Jungle Fever (Open)

Jon sat in the makeshift cell. Judging from various faces that passed by, not many of them seemed native to the area. His thoughts were cut when Wolf had appeared. "So you are here!" He smiled a little. "I care for you a lot, man" he had no idea if he saw him and Luke the other night. "Something is going on here. Ours and Luke'z men are still going at it. I need some level head people right now. I need you most importantly."

Wolf "you didn't seem to care about going at with Luke. You let him go Jon! He's the whole reason we got sent here and you just let him go" he sighs and waits there for most of the village to leave the "jail" "I'll get you out" he sighs

"No need" Luke appeared from behind them both. "Talk about the pot calling the kettle black though" he found it funny Thatcher Wolf was accusing Jon of something when he went and cut cold turkey as well. "You could have Hottentot court martialed yourself..." With a set of keys in hand, something the two probably should not ask about, he unlocked the door pulling it open as Jon hurried out. "We can talk later after we get out of this forest. There's no telling what else could go wrong."

Wolf "I'm staying here I'm not going with you Jon not after that"

Jon sighed. "I know I messed up. Now's not the time to dispute this. In case you haven't noticed, our men are running around naked angel I already did something I am already regretting. Cut the emotions and fall in line!"

Luke chuckled. "I hate to say it, but right now all the others are losing their mind. Something is making us do these things, so we really need to hurry up and find a way out of here" no sooner than he said that did another wave hit again.

He sighs and nods "yes sir" he groans and try's to ignore the need to breed "then lets go sir"

Wolf follows behind them upset still but follows orders.

Luke stared at the keys. "They were kind enough to give 'em to me" he was telling the truth. The person left them sitting there. Now they could get out the village and focus on making a raft or something. Luke wish he could truly apologize to Wolf, but it happened. He had no real control over his actions like he tried to do. For some reason now, the wave did not bother him as much.

Wolf "what do you think? I know you where with others at one point but I thought with the way you talking I would be your only. But next I see is you all the way in Luke. Like I wasn't 20feet away from you! Just let me do my work sir!"

Luke moved ahead of them while they were conversing among themselves. It worked for the better anyways as he knew the way back to the beach. His mind was also back to clearly thinking when he was away from them. Heading back to the beach, he used the flashlight to find study wood for them to use in making a raft. He thought to ask the village, but he did not want to risk making a scene with Jon being a prisoner of sorts. Instead, he found what he could find, waiting on the two to finish up their conversation.

Wolf sighs "do you truly care for me or is it just the sickness. Will you just go back to your girlfriend once your back home." He sighs and keeps working

Wolf sighs "and what am I to do if it turns out you don't like me "he finds a few big sticks and some vines

Wolf looks at Jon"I'll give you time then but you'll still have to make it up soon enough" he follows Jon

Wolf "what about the rest of our army? They need a way home too even in thier lustful state"

Wolf nods "yes sir " he goes to get supplies food water stuff like that

Wolf nods and even try's to make bow and arrows plus some spears for fishing useing his right arm still hurts a bit. He comes back with the weapons fruit and a wild boar "I can get more if you want"

Wolf "just a little bit. It was in pretty deep so I'm healing well." He makes a basket out of smaller twigs. And puts the fruit in it

Luke watched as both men busied themselves. He needed something to do as well. Having gathered what he could find, he looked for various leaves from pine trees. The stronger they were, the better they would serve at holding the wood together for a raft. "I'm surprised you all did not come on a boat. That would help a lot" he was not complaining as he was able to find various resources.

Wolf sighs "I didn't hate you I was and still am mad at myself for believing you wouldn't love anouther. I was going to stay with them though yes I thought you would take the deer blood as a hint I could of killed one of the traitors and use him"

Wolf sighs "idk normaly I'm not upset over stuff so easily. But I'm still giveing you a second chance. It's more then any white man has ever given my kin" he starts to smoke strips of the boar

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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