C B-side Stories (with Whoknows)

Josh moaned martyrly and felt really tired. “That’s the head, isn’t it?” he asked, feeling his eyelids closing.

“Yes, yes, it just came out! Two and a half babies left!”, he claimed, watching as Josh tried to doze off, “stay awake!”

“Hayden... I have no strength”, he said with a feeling of tiredness and no strength to act.

“When this baby is out, you can have a nap, ok?” Hayden said, panicked, they couldn’t leave the baby half out!

Josh breathed and gasped and felt his anus stretching painfully. “Oohh...”

“That’s one shoulder out! Just one more then your first baby is here!” Hayden cheered, happily.

Josh was screaming and pushing at the same time. He felt the muscles being torn, but he was so tired that he didn’t care about the pain.

Finally the first baby came out, Hayden lifted them up and placed them into Josh’s arms, “there you go”.

Josh started the baby while he was shocked and looked at the crying baby with horror. “God”, he muttered in disbelief.

“What?”, Hayden asked, using a towel to clean the baby off.

“I have given birth to a child...” he said still shocked and looked at his bloodstained thighs

Hayden nodded along, “yes baby, you have”. He used a different towel to wipe off the blood inbetween Josh’s legs, “now you need to push out the placenta, why don’t you let the baby breastfeed?”

Josh nodded and put the baby slowly to his chest as he delivered slightly pushing the placenta.

Hayden grabbed a black bin bag to hold the placenta and got out his sterilised scissors, he used the to cut iff the babies umbilical cord. “You can have a quick nap soon”.

Josh nodded and pulled on the bed with his help. He gently held the newborn and closed his eyes: “It’s terrible, but it’s also beautiful. I’m scared, Hayden”, he said honestly.

“You’re bound to be, you’re a new parent but over time you’ll get used to”, he murmured, moving to sit next to Josh on the bed, “I didn’t check the gender, do you want to?”

“Yes, please...” he said in a sleepy voice, stroking the back of a newborn baby sucking milk from the nipple

Hayden lifted up the towel the baby had over them and had a peak, “it’s a boy”, he exclaimed, his eyes watering.

Josh smiled slightly and grabbed his hand “Thank you... And don’t cry", he said, touching his cheek

“Ignore me”, Hayden said, chuckling.

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