C Teacher's sweet pet. (w/ SilentFeather)

The following day, Renzo checked his program after taking his morning shower. He was now aware that today he had no classes with Connie, which meant he wouldn't see him today. It passed him off a little, but tried to cool off. He had someone else he often hooked up with, a fellow professor of his.

He paced down the hallway to the professors dorms, stopping by Harry's dorm and opening the door with the key. He found Harry to be asleep, his blond hair a mess on the pillow and he was shirtless. Renzo didn't feel like talking much, so he pulled down his sweatpants and released his erection as he climbed onto Harry's bed.

Harry woke up startled and in pain, but tried to follow Renzo's aggressive rhythm as usual.

When Renzo was done, he left. No hello, no goodbye. He simply left like Harry was nothing.

Next day, Renzo's first class of the day was with Connie. The older man was inevitably needy to see Connie. He eyed the boy throughout the entire class, but remained as serious and stoic as usual.

When the class was done, he dismissed everyone, but asked Connie to stay. Once it was just the two of them there, Renzo stood up and walked up to Connie.

"I planned on paying you a visit yesterday to see how you were doing," He let Connie know, thick brows furrowed together. "But how are you feeling today? Do you still feel...pain?" He questioned him, sounding a bit worried. Renzo hated that he felt such affection for the boy, something he never experienced with Harry, whom he had been fucking in secret for months.

"I think I should've taken better care of you, and... I shouldn't touch you again... Not like that," He stated, yet his hand reached out and he took Connie's tiny hand into his much larger one.

Connie was driven to the school grounds as usual, wishing his kind-hearted Father a gentle goodbye for the day, giving him a kiss on the cheek as most sons did who showed true affection to oneanother. He was never fearful to be affectionate with his beloved Paternal, and after doing such he opened the door to the car, acting as normal, concealing his inner turmoil, bottling down his hurt and discarding his confusion.

"Bye Father. See you at 3:25 A.M. You know .. the usual time we are "released from school."

"Alrighty, greatest son of mine. And stop slouching boy, we are sending you to this school to be a Gentleman .. "a proper, well behaved "Gentleman". Do you understand, that?"

"Y-Yes Father .. I-I apologize. Alright, I have to be going, Father. The bell .. it already long rung." Becoming nervous, Connie came up with the most convincing enough excuse, gripping a strap of his bookbag which contained heavy back-breaking burden of books of various mannerisms, customs of boyhood, and how to be a proper, upstanding male in the Society, as well as home, and community.

"Alrighty then, son! remember what I sad about that Posture, eyes straight, ears pricked, and head held high. It's all about Etiquette. See you son, got to run to work, your mother is running me ragged."

"Yes Father. I will remember." Connie smiled the most convining he could, masking his true emotions ever so expertly from his gestures and facial features.

He smiled one last time with a chuckle, taking hold of the wheel after lighting up a cigarette and started the car, driving off from the school grounds, leaving Connie to face his conflict alone, and although not entirely sure of how, or even where to proceed, he still turned and began to walk, bearing the explosion of intense shifting in his feeble pelvis and the nauseating sound of bone softly popping alone with the feeling of bone against bone with each step he forced himself to take.

- - - -

That day, Connie entered the room before all students did, clenching his teeth behind his lips to endure lowering himself from standing to wooden seat, somehow grateful as well because of being on a flat surface, he adjusted his hips and darkly bruised asscheeks, biting back a urgent to be expressed hiss of discomfort. That day he was adorned in his usual attire, the same additions of dress-code, long shirt, black tie and the sporting of usual short skirt and formal shoed attire, neatly shined to absolute perfection. His hair was neatly combed, falling into a gentle wave to the side, each hair in it's proper placing and adding to his feminine-physiqued nature.

Connie remained on perfect task, focused on Professor Renzo's Lecture, same-engaged as he was each day. He adored learning all that his school had to teach, and was becoming quite the young upstanding Gentleman. He jotted down notes, unknowing that he was being eyed by his Professor, just indulged in his studies like the other students around him in the class.

As the bell rung and the next journey was to be made to the second class, he acted normal, keeping his discomfort and his body's urges to express of silent natured, tightly clenching his well maintained pearly whites behind his light pink lips, arising from the wooden chair as if casual. But before being dismissed like his other classmated he was left to comfront his Professor, but he did so silently, standing straighter than before, and being the proper pupil he could possibly be.

"Y-Yes P .. Professor. I .. I am alright as I can be .. I suppose. But I do feel a bit .. off-kilter with balance and the "spanking" did leave behind quite a dark bruise, it is highly sensitive to touch but I deserved it .. for d .. d .. disobeying the r - r - rules of the school. I .. deserved it .. for not following the rules."

