Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
He did his best to keep his hands away from his belly as Jamie touched at the tight flesh of his belly, a small frown on his face as he just let the alpha feel him up. Almost so grumpy that he didn't want him to touch him but this was deeper than him just being upset, their childs life was more important than pettiness. "Low? Isn't that bad?" He asked, knowing he wasn't due for another week or two from what Jamie told him.

His stomach turned over when Jamie mentioned that the baby might be on their way right not and he was definitely not ready for that. He swallowed down the lump in his throat and realized why Jamie was so stressed now,"You think the baby may be coming now?" He asked and he cramped more firmly then, making a noise escape Morrison,"Ow, fuck..." His hands went to his belly again and he held the tightening flesh, whimpering softly and sinking back on the bed.

Morrison breathed in and out slowly and nodded quickly,"Yeah... Yeah okay." He said and exhaled as he sank back on the bed, laying down slowly and trying to stay calm, grabbing one of the pillows with his free hand and shoving it between his legs. Turning himself onto his side slowly, grimacing and exhaling, too caught up in trying not to have a baby than realize that Jamie had said the other omegas name once again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
It felt foreign to be helping Morrison turn and get ready for bed. Such irony... with Silas he had picked up the habit of helping him so much, everything seemed natural. yet with his own baby's father.. it was everything but that. jamie sighed - what a complicated situation he had gotten himself into. Wordlessly he helped shift the pillows to the right places, caressing the belly hoping this kind of rest would subside the labor - if it's indeed contractions that were hitting Morrison.

"Relax your abdomen and pelvis as much as possible. We woudln't want any stress on it right now." it was essneitally what Jamie would tell an omega on bedrest - and if they wanted to keep the baby inside morrison's womb for any longer, that would be the way to go. Jamie moved on to massage Morrison's hips, some acquired skills he had practised countless times on Silas, kneading deep into the pelvis of Morrison and secretly marvelled over how different Morrison's physique was compared with the othe romega.

While Morrison was distracted with controlling his own breathing, Jamie stole a kiss on his belly that was exposed from his clothes riding up his dome. He hummed a quiet lullaby, slwoing everything down in an attempt to lessen the tension that had built up over their disagreement.
The man laid there on his side in bed now and he looked at the wall for a moment as Jamie stroked at his middle, he worried at the inside of his lips. Taking in a breath and exhaling again, his own hand resting on top of his middle, closing his eyes for a few steady breaths in and out. "I don't know how to do that, I'm relaxing as best I can." He said, but inside he was growing more and more uneasy with the thought that he might be giving birth soon, he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Morrison towered over Jamie, he was a Shepherd and he was built like one too, broad and tan, able to withstand any weather. He groaned softly as his lower body was massaged, he had no idea he had held in so much stress before Jamie started massaging him. No idea what was going through the others mind, because if he did he might have punched him in the face for thinking about the slut while touching the place where their child was growing.

He laid with his arm beneath the pillow he rested his head on and his other hand moved from his belly to Jamie's hair as he stroked the soft, blonde curls. Not looking at him, he didn't want to meet his eyes as he rubbed at his hips and lower belly,"Is it so unfair that I don't want you talking about another omega with me? You kept me here for so long, tending to me and you think I haven't caught any sort of feelings towards you?" He frowned a little and finally looked at him,"Why do you want to hurt me?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"just relax all tension on our body... let go. Let me take care of you." Jamie kneaded onto Morrison's strong muscles - his hips and butt especially. Seomtimes he neede do to grind his elbow into the hard ligaments of Morrison's to get to the sore spots. "the more you can relax, the more setteld the babies will be." Jamie was already using the plural, although it wasn't confirmed yet... now that was able to look at Morrison's belly at its true glory, he knew one baby wouldn't have made him this big.

Unconsciously, Jamie nudged his head into Morrison's hand on his head, he hummed at how nice it was to have Morrison's large hand stroking his head. He was, however, left speechless at Morrison's question. "y-you... " Jamie bit his lower lip in half shame and half excitement. So what he had been trying so hard didn't go unnoticed. He shook his head violnetly. no it wasn't wrong... Jamie was so excited that finally Morrison was telling him he at least held some soft feelings to him.

