C B-side Stories (with Whoknows)

Josh grabbed his wrist and then looked seriously in the eyes. He wanted to say something, but then Josh started licking again and hissed in pain: “Oh God! It hurts!” he said with tears in his eyes.

Hayden stroked Josh’s face, “I know baby but soon you’ll be able to hold your babies”

Josh watched as he leak and gasped sweaty. He stroked his stomach. “I want to give birth... I want to push, Hayden do something”, he begged desperately: “Give it up!”

Hayden bent down and checked Josh’s birth canal again, “you’re 6cm now!” He cried out, “you are so close, would you like to bounce on your birthing ball?”

“Yes!” he shouted desperately, clutching his hand ” I’m afraid, more and more!”

Hayden brought the birthing ball closer to them but rushed closer to Josh when he screamed about being scared, “I would be worried if you weren’t, love”

Josh wiped tears from his cheeks and as he got up to get on the ball, a little blood flowed from his anus. “That’s a good sign?” he asked anxiously.

“I’m some cases that’s normal but we should probably keep an eye on it”, Hayden mentioned, wearily.

Josh sat down on the delivery ball, clinging to Hayden. “What should I do?” he asked earnestly.

“Just sit there and bounce yourself gently, if you don’t have much balance then you can hold onto me”, he reassured, “this should speed things up”.

Josh clung tightly to his lover and shook his hips with a moan. It was heavy and painful. He cried softly

“Oh baby, don’t cry”, Hayden cooed and tried to wipe away Josh’s tears, he held him against his body and stroked his back.

Josh couldn’t stop crying. Slowly he put his feet on the ball with pain.His anus was clearly visible in the mirror opposite.

Hayden could see a tiny slither of a babies head in the mirror, “Josh!” He exclaimed, “you shoulda told me you were pushing!”

“I’m sorry!” he shouted remorsefully and began pushing with effort. Screams flooded the room. Not braked

“Shh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stress you out”, Hayden apologised, “but I think we should move you back to the bed”.

“No! I won’t move!” he cried, feeling the contraction and pushing with all his might, crushing the hand of his lover.

“Alright”, Hayden replied, trying not to wince at the pain, “keep pushing baby”.

Josh pressed and lost energy and strength over time. He sweated, “I beg you... Help me.”

“You have to keep pushing baby, I don’t want to lose any of you”, he said, hoping that Josh would listen to him.

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