Jungle Fever (Open)

Luke shrugged. "What would I need a boat for when I was getting out on a helicopter?" If it got too bad, maybe he would have taken the boat. Instead, they were in a strange area that was not on his map. "So what would you do if we got off this place anyways?"

Luke shrugged. "Or you could just hand me in. Makes it easier for everyone." With a large thump on the sand floor, the raft appeared sturdy enough. "Looks like it's done. Now we just need something to paddle with." To think it took him almost an hour. He felt he was slacking in his skills a little.

Wolf brings a log over "if we chop it right it can make two paddles. I don't blame you for being white Jon its just something grounded into my life. And I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up"

Luke shrugged. "Dunno..." he stared as they offered some form of wood that could serve as something for them to steer with. "Not an expert, but they may work." He was ready to get away from the area. Not only was Jon's men going haywire, but his as well. "We'll test it in the morning."

Wolf is useing the boars organs to gather water anouther wave of heat drops him however.

Wolf pants "I-I haven't realseased as recently as you and Luke its getting bad again."

Wolf pants and shakes his head "I-ill get by I just need to rest" he try's to get up but fails.

Wolf feels pathetic again "t-thanks Jon" he lays there for a bit before he passes out

Luke stared at the fruit. Not wanting to even eat the Boar once, he ate the fruit before finding a spot for himself that was a little far off from Wolf and Jon. Resting under the tree, he stared at the fire before drifting off to sleep. The male had awoke the next morning with a dizzy body. He shrugged it off as him overworking himself seeing as he been moving nonstop. He could also contribute the fact that Jon shot him in the shoulder as well as hitting him on the head. The feeling would pass eventually he was certain.

Wolf wakes up still feeling the heat but goes back to work noting that Jon didn't touch the meat he gathers more fruit and finishes getting water

Wolf nod and has managed to find more fruit "got anything for protein Luke?" He puts the fruit in anouther basket.

Luke stared at Wolf as he asked the question. "Not really" he looked out at the sea, putting the binoculars to use to try and spot some land or anything nearby. It was strange how communications worked well earlier yesterday and all of a sudden everything was cut. Setting out soon would probably help them out a lot. He shook the nauseation off for a few, focusing on the other two for now.

Wolf watches the horizon watching for signs of followers or the men should thier sences clear of the strange sickness.

"So we're just going to row around then?" Luke wondered if a signal would get out in the waters. Taking the other oar, he looked green a little after staring at the water for a few. Now was not a time for him to be getting sick, though je found it a little odd seeing as he never once got sea sick. "So what now?"

Luke only nodded as he continued to row the raft. "Yea...I'm good. Just more exhausted than I realized is all" he could not see Wolf at the moment so he had no idea if he was sick either. They were probably still under the effects of whatever virus was in the air.

Wolf is curled up in the raft having passed out again.

Luke did not need Jon to worry about him. "Really man. I'm alright" he kept on rowing, but stopped the second he noticed Wolf laying on the raft a bit out of it. He examined around, checking the spots Jon said another as he continued North. "Check him out and I'll keep moving" now was not a good time for anyone to be passing out.

Wolf groans "I'm fine just feeling a bit light headed. I don't get sea sick or sky sick so I'm fine" he sits up and looks around

Luke wondered how long it would take. "Perhaps we should find somewhere to stop for him to rest or something?" It was rather bizarre to him that Jon was just fine, Wolf had nearly passed out, and he himself was nauseous. He had enough stamina to keep going, but getting drained like he was from an unknown ailment could take a toll eventually. "You said this other village would take days?"

Luke looked for a few. He did not want to have to land in the jungle again, though there was that case of his that resided in the vacant village he was at earlier. "Alright. Perhaps we could keep going and see what happens or turn off now" he really did not want to turn back.

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