"I.. i never want to hurt you. i swear to my dearest god." he said returning Morrison's gaze with his sweet, innocnet blue eyes. "I.... i like you so much." he said. This was guilty pleasure. He wasn't supposed to love someone and to work against his vow when he had declared his wish to become a clergyman... yet the feeling of love was so overwheliming, the young alpha had no way to hold it in. 
Morrison was so caught up in his own mind that he didn't notice when Jamie said the word 'babies', he was doing his best to relax and listen to the alphas advice as he laid there on his side with his back facing him now and his eyes focused on the wall. Grimacing at the deep massage and only turning when he needed to see Jamie more and couldn't reach his hair, his fingers carding through the soft curls and running down his cheek as he stared over his belly the best he could at him. "Then why do you keep doing the same things over and over? I tell you I don't like them, I show you, and you keep on doing them."

The omega frowned a bit and it wasn't obvious if it was because of another pain making him uncomfortable or because he was truly upset at Jamie as he laid there on his side. "Only *like* me?"He asked and he ran his fingers across the lips of the other man briefly,"*Liking* isn't that strong of a feeling."He replied,"I'm having your kid here, and you only *like* me?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Doing the same thing?" Jamie asked in confusion. "you mean to tend to Silas? if that's it... i am afterall the only medically trained staff around. i couldn't just let people suffer around... not when he's also a pregnant omega." Jamie added the last bit in a whisper. "a-and....." his face heated up when he thought of the things that Morrison detested... perhaps that would mean the time he claimed him - and that part was surely not repeated ever. still, the innovent priest blushed over the concept of intercourse.

"w-what.... i'...i've... I've devoted my life to God. I-i cannot l-lo...l-lov..." Jamie stammered. He couldn't bring himself to say the world out loud. Thiswas a fundamental violation to his faith - perhaps even more so than him raping Morrsion. At the time he could still say he was clouded by his alpha instincts, but to fall in love with the omega... that was something that seemed more "controlalble"...

"I...." there was tears dwelling in his eye when he came into frustration at how he couldn' t speak his mind. This was so difficult... He felt Morrsion's finger on his lips and in his frustratino - hebit on it lightly, then crashed himself onto Morrsion to hug him over his belly tightly. "i ... i will have to revoke my vow if i-i...i...lov....if I love you." he buried his nose into Morrsions.
Morrison frowned, Jamie was so caring of not only him but other people as well and he knew it would be unfair to ask him not to take care of such a hopeless omega, looking at the alpha as he knelt beside the bed where he laid. He noticed his blush and he watched his face as he started to speak, frowning even deeper when he started to say he couldn't love him and the omega propped himself on his elbow,"You can't what?"

He could piece together what the other man wanted to say but he wasn't sure if he really wished to say it as it didn't come out without a stutter,"You've devoted your life to me now when you shot your load into me."He said simply and he didn't care that there were tears in Jamie's eyes as he stared at him, watching as his thumb slipped inside of his mouth briefly. Before he jumped up and fell into him, his skinny arms wrapping around him, he looked at him and he embraced him in response,"You'll take care of us, right? If you love us..."He asked him gently.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The reminder of what Jamie did months ago still pained him. he did... he impregnated the otherwise free man, roped him down with a baby - babies - growing in him. he could only shake his head but no words came forward. He wanted SO much to succumb to the sweet lure... Morrison's words were so sweet and seducing... he even used "us". Such a lovely word.. Morrison. And the babies...

The priest was in such a dilemma. On one hand he was devoted to god.. on the other.. his entire body cried for him to devote his life to his mate instead. He had pups coming, and it was also his responsibility to take care of them. He shook his head again, letting himself go soft feeling morrison's warm embrace - that was so sweet, his broad chest so dependable... so open. he could get that all the time if only he said yes...

"But i have made a vow....." he whispered. "i-i.... i'm ...." he shook his head again, still struggling to come to terms with what his alpha mind was telling him.
The omega let go of Jamie then and he laid back down on the pillows beneath him,"Fine." His hands went to his stomach instead and he laid down fully again, grimacing briefly as he got comfortable again. He didn't look to Jamie and instead he just said,"Get out then. Leave me alone. Go back to your precious Silas, have fun being with that slut." He laid with an arm beneath his head and his other hand resting against the curve of his middle, it seemed that the cramps had stopped but he still felt anger as he laid there. Pregnant with the alphas baby and yet, he still rejected him, this time he didn't care if Jamie was there or not.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Even though he was let go of, Jamie kept his hand clutching the side of Morrison's robe. He kept a tight hold on the fabric and forced back the tears dwelling in his eyes. Did he push away his only chance of love just now? idd he make a wrong move? should he jump at the offer when the omega, finally, was showing him acceptance and even hinted on emotional attachment?

