O Solaris University || Open

(Things are looking kinda dead but I still thought I'd throw this out there since the idea hasn't left my head. If anyone's read the manga Sex Pistols it's kinda like that but with my own twist on it. If you don't know the manga no worries; I'll explain. Also no bios on my characters, you can if you'd like, but I'm gonna let mine develop along the way. Also I'm lazy. Starters for my characters will be posted as a reply. You can post your characters and reply to either of my characters or put a start of your own for someone else.)
During the process of evolution-- humans were born. Thus every human has what is called an 'ancestor animal' or 'spirit animal'. About 80% of the population are from apes and monkeys, making them similar to the average everyday humans (perhaps with the exception of the incredibly strong gorillas). The rest of the 20% come from animals all over the world; some of them just as rare and unique as their animal ancestors. These people with rare ancestor animals are called Genus. Genus may take on traits and characteristics of their ancestor animals more frequently than apes or monkeys. Genus may also shapeshift into their ancestor animals when sleeping, feeling strong emotions or stress levels, hurt, or otherwise unwell. As some Genus are carnivores this can be very dangerous for apes and monkeys and even other Genus, therefore extreme caution and protocols have been put in place to protect the lower ranking Genus and primates.

Solaris University is a college where all of the students are Genus and special care is taken to make sure all students are safe. Solaris also provides a safe place for Genus of all species to intermingle without fear of being prey as any fighting is met with serious consequences.

  • All characters will be students at Solaris University and considered Genus. This means you'll be able to chose any animal as your ancestor animal with the exception of primates.
  • All characters should be between the ages of 19-24.
  • If I notice things are slowing down or conversations have become stagnant I plan on introducing University events. Events will usually be done with a time-skip which should also help progress any pregnancies and relationships developing. :)
  • I'll allow up to two characters at first, perhaps more if it's requested.
  • Please keep replies to at least a paragraph-- no one or two sentence replies please.
  • Also, unlike the manga, male and female Genus are capable of natural childbearing. That means your seeder can be a carrier as well, seeder/carrier will be preference more than ability.
My Characters:
Name: Pierce McKinney
Age: 21
Grade: Junior
Animal Ancestor: Jaguar
Seeder/Carrier: Seeder
Name: Leland Cohen
Age: 20
Grade: Sophomore
Animal Ancestor: Leucistic Raven
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier
(Character images were generated by me on Artbreeder. Definitely recommend checking it out~)
(Edit: Added carrier and seeder to characters cause I forgot like a dumb dumb.)

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Pierce's eyes went to his watch for the hundredth time in the last hour, holding back a groan when it seemed the hands hadn't moved a centimeter. It wasn't as if he had any particular place to be today; he'd had two classes this morning and the rest of the day to himself to wander about the campus. Now, however, as lunch was creeping closer and closer the smell of the other students were becoming more and more... Salivating. He was salivating, he realized with a frustrated wipe of his mouth. There was still twenty minutes until lunch would be served in the campus cafeteria, but to the jaguar it felt like half his lifetime had already passed by as he waited. Yes, he was being dramatic. But he'd missed dinner the previous night--thanks to his roommate--and was forced to settle with microwaved ramen noodles with powdery fake meat. Gross.

Languidly stretching himself along the tree branch his was laid out on, he peered down at the bustling figures moving below him. He'd grown up knowing that he was different and unique compared to the primates around him, told that being what he was was rare. Back in his hometown his parents were the only two Genus around-- not that his hometown was very big. Solaris University was different though, every person he saw around him was a Genus, and with so many in one area it was hard to feel very rare at all. Not that it was particularly important to Pierce, but he knew of a few people who held their rarity close and took it as a personal offence to be 'one with the crowd'.

There were quite a few perks to being one of the few avian species around the campus; he was light and fast with quick reflexes, which made getting away from predators a pretty simple task-- even though it was prohibited by school rules the carnivores still liked to have their fun. So yeah, having a bird as an ancestor wasn't the worst thing for Leland. What was the worst thing you might ask? The fact that his ancestor had a particular interest in anything shiny...a particular interest that managed to sneak it's way down the evolutionary scale all the way to Leland himself. A particular interest that often got Leland into more trouble than not. Like now, for instance, as he was being chased through the hallways by some type of feline-- he wasn't stopping to ask. All he knew was that she recognized one of the many trinkets he carried on a keychain on his bag, claimed it was hers, and when Leland refused to return it she yowled at him and the chase began.

