C In The Old Farmhouse w/ bhdire8

Cassian was thankful for Hector's comforting, laying back against him, gripping his hands as he pushed as much as he could. The head eased back when Cassian stopped pushing, but he tried to keep himself calm, reminding himself that was normal.

Cassian hesitantly pulled his hand from Hector's, gently touching the small bulge of hair between his legs. He let out a weak sob, overwhelmed with emotion that his baby was so close. With his energy renewed after touching the head, Cassian took a deep breath, pushing steadily. He had to take a few breaks to pant, letting the head stretch him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The faint scent of hay and wood was slowly displaced by the slightly irony smell from the birthing fluids and the sweat from both of them. the tranquil little room was now filled with moans and gasps from Cassian, and the occasional encouraging murmurs from Hector. The sailor again spread Cassian's legs wide with his calloused palms, holding his crotch around the bulging head. "You're so close, keep pushing!" he said after the numerous prolonged push , continuing this game of peek-a-boo with the head.

"Good job Cassian..." Hector said, he could only spare Cassian a quick glance to as he breathed heavily crashing down onto the bed. He stared at the head that had almost gone up tot he widest point, as if he was willing the head to stay. But much to his disappointment, it still slipped back once Cassian lost hold of the push.

They had been pushing for awhile. For lack of proper knowledge, Hector had no way to determine if this was normal or not. It had been almost an hour since the first proper push. They made progress, and Hector knew as a fact they were very close to a full crowning - the widest point was the threshold that they struggled ot overcome, but they weer so close, he was sure it would be done on the next. 

Cassian laid back against Hector, panting with his eyes squeezed shut. He was exhausted, but he knew he had made progress, he felt it. Cassian took a deep breath as a strong contraction seized his belly, groaning as he pushed again. He was relieved to see the head stay, but it stayed in that position for a long time.

No matter how hard Cassian pushed, the head didn't seem to want to go anywhere. Frightened, he began to grip at Hector's arms, shaky breaths becoming quicker. "Hector, I'm scared, I want it out," he whimpered, a fresh wave of tears rolling down his face as he pushed against the steadfast head.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector could see Cassian's skin pulling back. The bulge was obvious, and it appeared like there was a watermelon trapped within Cassian, where the only thing pulling it back was the tight skin of his. His opening wasn't stretched enough to allow for the head to pass, the flexibility tested to its limit with each powerful push Cassian managed.

The frustration was building but Cassian's words broke Hector from his own building anxiety. Cassian had been doing all the work already, the least that Hector could do was to keep him calm and anchor him through the process. "You're good, Cassian you are working it the right way! you just have to push taht one bit more...." With the fall of new tears, Hector looked into the mirror anxiously , waiting for that breakthrough....

It was another disappointment when the contraction waned at the last second, and the head, ofr the numereth time, receded back in. Hector feared that more intervention was required. "Cassian, I'm going to try do one thing. On your next push, I will help you." he said, fitting Cassian better in front of him. Helping him sit up taller, he was able to reach his long arms around his belly and held his overstretched ring of muscle. "On next push, I will hold you back.. you give it all you can." he hissed. This could bring potential danger to Cassian, but they had been in this position for quite some time and he feared any delay would have brought even worse consequences.

Cassian whimpered when Hector held back his hole, taking a few deep breaths, waiting for the next contraction. He was petrified, and didn't want to tear, but pushed nonetheless, hoping that Hector's efforts would do something.

It took another half hour of their combined efforts, but the head eventually slipped out, Cassian letting out a small yelp of surprise at the sudden release. "Ch-Check the baby's neck, so we can make sure the cord isn't there," he stammered, hoping that the hardest part was over.

✨don't look at my sin✨

It was probably the longest half hour in Hector's life - right after that deadly storm he'd endured that one time their ship nearly crashed. Each time Cassian pushed, Hector would hold back that tight opening of his to help the head emerge. The fluids were drizzling out, things were sticky and slippery, his fingers slipped more than one time. There were times when he was sure he was hurting Cassian, but finally, the head came and stayed, the forehead, the ears, the nose...