Regardless of which it was, Jamie just stubbornly stood there clutching the omega's cloth, as if his life depended on it and he wouldn't let go no matter what.

He then saw his belly shifted. another contraction had set in and Jamie reached out torub it again, just reaching around with his small palm trying his best.
Morrison didn't pay Jamie any attention after he had told him he *couldn't* love him, it was all a load of shit and he knew it. He had fucked him just like any other alpha would when he was in heat and he seeded him with a child, if anything he wasn't a priest any more. He was a sinner, just like the rest of them. His anger was obvious as he laid there silently, his eyes shut tight and breathing coming slowly, his stomach didn't hurt as badly now.

But he had spoken too soon, he cried out when his stomach tightened again, it was a real contraction this time and that was obvious as his water broke. Liquid pooling from between his legs, warm fluid that wet his pants and the blanket beneath him,"Oh, fuck... Oh, fuck, no... No. No. No.... I can't... I'm not..." He whined and tears came to his eyes, fear obvious on his face as he sat up abruptly,"Jamie, please... Please, I don't want to."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie stubbornly stayed by Morrison's side even though the omega made it clear he wasn't in any mood to pay him any attention. Jamie had always dodged that topic, but now that Morrison had confronted him directly, he realised he wasn't at all ready to leave everything, his identity and career, his lifelong target, and agree to the lucrative proposal of Morrison. The future was still unclear, and the young priest wasn't sure where to navigate to with so much uncertainty.

He sighed and continued with the strokes when the contraction hit fast and hard, not only forcing a cry out of the usually invinsible man, but also broke his water. As soon as the mildly fishy smell hit his nostrils, Jamie realised what it was.... There was no turning back and things would only intensify from now on.

"It's ok, it's ok. this is coming sooner or later, you'd be fine." Jamie patted Morrison on the back of his hand as he gripped his arm. He watched the fluid soaking through his pants and the blanket... this was really coming fast. At least one baby was in position and although he might have his water broken a little early, it doesn't necessarily mean any complications.

"I'll handle this. Morri, it's ok. Listne, i will remove your pants now, you just keep breathing so the baby could get the oxygen as well. I'll get this fixed ok?" he said with just a tinge of panic - he had honestly never delivered twins. It was just a wishful thinking that he could deal with this alright... 
"Jamie I really can't-" He sobbed weakly, shaking his head and laughing insanely,"I won't be, I can't, I'm so scared." He said softly, the pain already scared him and he knew it was only going to get worse as he felt the wetness soak into his pants. "You said it yourself, its too early. What if something goes wrong? I can't deal with that-" He shook his head more firmly as if he was just going to force himself not to give birth, which they both knew was impossible, if his body wanted the baby out then the baby would be coming out. Looking at the other man with fear in his eyes, tears welled up and fell down his cheeks as he pressed himself back against the headboard.

"Oh fuck..." He groaned in complaint and laid his head back, shifting his hips forward weakly and gripping the sheets, he wasn't even in the throes of labor yet and yet the stress he put himself through was intensifying every little feeling he felt. "How will you fix this? You can't fix anything, you fucking asshole..." He sobbed and his face twisted up in agony, turning red as his stomach tightened, groaning while gripping the sheets and forcing himself to breathe in and out heavily. "You did this to me..." He whined and his feet shifted, forcing the sheets off of his body then, kicking them off and panting heavily,"You motherfucker...and you don't even love me. You don't even fucking love me." He sobbed again and his head fell back, shaking his head and arching his back with another cry of pain,"Who's going to love our baby now? I fucking hate it! I hate you!"

He screamed and thrashed his head back and forth, kicking at the sheets again and he threw a punch for the first time, striking Jamie in the face.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
To see the bigger man at his rare moments of weakness was priceless, had it not been under such circumstances. Jamie nonetheless seize the moment and pressed Morrison's head towards his own thin chest. "no this is going to work out. You are naturally adapted to giving birth, I know you can. THis is early b-but it's going to be ok, it's ok...." Jamie babbled through. He was too nervous to make fun of Morrison's convinced look. "You knew there was no way of stopping now... nothing." he said releasing Morrison as teh omega pressed himself back against the headboard.