A quick left hand turn had him ducking into the computer room, ice blue eyes peering through the door window as the cat continued on down the hall yelling after a bird that was no longer ahead of her. A sigh of relief left him as he dumped his bag to the side of one of the computer desks with a jingling sound and sat down, giving himself a moment to catch his breath.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Name: Austin Corden
Age: 19
Grade: Freshman
Animal Ancestor: Cougar
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier
[Image: 757fe6a37453aae868f2ec864ba0.jpeg]

Austin as a first grader had a lot of classes this academic year and thus little time to rest like some older students. Sometimes he was even late for classes, as some classrooms were located in separate wings of the university. Fortunately, he wasn't alone in it - he was accompanied by his friend Axel, who was the ancestor of the vulture. Maybe it was also strange that Corden didn't stick with other catfish species, but he didn't mind. He liked his friend so much that he didn't care about the fact that he was a bit different race than him. Besides, he had unpleasant experiences from his childhood, which have returned since he started learning here too. Well, the cougar was at the lowest level in relation to most of the ancestors of the wild cats - they could shuffle and use it in different ways. It was also fuelled by the fact that the boy looked a bit like a girl, so he quickly became an object of mockery and sick jokes. Even here, he heard the names or the ironic laughter, but he tried to pretend he couldn't hear. He wanted to live out these four years of university in peace.

But this day was supposed to be special. As in every trivial story, there was someone who, in the eyes of the main character, became someone extraordinary - in his case it was the chairman of the student council Brayson (his ancestor was a lion). Ever since Austin first saw him, he's been in love. Axel knew this perfectly well, and he kept urging him to confess his feelings, but Corden refused. But yesterday he decided he'd try. That is why he wrote an honest letter, which he stuck in a decorative envelope. He was going to throw it into junior's locker and he was about to do so when he got scared by the loud rustling somewhere next door and threw the envelope into the wrong locker. It belonged to Pierce McKinney.

(Welcome!~ )
(I've just gotten home from work so I'll be replying after I sleep. Hopefully this will give anyone else interested time to join. :))

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(okay, no problem! ^^)

(I like the idea. I am interested in joining.)

Name: Jayden Amara
Year: Freshman
Animal Ancestor: White Rhino
Seeder/Carrier: Depends

Name: Octavia Amara
Year: Sophomore
Animal Ancestor: White Rhino
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier

Having been shown around by his sister, he made his way down the rather quit corridor. "BOO." Jayden shook/jumped a little, before recognizing Octavia.
"If you do that again, so help me god I will-"
"No. No you won't. You know you can't take me on in a fight." As much as Jayden hated to admit it, Octavia could murder someone with her bare hands in no time, the stronger rhino genes apparently passing to her.
"Yeah yeah. Don't you got some lecture to get to?"
"Oh shit you're right. Cya little bro!" She ran off. Jayden got a sigh of relief out. He had dropped something but picked it up. It seemed to be a blue necklace. "Can't forget this."

(Welcome, welcome!! Sorry this took so long! Hope you're still interested and anyone else is still welcome to join at any time!)

Finally the hour came where the cafeteria would officially be serving lunch-- and hopefully, if Pierce was fast enough, it was fresh. In a single liquid-like motion, Pierce dropped himself from the tree he'd been lounging in and landed gracefully on his feet. He headed back towards the cafeteria, grateful of the thinning crowds around the campus as the time dictated either the beginning of lunch or another class. Pierce made a quick stop to pick up his bag that he'd thrown in the lockers outside the gymnasium-- it was a pain to climb trees with the extra weight on his back. However a glimmer of white caught his eye before he could completely close the door, swinging his bag gracefully onto one shoulder while his foot caught the locker from clicking shut. Bending down he picked up an envelope that was haphazardly thrown into the nightmarish abyss that was his locker. A quick scenting of the envelope told him it was definitely from another feline, though he couldn't pin-point it any closer than that.