"I .. It is alright, Professor. You do take care of me, you are an exceptional teacher, a pillar to his students even, and please, Professor, you must not be a victim to a beatng you do not deserve, nor do you need to apologize for nothing you did wrong. Because such is fact, you did absolutely "nothing" wrong. It was a "spanking" but just a very long one, I just never experienced one, well basically none, well .. beyond the outer surface of my rear before. I guess I must have been "extra punished" with an "internal paddling" but do not worry .. I will heal, inside and out. It'll go away as well as the swelling and I will be right as rain once again." Connie smiled, even though it did not fully reach Cheshire length. He remained standing before his Professor, wondering as to why he appeared and sounded so worried of voice.

"There is no reason to be worried, I am fine, the spanking was 'intense to endure" but completely, completely justified from you, Professor. You are just obeying the orders of your job." The young pupil commented further, highly reduced to pestering confusion by the remaining lingering worry in his Professor's voice.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Oddly enough, it felt like little Connie was comforting him. Like the kid was trying to make him feel better about himself, which certainly took Renzo off balance. He had raped this boy, and here he was, telling his predator to not feel guilty or bad about it. And fucking hell, Connie's sweet little smile was disarming and sweet, and Renzo didn't feel deserving of such things.

He stood up all of sudden, thick brows furrowed together, his gaze fixated on the roof. He tried to find something to say, but couldn't. Then, a single thought traveled across his troubled mind.

"I do think I went a little over the top, so if you do not wish to wrong me, then keep that between us," He stated, walking around Connie, then adding, "And I would like to see you in my office later today. When night falls," He stated, voice cold and distant. "There will be no punishment, I just need to have a look at your bruises."

Then, he stormed off the classroom, slamming the door shut.

Around 8 pm, Renzo was in his private office arranging some things, aware that Connie would be here any time now. He wore his black pants and his buttoned white shirt was half undone, so most of his very muscled chest was exposed.

He heard a soft knock on the door and he was immediately on his feet, knowing it'd be Connie. Fuck, he had spent hours trying to get himself together. The entire day he had been hard, so aroused just thinking of being inside Connie again.

Renzo quickly opened the door, but his pleased expression shifted drastically when he noticed it was Harry. A deep frown settled on his face, feeling annoyed. "What are you doing here?" His voice said it all, he didn't want Harry here. But that look on Harry's face said he needed to talk. So maybe he'd offer Harry ten minutes max.

He stepped away from the door, a clear sign Harry was allowed in. "Alright, what do you want?"

Connie the pupil's smile seemed to fade, becoming that of complete confusion. "P-Professor Renzo? .. I .. I shall keep the "punishment" a secret. But you simply did what as best. There is no need to feel sad. I deserved it for my cell-phone. And yes Professor, tonight I shall be present at your Office. Nightfall. Um .. t-thank .."

He stuttered, trying to come up with a quick enough response but yet was cut off, jolting with a startled flinch as the classroom door was swung closed with a rather harsh slam. For a moment he remained where he was standing, books clutched ever so closely against his small, perky feminine-breasted chest, tightly, as if they were a teddy bear.

He dd not know why but he felt conflicted heavily conflicted. But soon after a few more minutes, he willed his body strength to proceed with movement, and by doing such, he merely sighed heavily, slowly venturing from the empty room and closed the door behind him with a gentle click, and departed to his own "dorm" room, residing to sleep and forgetting to remove his uniform, not caring about it, of anything, or even, how he would be able to make his hair look the next day.

Soon, he fell asleep, but set his alarm to blare for when the very first signs of Nightfall fell, but for now all he needed was a bit of rest to clear his clouded head, and soothe his just as frazzled nerves.

- - - - -

A teacher, a young man known as Harry had gently stepped up to the door of his Office, softly knocking on the smooth barrier of wood with a series of three knocks. His hair was styled neatly, combed to absolute perfectly in an upward swooping of slight spikes but in a slight curl like fashion of style, giving it a slight tom-boyish/girlish flare. He was wearing a dark red vest with a white undershirt or rather if said a button up, it was neatly ironed and both were expertly attired upon him, he wore a long black dress that night, embracing his feminine-ness ever so boldly, proudly and fearlessly. Harry was what you would call a "hopeless-romantic" sort of fellow, even more hopelessly in love with Renzo. They've been fucking in secret for months.

Harry had a pussy, too. They always fuck using condom, but there had been once or twice where Renzo didn't give a shit and fucked him raw, to which Harry complained a bit but never too much, knowing Renzo was in charge and he was the dominant in their "relationship" and he didn't want to piss him off.