Jamie wiped away the tears rolling down Morrison's cheek, noting the bags under hsi eyes. The omega wasn't in his prime shape, not with the stress the pregnancy was bringing him, but he was strong nonetheless. Now that Morrison had turned agressive, at least verbally, Jamie could only take it as best as he could. He bit his lip attempting to remove Morrison's pants as he thrashed around. it was difficult for the small alpha to maneuver with Morrison thrashing around. "i-i...." it still hurt to hear the accusation from Morrison, but he knew there was no denying. he had said so himself.. if he ever admitted he loved Morrison, it wouldalso mean he could not stay as a clergyman... and the young alpha cowardly stayed silent.

Jamie barely dodged the mindless kicking of Morrison as eh struggled to remove the sheets. There was no way he could duck from that punch and he took it on his cheekbone. The alpha whimpered at the hit, stumbling sideways as the pain spread from his cheek to the entire right side of his face. His vision blurred and he swayed, needing to hold onto the bed to steady himself.

He whimpered further as he instinctively reached up to touch his wound, the throbbing intensified... staggeringly, he pushed himself up to stand again. "I-i...." he hissed as his attempt to speak triggered another wave of pain. Biting his lower lip, he came back to Morrison and attempt to pry down his pants. "need to c-check you..." he said stubbornly, even though tears welled up in his eyes as well at the pain.
Morrison grimaced at Jamie's fruitless attempts at trying to get him to relax, he shook his head and felt sick to his stomach as he realized what would be happening in the next few hours. Or even a day. Fear was obvious on his face and in his scent, the omega beginning to sweat even more than before as his body prepared for the inevitable as best it could. He had lost weight in his time being here, even while pregnant he wasn't as full figured as he should be, he was just as stubborn as ever though and he shook his head firmly. "Get the fuck away from me. Get away!"

This wasn't good for the omega, he was rejecting his alpha during the time where he desperately needed his support, the punch was just a hint of his true feelings. As he struggled to kick the blankets off of his body and try and come off of the bed, he didn't know what he was doing but he wanted to move. To get out of bed or maybe even the room entirely, his nest was ruined, he was stressed and scared and nothing was going right.

His hands went to his belly again and he sobbed, his head falling back, he cried out and one of his hands gripped the headboard of the bed. His eyes squeezing shut and he forced himself to breathe, shaking his head and rocking on the edge of the bed,"This can't be happening... This can't be happening..." He whined and kept rocking his hips from side to side, sitting in his wet pair of pants,"Fuck off! Don't touch me!" He screamed again and he pushed Jamie away, there wasn't anything more dangerous than a scared omega in labor and that was obvious from Jamie's burning jaw.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The inner alpha of Jamie's recognised the frightened scent from the omega. Jamie wasn't sure how to react, but to have Morrison walking away was out of the question. He grabbed the blankets Morrison had kicked off and put them back onto the bed. The ocntractions were building but the omega was in distress and denial.

"No, you got this, this IS happening." a trace of the alpha's voice was creeping in. "you can do this, right here, WITH me." he stressed, again approahcing Morrison only to be shoved away again.

jamie stumbled back but again, he straightened himself and brushed away the blood that was dripping from his nose. "Get down, Morrison. You aren't going anywhere... this IS where our babies will be born." he said, not only did he pick up the blankets that were pushed away, he opened also his meagre closet to pull out all of his shirts, robes, anything that was comfortable and soft. he needed to instill again the sense of safety in the omega.
Morrison moaned softly and he squirmed in his own skin as he leaned over and buried his face into the pillow, one of his hands pressing his palm into the firm flesh of his belly. While the other gripped the cardboard tightly, he squeezed his eyes shut and his hips never stopped moving, there was a pressure there that wasn't stopping or letting up but he didn't need to push yet. His body was still preparing itself and that was obvious even if Morrison was in so much pain already it would only get worse.

The tone of voice Jamie took up with him had the effect it should have, he breathed a bit steadier but he was still so angry and in pain that was only growing by the minute. Morrison panted against his arm, clutching his belly tightly and shaking his head again but he didn't repeat himself, instead he asked,"Why did you do this to me... Why'd you fuck me... I never wanted this... I... I..." He took in a weak breath and sobbed softly, burying his face into his arm again as he shook his head, moaning and crying,"Fuck you... Fuck you, oh my god..." He whined and his face twisted up, turning a bright red color as is held his breath through the pain, groaning.