Making his way towards the cafeteria, he opened the envelope and read the rather neat handwriting that adorned the paper in his hands. His head cocked slightly to the side, dark blue eyes moving across the words while a smirk teased the corner of his lips. It was a love letter. That was pretty obvious pretty quickly, what wasn't obvious was who it came from. There was a name, Austin, but it wasn't a name he was familiar with. Not that Pierce went out of his way to make himself familiar with too many people. Much like his ancestor animal; being on his own didn't bother him in the least. Pierce grabbed a plate of food from the carnivore section of the cafeteria, making a pleased little purr at the sight of red meat on his plate, before finding a spot near the windows where he could continue reading the note. He was pretty sure the letter was not meant for him but when had Pierce ever passed on an opportunity to cause a bit of trouble?

The clock rang with the hour, signaling that most people would be heading off towards the cafeteria while a handful of others would be going to their next lesson. Leland watched the few students in the computer room pack their bags and head out, one or two sticking around to socialize. The cafeteria was usually pretty busy at this time, the rush to be first in line for food seemed to be a common trait among the carnivores and Leland felt no need to be a part of it. So he leaned back against the chair and let himself relax after his exciting morning. What he could really use was a nap, he thought as he closed his eyes. Today was a slow day but he had a couple classes in the evening that he'd have to have the energy to keep his eyes open through.

Peeking one blue eye opened he glanced towards the door window and noticed that most of the students that had been filing through the hallways had gone now and it was quieter again. With a heavy sigh he lifted his heavy and noisy bag and slipped back out of the computer room he'd been hiding in. Perhaps it would be in his best interest to at least grab an energy drink from the cafeteria vending machine.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


After dropping the envelope into the locker, Austin tried more than once to turn around and by some miracle pull the letter back out, though it was impossible. Luckily Axel with his strong grip held him back, but he still had to calm him down. So they went to the nearest bathroom and he had his friend wash his face with water and take a deep breath in and out. Vulture's ancestor had told him directly that love was a random roulette and either his feelings would be accepted by Brayson or he would be laughed at, although the chairman seemed like a really nice guy, but the world could be a scary place.

Those words didn't reassure Corden, but he had no choice but to accept what would follow after the object of his affections read his confession. Well he didn't expect that it didn't go to the addressee of his words after all, but to Pierce. Still, adrenaline coursed through his veins. It also increased when they entered the cafeteria, where there were more people than before. He just sighed and they lined up. After a while they walked with trays around the huge carnivore section, but most of the tables were already taken. A bit nervous, the boy said to his friend that they would sit down at the first free table, and as luck would have it, it was the table where McKinney was sitting.

- Austin come on! - cried Axel, waving to him, and he walked slowly towards him.

For a brief moment his gaze met McKinney's, but he quickly turned his attention back to Axel. He sat down next to Pierce, and facing the vulture at the same time.

Name: Jethro Grantham
Year: Sophomore
Animal Ancestor: Cougar
Seeder/Carrier: Seeder
Appearance: [Image: empty.png]

Name: Alex Juarez
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Animal Ancestor: Lion
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier
Appearance: [Image: empty.png]

Jethro Grantham: Hey Everybody My name is Jethro and this is my boyfriend I met him on the first day of College...
Alex Juarez: Yep.. And my name is Alex Juarez....
Jethro Grantham: We fall in Love after that first meeting....
Alex Juarez: Yep it was Love at First Sight (Kisses Jethro)...
Jethro Grantham: Oh Alex (Kisses Alex)...

During this time, Jayden was bored out of his mind, simply staring off into space while listening to some music. He took the headphones off for a moment, as he swore he had heard something, before eventually putting them back on. Jayden was in no rush to eat at the moment. Octavia walked up, and shook him. “I wasn’t even sleeping!” He yelled.
“I know, it’s your reaction I was looking for.” She gave a brief laugh before sitting down on the bench.

“So how you liking the place so far?”
“Could be worse. Could be better. What about you?”
“Just ok would’ve been fine... But that’s also nice to hear.”

