C Trying to Save the City w/ bhdire8

Luckily, with his spider senses, Nick was able to dodge most punches and kicks. "You guys are getting better at this, I've gotta admit," he quipped, carefully taking down the members one by one. By the end, Nick was exhausted, panting and wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "Okay. We need... We need way better security. Like. Way, way better," Nick panted, leaning heavily against Brad and holding his belly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

There were moments when Brad thought Nick would be hurt for real, the kicks from some of the gangs looking fierce and just inches away from landing on Nick's bump, but time after time Nick would miraculously dodge it.

"Well,you handled it really well considering. Not losing your vibe just because you were carrying a full-term belly here." Brad chuckled holding Nick securedly. He wiped away the sweat formed on his forehead. "love ya Nick... and i'm so proud of you." he whispered taking his waist. He leapt from this rooftop to the other, hastening their way back home. Ther ewould need to be a serious revamp on the entire security system - brad's gaze became hardened - he could not allow something like htis happening again.

"We should probably call the doctor, have her make sure everything's okay," Nick suggested once they got home, leaning against Brad for support before sitting down on the couch. "John, can you run me an ice bath, please?" he asked weakly, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. The ice bath was soon drawn up, and Nick changed into a pair of swim shorts, easing into the ice with a long sigh, allowing himself to finally relax.

✨don't look at my sin✨

By this time the butler was well aware of the peculiar condition and needs of his other master. he hurried over ot prepare suit, while Brad stayed by his side wiping away his sweat with a wet towel. He helped Nick change, the other man almost shaky with the recent exertion, and helped him into the ice, only leaving to call the doctor.

He relayed the entire incident to the good doctor, returning into the bathroom. "Nick? Doc wanted to ask you a few questions." he said - there were details that he was unable to give, and th edoctor had requested for a direct conversation with the pregnant man.

"She can come in, that's fine," Nick replied, his head leaned back against a folded pillow (something Brad insisted on). He didn't mind the doctor coming in, anyway, she'd seen his entire body at this point, and he was wearing swim trunks anyway.

✨don't look at my sin✨

(oh i mean at this time the doc was at the other end of the phone call)

Brad handed the phone over to Nick and stayed with him, scooping up the icy cold water and drizzle it on his big bump. The doc had to prepare necdessary tools and medications relevant to Nick's condition now. Brad took back the phone and was a little more relaxed when the doctor told him she would be there in 20 minutes.

tTrusting John to take care of it, Brad went on to stroke the side ofNick's bump. "any contractions? are you feeling any pain? or just pure exhaustion?" he asked, his brows knitted tight together seeing the bruises formed on Nick's wrists from where they tied him up.

((oops sorry))

Nick took the phone and answered the doctor's questions, letting Brad take care of him. He shook his head at Brad's questions, closing his eyes. "No contractions, no pain. I'm just tired," he shrugged, glad to feel the baby settling down instead of moving nonstop. "I'll let you know if I have a contraction, I promise. I'm gonna be just as panicked as you are.'

✨don't look at my sin✨

(lol np i'm sorta ambiguous!)

Brad chuckled quietly. "yea, as if. you'd not even seen me panicked before...." he said stroking the bump under water, feeling the warmth slowly dissipating and Nick again resumed his in general lower body termperture. "Thank god you're fine...." he sighed, letting his worry out as he lenaed his head aginst he side of the tub.

"We're both panicked, it's our first baby," Nick shrugged, running his hand through Brad's hair, wanting to comfort him. "I'm just glad Marcus is okay, honestly. I was so scared he was gonna make an early appearance."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"our baby's strong.. afterall he has 2 superheros for daddies." Brad relaxed some more with the intimate caress from his love. He asked if Nick could accept him and getnly rested his head on his shoulder, enjoying this little time wiht his family.

Dr Miller soon arrived. She had checked the heartbeat and upon the playing of the baby's heartbeat, they were all visibly relieved. "THe baby's fine, but for safe measures I will put you on bedrest for awhile. and an injection will be made just in case your bodygot the wrong message that it's time for the baby to make an appearnace." The doctor said getting the injection ready.

Little did she know the superhero's body was adapted to this, and the precautionary injection ended up enhanced by Nick's body and contributed to him going overdue.