Morrison buried his face into a pillow once again and whined, rolling his hips and rocking slowly back and forth, a dull ache in his back and lower stomach that wasn't going away. He hadn't even realize what Jamie had said, he had revealed that he was carrying twins and it would be an even more precarious birth. He was still crying as he was surrounded by fabric and clothes, but at least he was curling up on the bed instead, eyes twisted shot and hands gripping his thigh belly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie took his time fixing the nest. The nest that was destroyed in their fight, no longer a safe place that the omega cultivated - it didn't matter, Jamie could replace that. It was the alpha's resposnibility to continuously provide the omega with fresh clothings and materials that are of use. and sadly, Jamie didn't realise it until now. he had spent way too little time around Morrison, subconsciously he hid away from Morrison and everything that he symbolized - his betrayal from his belief, his impending responsibility of parenthood, his outrageous violation of the omega and... perhaps worst of all, the verbal abuse and manipulation that he felt, more than identified himself.

It was no excuse however. As a medical practitioner, he, of all people, should know the importance of making the omega felt safe to give birth, and the danger of a premature birth with twins AND with the upheaval in emotion of th eomega. He could only do his best now, and wish for the best to his dear God.

"i..I know you never wanted this... just this once though, Morrison, just this once...." he said, flustering watching Morrison in his struggle with the pain.

The large omega had lost muscle weight, that was for sure. It seemed that he had re-distributed his bodyweight, and almost all of it was centred in his dome now. Jamie pressed his hands on Morrison's lowerback, at his sacrum feeling his hips widening, his muscles loosening up and his entire body working towards making way for the babies.

"You keep on breathing Morrison." with the omega laid down, Jamie finally had access to his opening. he peeled away his pants while Morrison was too weak combating the pain, exposing his full buttocks. His bottom had filled up so much, Jamie really had to pry his butt cheeks open to get to his opening.

It didn't look too good, his anus was blinking, but also tightly closed. He rubbed it a few times to loosen the muscles up, but the omega was so tight and dry. Without better options, he licked on the puckered hole.

Morrison sobbed softly and buried his face into his arm and the pillow beneath his head, he moaned low as he rocked his body from side to side slowly. Crying out and hitting the headboard again as he sat up slowly and whined, he couldn't stay in one place too long, it hurt him too badly to do so,"No... No... I can't... I don't want to!" He shook his head firmly, he gripped the headboard tightly and also the pillow beneath him, moaning again as he turned onto his back, sweat dripping down his face now.

His belly was large and tight, larger than they ever thought it would get and it was ignorant of them to even think that he was carrying one baby. He turned over again as Jamie pressed a hand to his back and he squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to breathe in and out and then in again. Not even noticing when the other man tugged down his pants, he blinked and felt the breeze between his legs, toes curling as his hole was rubbed. But once he felt that tongue he couldn't help but kick Jamie's face, forcing himself against the headboard and grimacing as he groaned again,"What the fuck are you doing?" He grimaced and gripped the pillows again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie was indeed not doing a good job as the sole carer of Morrison. It was blatantly obvious he never realised how big Morrison's belly ended up being. As a trained medical practitioner, Jamie was hopelessly ignorant on his "mate's" condition, which added to his anxiety in wanting to remedy that now.

Jamie wasn't thinking much when he decided to lick onto Morrison - neither did he think he'd get kicked on the face. It didn't land squarely on him, but it was enough to draw blood. He had also bitten on his own lip and his teeht pierced through the skin. It was now starting to look like Jamie was beaten up bad by the laboring man, with his eyes swelling from the previous punch and now, the kick.

He whimpered and wilted, holding his face stumbling back. It woudln't work with Morrison not co-operating. "I was trying to check you!" he exclaimed holding his nose. Blood was still running down...

"I don't want to stress you out, but you need help. I'm helping you. Stop pushing me away please." he said, getting more anxious since with twins, it was riskier and he had to have a full picture of what's going on to help the omega. "i didn't lick on you just for fun... i want to at least open you up before i check your progress." Jamie said defiantly, at his wit's end dealing with the stubborn and difficult omega.

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