Dark and watchful eyes followed the two underclassmen as the filling room left them no other option but Pierce's empty table. Pierce had a few friends, mostly within his own Junior classmen, but they all had different schedules. The only time Pierce usually saw any of them was on the soccer fields when a game was playing. So for the most part he was left alone. Was it Freshman year or Sophomore year when he took a bite out of one of the swim team's omnivores and gained his notoriety? He'd forgotten, but most of his classmates had not. Sure he'd gotten in a bit of trouble and his father nearly took a snap at Pierce himself after having had to pay for the other student's medical bills, but it was all water under the bridge now. Besides, it's not like it's his fault turtles taste amazing.

What did catch Pierce's attention was the name that one of the two called the other; Austin. Those eyes of his, predatory eyes, glancing towards the paper in his hand with a smirk before setting the love note face down next to his lunch tray. His eyes met Austin's for a moment before the younger boy looked away first. A terrible mistake; giving Pierce the upper hand so early in the big cat's game. Pierce's grin only seemed to spread as he watched the one who had his attention sit next to him though his body remained firmly in the other direction. It might have been off-putting if it had been anyone other than the jaguar.

"Hmm." Pierce made a noise to himself as he turned his gaze away from his guests and back towards the food in front of him. Stabbing at a particularly uncooked portion of his meat, Pierce popped into his mouth with a purr. "You two haven't seen the Junior class chairman, have you?" Pierce asked slowly, without really addressing who he was talking to. He didn't have to; they knew. He should know exactly who Pierce was talking about.

It wasn't until he'd managed to get all the way to the vending machine when Leland realized that he had nothing smaller than a five dollar bill in his pocket. Cursing under his breath, he mentally berated himself for not looking out for quarters rather than jewelry. Ah...but it was pretty jewelry. Shockingly blue eyes looked around for any one he recognized with no such luck. He recognized Pierce McKinney, but the look in his eyes told Leland he was busy and definitely wouldn't appreciate his game being interrupted by 'Feathers looking for handouts'. God- even in his head Pierce sounded like a prick even when he was trying to be nice.

Leland was about to give up when he did recognize a face not too far away sitting on a bench. He'd never introduced himself before but at this point he'd dance at her wedding for a Red Bull. Stepping over to the two casually chatting on the bench not to far away Leland brought a hand up as he interrupted.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude or anything. I just... recognized you from some classes we have together." He reached his hand out towards the dark haired female he was addressing. "You're Octavia right? I'm Leland, also a Sophomore." He looked between the two as he introduced himself before coughing awkwardly and shuffling his feet. "This is awkward and weird but I was just wondering if you had any singles?" Leland held up the five he'd pulled from his pocket and pointed towards the vending machine. "I'll seriously give you this five for even just two ones."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Octavia looked up, smiling. “Yeah sure.” She took the amount necessary. “Here you go.” She turned her attention back toward her brother, who seemed to not really give the situation a second thought.
“Don’t mind this idiot over here.” Octavia said, much to Jayden’s annoyance.
“Excuse me?” He said, headphones loosened.
“Anyways..is there anything else I can do for you?” She asks.
Jayden glared over at her before readjusting his headphones.

Leland could have danced right then and there as Octavia held the singles out to him. If he'd had feathers they'd have been fluffed in joy. "You're a lifesaver," he told her honestly, accepting her money and exchanging the five he'd had. His blue eyes fleeted to the man next to Octavia as she mentioned him, though he didn't seem interested or bothered by Leland's sudden appearance and interruption. He held up his hands again to show he meant no harm. "Sorry, again, if I interrupted you guys." The young man, one he'd seen around Octavia before but didn't recognize, readjusted his headphones and seemed to go back to ignoring the situation. Leland should probably take note; he bet it kept the other out of trouble.