When the chin slipped through, Hector felt such relief rushing through him, he himself slumped back in relief. He nodded, pulling himself together knowing this was far from finished, to reach down and feel the cord.

There was only one way to check - to reach in and feel. it was almost scary. The baby was headed down, looking rather fragile with just the head hanging out. His fingers were trembling as he felt, trying to pry his way through the abused opening of Cassian's.

Cassian let out small whimpers when Hector prodded at his hole, but knew it had to be done. "Is it there?" he asked, voice exhausted and breathless. "I don't wanna push again until I know it's not there, the baby could suffocate, I don't want that to happen," he stammered, eyes squeezed shut.

When he got the confirmation that the cord wasn't wrapped around the baby's neck, he pushed experimentally, hoping that it would help turn the shoulders.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector tried hard to pry his finger through the bloodied opening, the task was made even more difficult with Cassian's opening close to tearing from the serious stretch of the birth. He honestly wasnt sure how a cord would feel, but all he could sense was smooth skin and nothing else.

"No, no cord..." he said hesitantly, reporting his findings and witnessed Cassian again gathering his strength to push. The bloodied head shifted. This time Cassian wasnt pushing with all his strength. His effort was more restrained now.

Hector wasnt sure what was happening. He thought Cassian should be doing this with all thats left in him... "what are we supposed to do now? You... you werent pushing that hard?" He cradled the head that was dangling between his legs, and right in front of his eyes, the baby started turning...

"No, I can't, I have to wait for the shoulders to turn," Cassian breathed, letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt the shoulder begin to do just that. "Are you ready? You have to catch it," he murmured, getting confirmation from Hector before summoning his strength and pushing the rest of the baby's body out.

"Clear out the baby's mouth, so they can breathe, and get the scissors and some string to cut the cord," Cassian instructed, trying to catch his breath, eyes shut as he leaned back against Hector. He did crack open his eyes, though, looking over the baby squirming in Hector's arms. It was a girl, they had their little Ophelia.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The baby came rushing out with a gush of fluids. Hector worked quickly, following Cassian's directions while holding him securely in his arms. "We have a daughter....we are parents now!" Hector exclaimed and kissed Cassian's cheek through his happy tears.

"Welcome to the world Ophelia." he smiled and wrapped the baby up. The swaddle wasn't pretty but it did the job, and he laid her gently on Cassian's chest helping the exhausted father hold the infant.

(err, i guess that's a wrap. lol i feel like i had disappointed you - we didn't exactly make good use of this background isn't it? are you a little distant because of my replies that sometimes come in quite sparsely?)

Cassian held the newborn close, admiring her little features as she took her first few breaths in the world. She was more than perfect, with Cassian's own eyes and Hector's hair.

Cassian eventually summoned the strength to shower and change into a fresh set of clothes, immediately heading back to bed to rest and bond with his daughter. He was sore all over, and was sure he's feel that way for a few days, but was overjoyed to finally have his child. He nursed Ophelia, grinning tiredly at her before looking up at Hector. "She's perfect," he muttered, though he almost wishes every has someone else to share their little girl with.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector would love to help Cassian to that shower, and to care for him as he wobbled back. He wanted to take such good care of this farmboy who'd bravely given birth to their daughter, yet he looked like he could handle it all so well.

Hector watched Cassian nursed their daughter. "yes indeed. She's perfect..." he stroked her chubby cheeks and met eyes with Cassian. "Cass... hmm, if you'd allow me to call you that." he took a deep breath and scooped closer to Cassian, holding him from behind. "i know you could handle this all on your own... in fact, I'm not even sure what i did to help." he said rather defeatedly. "But.... can I stay? i mean... I'd make myself useful. and i want to be a good father to Ophelia.... what's more, I want to be a significant one to you...."

