thought of skinning and gutting the animal. None of his family members were hunters, only businessmen and doctors with no time for hobbies such as that, he wouldn't even know where to begin. It was a pretty decent sized boar though and the meat would do them all well if they could do it properly.

Once they made it to the boat Rivers smiled lightly at the kiss to his forehead, definitely getting used to the action and feeling of having Ross as his boyfriend. His own hand came up to trail the pad of his thumb against Ross' cheek. "You don't have to be sorry," he told him sincerely. "I know you did it for all of us, to keep us all alive and fed. Your intentions have always been far too good for your own good." Roswell always seemed to be putting the team and others before his own welfare, and that's probably what Rivers admired about him the most.

Rivers leaned forward to press a light kiss against Ross' lips, backing away to sit back on one of the beds in the boat's hull. He looked around the room they were in before looking back to Ross, moving to stand back up. "Actually before I get comfortable do you want that Advil I mentioned? Or I can go take some extra pillows off the other beds if you want more support for your arm..."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Roswell shook his head slowly and smiled "The Advil sounds nice, but don't take the pillows, I'm sure what we have will work just fine." Ross said, looking around the room slowly. Luckily they were in the room that Roswell had been using before the ship wrecked upon the island, so his bag was right there. He had plans other than sleeping, but he didn't know how Rivers would feel about it - not so soon in their relationship anyway.

Once Rivers was out of the room, he grabbed his duffle bag and dug out a bottle of lubricant which immediately he shoved under one of the few pillows on his bed. He then stripped down to his boxers and laid on the bed, propping his arm up on one of the pillows that he knew wouldn't be used for much, considering it was rather small.

When Rivers returned, Roswell smiled up at the other man and patted the space on the rather small bed - sure, they would fit together, but it was going to be a rather tight squeeze for the duo; snuggling would happen, regardless. Roswell was laying there in just a pair of black boxers, and despite everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours, there was a definitive growing bulge in his boxer shorts the longer he just simply stared at Rivers "So uh... I hope you don't mind that I got myself comfortable like this?" Ross asked, voice thick and husky with arousal - clearly just turned on by the sight of having Rivers, especially all to himself.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


Stepping out of the room, Rivers quickly made his way across the hull to the room he'd been using before the storm crash landed them. During his walk he noticed that luckily there wasn't any serious leaks and most of the interior seemed undamaged which meant they'd be able to use the equipment inside to keep themselves fed and warm until they were rescued. If they were rescued. He tried to shake the last thought out of his head while he rummaged through his bag until his his hand closed around a small pill bottle. As an athlete he often overworked his muscles and Advil was something his father had suggested he keep on him at all times, he gave a quick thank you for that before heading back towards where he'd left Roswell.

Upon reentering the room he couldn't help but stare at Roswell relaxing on the bed in his boxers, taking a moment to appreciate the sight. While his gaze was running across the athlete's body he did notice the bulge in Roswell's black boxer shorts and as soon as he noticed a knowing flush heated his cheeks. Grinning, Rivers ran a hand through his hair and leaned across the bed to pass the Advil into Roswell's good hand.

"Don't worry about it," Rivers told him, standing back up. "I'd rather you be comfortable."

Not needing to take his shirt off since he'd taken it off in the forest to tend to Roswell's wound, he simply slipped out of his torn shorts so he was in nothing but his own white boxers. The bed was small but they could both fit as long as neither of them cared about cuddling, which he didn't in the least. He moved forward and relaxed on the spot that Roswell had patted, laying on his side to face Ross. His fingers traced along Roswell's good arm, green eyes looking into blue. "Do you feel better?"

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Roswell popped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them seconds after Rivers gave them to him; he knew that they would take a while to kick in, but he hadn't been in any serious pain before that either - probably the last of the shock dying off on him. He would feel the pain later, but hopefully by then the Advil will have kicked in and started doing its job instead.

Appreciative eyes ran over Rivers body as more of it was revealed to Roswell's blue gaze, and he couldn't help the small sound he made in the back of his throat "Damn..." he whispered "You are gorgeous, Riv."

When the other laid beside him, Roswell smiled and turned more onto his side so they were mostly face-to-face. His good hand came up to rest on Rivers' hip, lightly rubbing up and down that smooth and taut flesh "I am feeling better now. Definitely." He pressed his muscular frame against Rivers' frame and leaned his head down, once again capturing Rivers' lips with his own - this time it was no soft or chaste kiss. It was a lot more heated, passionate. Roswell slid his tongue along the seam of Rivers' lips before pushing in slowly, twisting and tangling the two pink muscles together in a slow burning kiss.

Roswell pulled back slowly, his fingers at some point having slipped underneath the waistband of Rivers' boxers, already inching towards Rivers' ass cheek "I'd feel better if we were both naked... and having a little fun. No one is around to bother us, or interrupt us..." Roswell whispered, voice husky and thick with arousal. His cock was pressing hard against Rivers' thigh, the outline of it was thick and long, definitely leaning more towards eleven inches; the vein underneath it was even throbbing, and Rivers would be able to feel it twitching with each heavy thud of Roswell's heartbeat.

[Image: 8Ww3nNU.png]
You can lead a horse to water, but cannot force a horse to drink.


The feel of Roswell's body against his own was enough to draw a low groan from the back of Rivers' throat, even while his mouth was pressed heatedly against Roswell's own. The kiss was much more intense and intimate than their previous and it alone was enough to get him hard. Hands traveling up to run along Roswell's muscular back, tracing the outline of the other's spine as he pressed his own body closer to Roswell. He could feel Roswell's cock against his thigh, taking a moment to appreciate the size and weight of it against him. Already it was fairly obvious that Roswell's cock was larger than his own, not by much but definitely noticeable.

Rivers nodded at Roswell's words, hardly able to come up with words of his own, his breathing heavy with arousal. "Yeah," he breathed, "I'd like that." He managed a sly grin, capturing Roswell's lips with his own for a brief moment, pulling away with a slight bite to Roswell's lower lip before kneeling closer to the end of the bed.

With a flick of green eyes up towards Roswell's face, grin never leaving his own lips, Rivers dipped his own fingers into the hem of Roswell's boxers before sliding them down to expose his cock. Once the boxers were discarded to the floor at the end of the bed, Rivers straddled Roswell's shins and took the large cock into his mouth. All lips and tongue, Rivers took him as deep into his mouth as possible, one hand coming to the base to lightly squeeze and tease at his balls. His tongue ran along the throbbing vein underneath, starting as close to the base as he could get without gagging before pulling up to run along the vein until he could tease the tip.

Popping his mouth off, green eyes moved to look at Roswell's face instead of watching his own actions, hand moving up to take the place of his mouth for the moment. "Damn, you're big," he commented with a hum of approval. "This feel good? I can't say that I've had much experience giving head so..." he trailed off with a slight shrug and grin before replacing his hand with his mouth once more.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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