But now, now with the such Harry showing up to to tell Renzo he thought he was pregnant, he wanted to, oh Gracious Gods he did, but refrained and doesn't actually tell him. "p-"P-Professor Renzo, I .. I .." He began his speech, a slender, feminine hand was clasped over the other, seeming to wring his fingered digits, all of which were perfectly manicured to perfection and added to his unnaturally feminine appearing beauty. "Uh .. where to begin .. um .. well .. I know that I am the very last person you wish to see at your door but I think we should .. I mean .. I came here .. I .. uh .. came here to give you .. t .. to give you something .. I came here to give you .. well give you .. this .. please forgive me! .." He whimpered and took a great risk, abandoning all protocalls of professionalism, and stole a kiss, throwing himself at Renzo embarking on a journey of self-discovery that even the likes of he never knew of himself, he pressed his lips flush against against Renzo's own claiming them ever sp passionately, something that his Dominant Renzo had never experienced from a submissive such as Harry, simply pressing the front of his own slender, petite, and feminine body ever so gently up against the larger man's own.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The moment Harry closed the distance between them and went for a kiss, Renzo felt irritation creeping into his veins. He had other things to attend, not deal with Harry's odd turmoil of emotions. But still Renzo found himself dragging his much larger hands across his fellow teacher's body, until they stopped right onto his perky ass, squeezing firmly.

Now Renzo was going to teach Harry a lesson. He had to. The Italian man was sure the younger teacher's feelings had gotten involved, that was probably why Harry was so impulsive lately and tried to steal these type of kisses more often lately. But Renzo didn't want to have to deal with his.

"You know you're crossing so many fucking lines," He growled, while hoisting Harry's petite frame up and making him sit on his desk, yanking the skirt of his dress up. "Stay down," He commanded, forcing the boy to lay his back down on the desk as well, "And keep your hands to yoursel," He instructed Harry, while releasing his cock. It was semi hard and ever so huge. Right after that, he ripped Harry's underwear off, showing the torn fabric into the pocket of his own jeans.

Harry made an outburst close to moaning-groaning, his lanky yet muscled body had sung out non-verbally as he was hoisted upward, soon resting at upright attention upon his lover's desk, doing as he was told to do and laid on the desk upon his backside, answering with a harmless showing of his hands to his Professor love interest, blazing with an air of an innocent smile and then held the wood, knowing of what was destined to occur, what was to penetrate him.

"I know Professor, but when crossing such lines of yours it is a risk I am willing to take to please you. Please Renzo .. take me .. ravage me! .. destroy me!" He purred, and had whimper-whined as his underwear was torn from him, blushing as he heard the fabric ripping. "I love it when you take me from behind Professor!" He raised his eyes, letting them lock into his Renzo's own.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Renzo was rarely in the mood for talking, and right now he didn't feel like it, much less to hear Harry's obvious feelings pouring out of his lips. The older man removed his neck tie fairly quickly and placed it around to Harry's head, effectively placing it over his mouth and tying it firmly behind his head. "I want you quiet tonight, only your muffled sounds will be heard," He sentenced, voice suddenly stern, as well as his glare.

He forcibly yanked Harry for a moment off the desk, flipping him around and making him bend over instead. Renzo's large, heavy hand smacked his ass. "This is what you like, don't you?" He smacked him again, this time harder and he found it to be a rather blissful sensation when he noticed tears making Harry's eyes glisten. He spread his legs a bit more and he slapped his cunt from behind with his open hand, in consequence splashing his wetness. "Oh and you're fucking wet. You're such a pitiful faggot," This time he slapped his bare, overly fat cock against Harry's unprotected cunt.

In response to a command from his Dominant, his Professor of a lover, his "irreplacable" Renzo, or Professor Renzo as he always adresed him as, Harry the teacher had nodded, excitedly he did so, expressing a smirk, one that seemed Cheshire Cat worthy which indeed had took a momentary gestation of time curling up, the corners of his lips did so as he he noticed Professor Renzo unfastening and removing of his own neck tie. It was of normal attire of his Professor, and was one of which once embraced the contours of it's sides, frontal and back, but soon although he wished to be vocal to the room and his Dominant through their latest "sexual-escapade" he knew that this was a means as to remaining silent, and also knowing and being wise to, even though he was an "absolute" and utter "chatterbox". was the true puzzle, a puzzle of which needed to be soothed and nurtured before ..

It was too late to do such.

He grunted as his jaws were contained behind the thick, coarse, yet was thankful, ever so gracious for the smoothness it gifted his lips with as friction from the older gentleman's movements as the tie was yanked upon. He remained where he was laying upon, only proceeding when permitted to, which was after he was "muzzled", ever so much like a dog, he felt like, reminding himself that he had to be lower in the Heirarchy to gain his approval, his adoration, and above all, his "love" even, and to be honest, if it meant that he needed to grovel, be called derogatory names, just to feel an ounce of his affection, then so be it, he needed it, very much, very, very much.