"You were great, Hector, really," Cassian smiled, gently cuddling closer to Hector, closing his eyes and relaxing. "I think if I were here by myself, I would have completely panicked. It was nice to have you here, even just as a comfort. And I would love for you to stay with Ophelia and I, I think you'll make a good father for her. I would love to have you with me, too. Make up for all that time we lost while you were gone," he chuckled weakly, gently handing Ophelia over to Hector once she was done nursing. "You should get to say hello, too."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector gratefully took over Ophelia. "Hello there, little beauty.... I'm your daddy..." the sea hardened sailor found his eyes misting up at the presentation of the fragile new born - so small, yet so powerful. He smiled through his tears and nodded at Cassian. "Thank you... thank you for giving me that chance..." He leaned forward to press a kiss on the exhausted boy, laying down himself as well to hug him close.

The next few days, Hector proved his worth by taking care of both new born and "mother". It would take Cassian days to walk in a normal way, and when he was finally recovered enough to freely move around, Hector had trained himself up to be an excellent babysitter, at times Ophelia even looked happier seeing hector than when she saw Cassian.

Days in the farm was quiet, but time wasn't slowed. Soon enough Ophelia could sit up on her own, crawl, and now... with both parents holding their breahtes, Ophelia finally pushed herself upright to take the first step.... 

Ophelia had been able to stand for a little while now, so Cassian and Hector were waiting for her to take those first wobbly steps. Cassian sat on the rug in the living room as Hector made dinner, grinning as Ophelia stood up, gently patting at the floor. "Come here, princess, you wanna walk over and say hi?" he called softly, holding out his arms to let her know she was safe.

"Hector, look!" Cassian gasped, watching as Ophelia took a few shaky steps with tears welling in his eyes. After about ten steps, Ophelia let out a weak whine, holding her arms out to be picked up again. Cassian happily scooped her up, hugging her close and peppering her face in kisses. "Good job, baby!"

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector had rushed out from the kitchen, drying his hands on the half apron to witness this lovely moment. He watched in awe at the wobbly first steps Ophelia took, crumbling down to the floor joining his boyfriend and duaghter.

"Good job Ophelia... good job my baby...." he ruffled the soft curls of the girl, pressing kisses on the other side of her cheek. "Daddy's so proud of you...." he smiled and squeezed Cassian's shoulder. This was an achievement... and he was feeling more rewarded than even the best trade he'd ever signed.

Cassian laughed as he held their daughter close, leaning back against Hector. She was beautiful, somehow even more perfect than the day she was born. She had dark curls covering her head, and Cassian's dark green eyes. "Got that milestone squared away, huh?" he smiled, his chest bursting with joy at her happy giggles. It was almost hard for Cassian to believe that he had all of this. He and Hector had worked hard to make a good relationship between them (well, not that hard, they were pretty in love with each other) and worked even harder to give Ophelia a good environment.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"That we did... i never know my life can be this complete. With you, with ophelia, with this lovely place that we are sharing and building togrther." Hector smiled. He had been a wandering soul, but now,like no time ever in his life, he felt like he wanted to settle down. His skills as a trader was thoroughly utilized in the daily bargaining in the market, and with the establishment of their brand, they were gradually making a name for themselves - not to mention when Ophelia made an appearance in town, she was basically the centre of attention and people could come buy their products simply for that short moment they can share with the beautiful little girl.

"Dinner almost ready?" Cassian asked, standing from the floor with Ophelia gripping his shirt. "We might wanna get some rest, we've got another day at the market tomorrow. I'll give Ophelia her dinner, okay?" Cassian smiled, heading to the kitchen and settling the baby into her high chair. He got a jar of baby food, beginning to slowly spoon feed the giggling baby, glancing towards the door at the sound of a knock. "Can you get that, honey? I'm busy feeding Ophelia."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Hector nodded and got the door. It was a strange time and he didn't know who he should be expecting at this hour of the night. However it wasn't late enough that he was on high alert, so he just stood there, dumbfounded when here was a complete stranger standing there.

"Err, can I help you?" he asked,tilting his head to the side at the old man.

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