Shaking his head Leland pointed back in the direction of the vending machine behind him. "Nah, I was going to get a Red Bull..." he trailed off a bit. Conversation like this didn't come naturally to him which is why he didn't have too many close friends. "Um, since you kinda saved my ass...you want something? It's on me."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


“There’s no need really.” Octavia said while putting her wallet away.
After Leland had left, Octavia turned her attention back toward Jayden.
“Maybe this will get your attention.” He looked at her dead in the eyes.
“Come again?”
“When do you plan on finding a mate?”
“Toward the end of my days here most likely. Don’t want children immediately. And besides, I should be asking you the same question.”
“I plan on getting myself together beforehand.”
“Understandable..anything interesting happen with you?” Jayden asks.
“No not much..”
After running out of things to talk about just like that, Jayden simply decided to go for a walk. Can’t go wrong with that.

"Alright, well thanks anyway." Leland offered the girl a smile before waving to both of them as he turned on his heels and headed towards the glorious light of the vending machine. It almost seemed to take too long for the damn machine to accept one of the single bills as he fed it into the slot, quickly pushing D3 as soon as his payment was accepted. The Red Bull made a clang as it landed in the slot and Leland took it with zero hesitation. There was a sigh of relief as he chased away his morning sleepiness with the sugar and caffeine, cool blue eyes taking in the cafeteria around him. It looked like everyone had settled down now and were either half-way or nearly finished their meals. He passed a linger glance at the table where Pierce held his prey, said a silent prayer for the two underclassmen, and made his way back through the large double doors and into the sunlight outside. There weren't many students outside the cafeteria, a handful here and there had decided to take their food out to enjoy under the sun. Leland would be content with his Red Bull until he could make it back to his dorms where he kept his private stash of food he enjoyed.

Blue eyes glanced up into the open sky, not many clouds rolling through this afternoon, leaving the air warm and light. He'd certainly rather be up there in the clouds rather than here waiting around for his next class-- but alas being an adult with responsibilities was a tough life for a bird.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


During his brief conversation with Axel, he could feel his gaze piercing through him, but somehow he didn't take it personally. Many times people would stare at him after hearing ridiculous rumors spread by other feline ancestors, so for him it was the norm. He focused his attention anyway on his friend and what he was saying than on Pierce, who sat next to him. However, that changed when he heard a question from his mouth directed at them. Surprisingly about Brayson. Why would they want to see him? His heart beat faster. He turned toward the jaguar.

- I don't understand what you're talking about... - he replied, but he was still internally shaking with anxiety that someone might have discovered his secret, who he had a crush on.

That changed, however, when his gaze came across the ornate envelope that was beside McKinney's tray. Where the hell did he get his love letter? Had he been watching him and out of curiosity had by some miracle taken an envelope from the chairman's cabinet? Many strange and impossible scenarios came to his mind. His lips from all this began to twitch restlessly.

- Where did you get my letter? - he asked, placing his hand on the envelope and trying to remove it, but the elder's hand prevented him from doing so.

It didn't take long for the feline next to him to realize just what the paper Pierce had been reading was and Pierce's smile only grew when the younger man mentioned it. The tone in his voice seemed nervous or anxious, Pierce wasn't quite sure but the predator in him found it exciting. Really he could have just pulled the envelope away from the cougar, but found himself reaching for the other boy's hand and physically stopping him from making it across his tray. He released it quickly enough once he'd realized what he'd done-- definitely didn't want to scare the other cat off too quickly--though his bemused blue eyes continued their stare into Austin's own eyes. Pierce certainly wasn't going to be the first to look away.

"Your letter?" Pierce mocked with feign hurt as he pulled the letter closer to him. "This is my letter, you must be mistaken." He waved the piece of paper languidly through the air. "After all I found it in my locker. I mean... it is addressed to Bray but I figured I'd just be a good Samaritan and hold on to it for him." Pierce gave a long and drawn out sigh as he carefully folded the paper back up and stuck it in his varsity jacket pocket. "Though I suppose if you haven't seen him I'll just have to hold onto it until I see him during practice."

Leaning forward against the table so that his face was a little closer to Austin's than it had been previously, smiling with way too many teeth showing, Pierce grinned at him. "Nothing you kiddos have to worry about, I'm sure." Yes, he was teasing. Hell no, was he giving the letter to Brayson.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Austin wanted to cry, but he also knew that crying was overrated and wouldn't accomplish anything and would only make things worse. He preferred to keep this conversation just between himself and Pierce and Axel, who was strangely silent and listening to this exchange of words in concentration. He took a deep breath and moved his hand slightly away from the envelope, trying to think of some reasonable solution to his problem. So he lifted his still bewildered eyes and looked at McKinney.

