C B-side Stories (with Whoknows)

“I also apologize... I shouldn’t lie”, he added, kissing him on the cheek. “Hayden... I fell in love with you”, he said with tears in his eyes.

Hayden placed his hand on Josh’s face and wiped away his tears, “it’s alright”, he murmured, “I think, sometime along the line, I fell for you too”.

Josh looked at him with affection and slightly kissed his lips, hugged him. With Hayden he felt an inner peace: “I’m going to be a mother in a moment. I'm nervous”, he said still with tears in his eyes.

“I’m sure you will be an excellent mother”, Hayden murmured, rubbing Josh’s back once again, “plus, you can always ask for help”.

Josh stroked Hayden’s cheek tenderly. He kissed him on the skin. “My guardian angel...” he said moved and grabbed his hand tightly “I have a contraction... Fuck” gasped and more substance exploded from his ass to the ground

Hayden’s eyes widened, “let’s move you to either the garden or bathroom, it’s your choice”. It was only because of the amniotic fluid dripping into the floor otherwise he could’ve staid in that position forever.

“The bedroom... Be with me, Hayden. Please”, he said, squeezing his hand.

“Of course I will”, Hayden chuckled, leading Josh to his bedroom where he could lay down to rest himself.

Josh lay down on his side and held his lover’s hand tightly. He looked at him as he took a deep breath. “Hayden... Would you like to stay with me?” he asked suddenly.

“What do you mean?”, he asked, confused, “obviously I’m going to stay, you’re in labour?”

“Stay here. In my house?” he asked after a while, clarifying his question.

“Oh my, sure I will”, Hayden said, smiling softly at his lover. “Actually, let me get a towel for your waters”.

Josh had him get some towels. During his brief absence, he felt another cramp and pressed his hand harder: “Oh God!”

Hayden walked back into the bedroom with the towels, “are you alright?” He asked.

“Contraction..” whispered he felt really hurt. He looked at him with a faint smile, “Can I hold your hand?”

“Of course you can”, Hayden said, holding his hand out, “when they get further together, my other patients found comfort in swaying with me or their partners, we could try it if you like?”

“We can do this, I trust you”, he said, smiling slightly at him. “Thank you for being...” said thankful

“It’s no problem at all”, He smiled, “now, we might be here for a few hours so I suggest taking a nap or putting on a film”.

“We can turn on the movie. Maybe I’ll sleep with him so you can always see something interesting”, he said, smiling softly as he stroked his big belly.

“Alright, you’ll need your rest”, Hayden said, beginning to stroke Josh’s stomach.

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