Jungle Fever (Open)

Wolf "go ahead cum in me I want your seed in me even if my body can't do anything with it" he kisses Jon and cums over thier stomachs and cheast

Wolf "then lets stay sick and if I could i would carry your child. " he hugs Jon closely "I love you"

"My my...I thought you of all people would be a bit stronger than that" his nose twitched at the smell of sweat and musk as his eyes were fixed on both Jon and Wolf. "I see your little escort fled the coop...No matter..." With the Pistol held at them both, carefully reloaded with sedatives. Of course the virus was working in him, but he was not going to allow it to show.

(I figured to have him appear after everything was done lol)

Wolf growls and try's to get his gun"how dare you bastard!" His gun is a little shakeup one handed but its pointed directly at Luke.

Luke sighed, his reflexes moving quickly. "This is what happens when you think with your other head..." Noting the male was shaky, he rammed into Wolf quickly with sheer force, his hand quickly grabbing Wolf's wrist tightly as he jerked back on it as his other hand was aiming directly for Wolf's extended arm's elbow. If everything went right, the gun Wolf had would drop from both pressure points in the arm and je would then pull the gun apart.

Wolf pants and drops the gun he doesn't like being close to the other sniper "let me go" he try's to get free but is still feeling a bit weak.

(Evil thought like can decide to use wolf too just to spite Jon but its up to you)

Luke looked at the Native American and scoffed before sending him flying on the ground with a strong slam. "Pathetic..." he spat as he pulled the gun apart, sending every bit flying in each direction. "Let me guess: You just couldn't help but fall in love with him?" He rubbed his head. "We need to get out of....." before he could finish, something hot burned through his shoulder. Feeling the bullet, a sharp pain formed across his head as he blacked out, his body collapsing on the ground with a heavy thud.

Wolf nods "I'm ok thank you Jon" he looks at his gun and starts gathering the pieces "I should of done better. I'm sorry Jon"

Wolf "I'm fine just startled I've never had to shoot up close. My arm is the worst injury" he looks down

Wolf"you didn't hurt me. when Luke slammed into me the stitches bursted. I should of protected you more instead of you protecting me"

Luke groaned as he slowly recovered. He tried to get up, but his hands were pinned behind his back. His eyes looked around, seeing his.small arm weapons confiscated near Jon's belongings. He chuckled as the need to rub his head from the pain came to mind. "You fought the drugs off quickly I see..." shame he was not fighting whatever else was going on.

Wolf kisses him back "becuse your my commander and I want you to stay alive. Where did the others go?"

Wolf nods and pulls the covers close around himself he watches luke with a glare "morning Luke what's it like to be a tratior"

Luke laughed even further. "Take cover?" He looked in the direction of the handcuffs. "Why don't you go outside and find out what exactly happened to your men" Luke left them just how they were, his own men included. They were all naked but out cold from his sedatives. His eyes stared at Wolf. "Traitor? I've been a Patriot for my own country for years..."

Wolf peeks and blushes. He watches Luke carefully not liking this other sniper at all "what should we do with him Jon?"

Luke chuckled a little. "Who says I'm not..." the blow to his head was making his resistance weaker than when he did not have to concentrate on the pain.Even now he was getting horny "I came looking for you thinking your little friend knew what was going on, but it appears I came a little too late..." Luke could imagine that he fled after witnessing the brief incursion from both sides. "Either way, we need to get out of here immediately. Something is going on..."

Wolf blushes "then we don't need to be here anymore" he moves close to Jon enjoying his warmth

Wolf nods "what about your girlfriend? I'm not so sure she will want to let you go. That is if you want to let her go"

Luke sighed. "Why in my most decent of minds would I create something for men to get it on with themselves?" He let out a laugh. "Following you? You seem to be forgetting something..." he was referring to the case he had all along. The case that caused Jon and his men to hunt Luke in the first place. "You seem to forget something else...I'm only the Scout, not the brains. If I knew about this place, you would have had minimum chance of escaping. This place did not appear on the maps at all and trying to get a signal that works is even more infuriating." He looked at Jon with a strange puppy dog look letting his light brown eyes do the work. "We were friends before Jon...I would not try to trick you..."

Wolf smiles "I'm glad you won't just leave me" he kisses Jon still feeling horny himself. It makes it hard to take his eyes off of Jon.

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