Nick waited as his due date came and went, bored out of his mind, wanting to meet his son. Upon doing some research, he discovered that the hormone that triggered labor was released somewhat spontaneously, and scientists weren't sure if it was the mother or the child who released the hormone.

When he reached the point of two weeks overdue, Nick began to look up ways to trigger labor naturally, especially since Dr. Miller brought up the idea of him being able to deliver naturally. After going through a long list of ideas, nothing seemed to do anything. "I feel like a beached whale," Nick complained that night as Brad rubbed his belly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

They had tried spices and julping, bouncing on birthball and vigorous walking. Other than tiring Nick out, it seemed to have done little. Even Brad was rather anxious. Nick had long passed the time of looking he could drop the bun any minute, now he looked like he'd stuffed a beach ball - max sized - under his shirt, the bump exaggeratedly big.

"Baby boy... come out. It's way past time... gotta relief your daddy." Brad whispered to the belly. In fact... Nick did quite look like a beached whale. Even his spider instincts couldnt keep up with the growth and weight and Nick could not heave himself up any longer, let alone fight....

"Can we call Dr. Miller? She's gotta be able to induce me, there's no way this kid can stay in here for much longer," Nick whined, feeling like he was pinned down like a turtle trapped in it's back. "I don't care if he has to be cut out at this point, I just wanna meet him."

✨don't look at my sin✨

(are we going for birthing during an attack?)

Brad nodded. This had been too long and Nick was exhausted constantly. Dr Miller picked up the phone thinking this must be time, expecting Brad to tell her that Nick's water had broken or his contractions coming. It was none of it and even through the phone, they could both hear Dr Miller's disappointment.

Brad pulled Nick up from the bed and again, fitted him on a birthing ball. "Let's see if more bouncing would work on bringing the baby down..." the baby had descended for some day now, but nohting, no mucus plug, no contraction, nothing had happened since then.

((nah, I'm not really feeling it))

Nick huffed a sigh when Brad sat him down on the birth ball again, bouncing and rocking idly. "Did she say there was anything she could do? Or is inducing not a good idea?" Nick asked, holding his belly as he rocked. It had gotten lower, but that was all that seemed to happen.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"She said she would come take some more measurements, see if there's any sign.. if not, she would return tomorrow with all the equipment and drip." he said. Now that they were so close to delivering the baby, Brad watched intently at the big bump that looked like the smaller twin of the birthball Nick was bouncing on.

"Hey.... I remember your uniform's stretching right." Brad siad with mischief dancing in his eyes. "what if.... before you are losing the belly.... we try it on?" he smiled.

(yea sure... lol i'm not very confident in "action" during birth frankly LOL)

"I dunno if it stretched that much," Nick chuckled. "I guess we can try it, sure. Not much else to do, anyway," he shrugged, standing with Brad's help and heading to his closet. He hadn't even looked at his suit in ages, gently running his hand along the fabric. He missed the Ice Crawler. He could go back to it, but it wouldn't be the same with Marcus around.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Brad's eyes lit up at the prospect: it would be almost the last moment, or day, or Nick being as pregnant. He would love to see him with the suit... he held Nick's elbow onbhis way into the bedroom, then sat down on the bed, also stroking the suit. "I miss the days fighting with you... i am sure in 3 months' time you will be out there again." He smiled encouraing Nick. "Marcus will be independent from an early age, i am sure." He chuckled and lift up the suit while Nick undressed himself.

"Well, yeah, but I don't want him to be independent because we're not here. I'm sure John wouldn't mind babysitting for us, though," Nick chuckled, leaving himself in his underwear before pulling on the suit. It was pretty strained around his belly, and a little around his widened hips, but otherwise, it still seemed to fit. Nick couldn't help but laugh upon seeing himself in the mirror. "God, can you imagine seeing this swinging around the city?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

It was so tight around his middle, Brad thought it couldn't come together... but it did, and...the result was rather stunning. with the suit again on Nick, it reminded him a lot of their active partnership in the past - but that round bump was also stark reminder of what a delicate condition he was in now.

"why, this would only make the 'ice crawler' more fitting right? afterall, spiders DO have rounded middles." he chuckled and came in behind nick, reaching forward, he cradled the big bump in his hands. "and ... guess you'd be creating some panic if you dare swing between buildings! the people are gonna be worried about you...." he chuckled imagining the situation.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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