C B-side Stories (with Whoknows)

Felix looked surprised at him, then put the book aside.
"Almost seven months... That's how long you delayed to ask."

He frowned and shook his head, “I’m sorry Jordan”, he mumbled. He sat up and pulled him into his side, hugging him.

Felix gently embraced him and then smiled. He wanted to keep him under control.

Alex held up the remote and turned the tv on, hoping to find something interesting to watch. “Is there anything you’d like to watch?“, he asked.

"It could be American Horror Story," he replied, resting his head on his shoulder.

“Sure”, Alex mumbled, focused on getting up netflix. He clicked on the film to begin playing it. “This is weird”, he said.

Felix looked at him curiously.
"What?" he asked quietly

“The program. It’s weird,” he repeated. He still sat there and watched it, too drawn in to look away.

Felix laughed quietly.
"Well... Such a climate," he replied and continued to stare at the TV curious

Alex soon began to feel frightened at the scented playing upon the tv. He managed to hold in the fear though, not wanting ‘Jordan’ to know.

Felix watched it unmoved, and when the episode of the show came to an end he looked at it.
"It's late... It's time to sleep."

Alex nodded and stood up, stretching. “Goodnight”, he said, planting a kiss on ‘Jordan’s’ forehead.

Felix smiled gently. He turned his back to him, falling into a pleasant sleep.

Alex couldn’t sleep. He had spent hours tossing and turning with thoughts clouding his mind. He didn’t understand how someone could change so much. Jordan used to hate horror films, he would always beg for them to be turned over. It was how they got on so well. They were both haters of horror films.

Felix was the opposite of Jordan. However, he didn't know a lot of things, so he made mistakes, which Alex noticed. He didn't know what would happen in a few weeks.... No one was prepared for these events

Eventually Alex fell asleep, he couldn’t help but feel as if something big was going to happen. Y’know the feeling, almost like a shadow is over your head.

It was also evening... Late at night. Unaware, Felix was asleep in bed, not expecting his twin brother to reach the flap in the floor by some miracle and gently lift it open

Alex heard some squeaking and woke up, he had only been in a light sleep. His heart began to pound but he didn’t want to wake up ‘Jordan’ just incase he imagined it.

He got out of bed and snuck outside of the bedroom.

The real Jordan could barely stand on his toes, feeling pain in his back. His abdomen was quite large for the conditions he had to live in. He felt a slight cramp in his lower abdomen. He quietly gasped at every movement.

Alex crept downstairs and froze and what he saw. “Jordan?” He whispered. But Jordan was upstairs in bed? Why was this Jordan so dirty?

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