- I'll do anything you want, but please return it to me... - he replied, folding his hands as if to pray - It's really important to me. I must have made a mistake when throwing envelope, it wasn't meant to go to you -. he continued instinctively, hoping that the elder would pay attention to his words and have less time for a thoughtful response, but he was sorely mistaken.

The vulture, on the other hand, in spite of his previous assurances that the letter must go to the object of his friend's sighs, did not interfere in this intriguing conversation, but only smiled slightly under his breath. Jaguar seemed to be someone extremely interesting, and perhaps even more handsome than Brayson. He couldn't interrupt their chat

While walking, Jayden looked away for a quick moment, before bumping into someone. “Alright what the hell?” He looked down to see what who he had bumped into. The what appeared to be freshman looked quite short. And Jayden wasn’t a giant talking height. He simply helped the guy up, and gave a slightly passive aggressive remark: “Maybe if you watched where you were going, we wouldn’t have this issue.”

To be fair, both of them weren’t looking but...
As Jayden walked away, Henry (Descending from your average dolphin)
had muttered: “Asshole.”
Jayden turned around, staring directly into his eyes. “What.The fuck. Did you just say to me? Why don’t you repeat that?” Henry backed up. “N-nothing.”

Jayden simply glared for a moment. Normally he wouldn’t have let such a thing slide, but this was different. Something about Henry... Jayden simply walked away in thought.

Name: Glitch Blackthorne
Age: 19 (True age unknown)
Grade: Sophomore
Animal ancestor: Wolf
Seeder/Carrier: Carrier
Appearance: Glitch is an elven and shapeshifter. He has a Spirit Owl companion and protector that he has upon his shoulder and they both have a very deep bond that is closer than just being simple but neither shove past that barrier. He has and is blessed by long locks of short hair white as snow and bright crystal aqua blue eyes that catch the presence of any man's wandering eye. He is also gifted with a petite body and generous curves that many a handsome man has been lucky to be able to explore with eager fingers. He is homosexual.


To himself Glitch Blackthorne hummed quietly, walking past many young men and women who were in the halls of the school Solaris. It was his very first day and already he was plagued with stress. He kept his light as an ocean aqua shaded eyes downcasted, not meeting anyone's and acting as him normal passive self. She had earphones in her ears, humming quietly to a mostly favorited Evanescence song that he chose to be played on his phone and allowed himself to be lost in it's haunting melody, getting lost in his own little world that he made since he was a mere, small child. He wished to be anywhere but here where the humans had a stench that sent him wrinkling up his petite nose. He was dressed in a black hoodie, dark black jeans and dark black sneakers as if he could blend in now that he was of the human like species now. He wanted to simply be by himself and himself only and never see another human again.

He sighed from time to time, never wanting to ever be here. Ever. He wanted to always be with his true tribe in the wilds of his lands of Blackthorne. He was once a Prince but now he was nothing more than a pathetic human, scum walking around as if they were the rulers of the world but they were sorely mistaken. Very very mistaken. The owl sitting upon his shoulder gave a hoot to her owner, nuzzling his nose with her beak for a minute or so before resuming to watching over him like a true protector. She was white and brown feathered, able to change size. In other words Decree is a beast of a bird who is blessed with chocolate brown eyes. She has a long and curved beak that is sharp enough to pierce any creature's skull and sharp talons enough to crush bones into dust easily if she feels threatened or if her owner is in danger and as a protector she lives up to her title without fear.

"Ugh .. why am I even here." He said beneath his next outwardly taken of breath. "I miss Blackthorne." He furthered with a frown, feeling more and more homesick. He gathered up his things, making due with what he had left to cherish. "Well Decree .. (talking to the owl protector) at least I still have you." He walked to his first class and sat down in the back row, not wanting to be the student that the professor would choose to call upon. He petted his spirit owl protector as she flew a bit and landed in his lap, talons careful with not digging into her owners flesh or clothing. "Good girl." Glitch said softly to her, gently stroking her head.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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