As he was yanked from his backside and the wooden desk he grunted, muffled by cloth but it was rather meek, kitten like, and rather quiver-riddled if heard by others. Tensing up as he was bent over, he relaxed his posture, using the desk for leverage as he remained rear up, presenting his vulnerable ass-cheeks to the predator on the prowl's ravenous eyes. Once in line of sigh they were targeted, and within minutes he was a sobbing mess, whimpering after the third strike, first was his rear, second was the same, and the third, well the third strike, which was to his highly sensitive, highly nerve-ending of a cunt, had sent him off-kilter, un-coordinated, clumsy, knobby-knee, antsy in his legs, reeling, heavily panted, pulse racing, and above all, rather heavily, deeply, and needful of oxygen to sustain of the precious that was depleted.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The sound of Harry's sobs and whimpers were like music to Renzo's ears. He loved dominating and humiliating his ever so willing victims, like Harry and all the lovers he'd had before. Connie, or course, was the only exception.

"That's a good girl," He whispered in Harry's ear. "Always so willing to have my cock in your pussy even when I hurt you. Isn't that pitiful of you?" He chuckled, mocking him, being ever so emotionally abusive.

Renzo was reminded of how frightened Harry was those times when he fucked him unprotected, and tonight he would do just that again. The much bigger, more masculine male released his meaty, fully erected monster cock, slapping his large endowment against Harry's tender, ever so sensitive pussy.

"You never should've spread your legs for me that first night, you stupid slut," He hummed just as his hips rolled forward and his humongous, overly fat cock was forced inside Harry's never prepared enough insides.

Harry mewled moans, practically melting at the sound of his Professor Renzo's sexual whispers, each word was like liquid gold, so priceless, so mouth-watering. "Yes, yess .. yesss .. gods above yes, Professor, yes Daddy .. my pussy is willing to be destroyed by your cock. Please .. I am pitiful as you wish for me to be, just use and abuse me to no end if that is what you wish."

He purred, appearing as if brave-hearted on the outside, but yet inside, where it mattered the very most, he was terrified, completely of so, his pulse racing and heart clenching within his very chest, one of which was heavily rising and falling with many panted breaths. He, unlike his beloved was much more on the petite side, more slender and smaller than him, sounding with a sharp yelp-grunting as his erect, masculine monster of an impregnator had struck his highly sensitive, nerved present pussy lips.

As the moments rushed by, he tried not to but he embraced his Professor's shoulders, grunting as the first few inches were forced inside of him, and ending it with a few slight groans/moaned mixed outbursts, but did not struggle nor complain. If this was a way to gain the Professor's affections then he would embrace all forms of torture to gain that such love.

No matter the torment.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Despite Harry never bating an eye to Renzo's obvious abuse inflicted on him, it was clear in the noises that spilled from his lips that he was in pain. But none of it made the older teacher stop, instead, it only added fuel to it. His hips were slamming far harder, forcing the entirety of his monster cock inside Harry's depths. He was ever so tight and so damn wet for him.

Renzo began to move even faster, plowing Harry's insides in such way, so violently and brutally that the desk creaked under their weight. A soft knock on the door came to be, but neither Harry nor Renzo heard such thing. It was Connie outside, who happened to hear someone being brutally assaulted. He knocked again and waited, but realized maybe his dear teacher was bringing punishment on someone else and decided to leave.

In the meantime, Renzo continued to destroy Harry's insides, brutalizing his canal. He was merciless and ruthless, fucked Harry like he was a mere, useless toy. "Feels better fucking you raw, feeling your walls straining like this around my bare cock." He grunted, low and deep, signaling he had just reached his climax. His pulsing piece of meat began to pump Harry full, overflowing his insides with what felt like gallons of his scorching hot seed.

Harry grunted as his innocent body was being dominated from behind ever so violently, it being cut off by a moaning as he was slammed into with enough force to add a bruise to him. He felt as though his very insides wee being rearranged with each plowing. He gripped the front of the desk, trying to clench and grit his teeth but he had been caught off guard by such things.

He cried out, clenching his grip on the desk a bit tighter, struggling to hold onto it, to be strong as he was meant to be. His ears slightly perked upward upon hearing the sound of the wooden door being knocked upon but just thought that he was simply delirious, that he was merely hearing things that just weren't there, proceeding with continuing to offer his body to his forceful beloved.

When the meantime occurred, as Harry's insides and canal were decimated, he cried out, one final time. And although he tried not to, he felt his body give in, his heart straining to stay conscious, to remain alert and ready for further command. As time passed he noticed how strained his Professor's throbbing girth was within him, and without warning he was exploded into, becoming of more like a "cum dumpster".

But through it all, he dared not to complain. Even when he felt like he could barely proceed with movement.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The sheer amount of the Italian man's potent seed had Harry's belly swelling out a bit more. The older man continued to rock his hips back and forth, powerful and deep, until he emptied the contents of his balls inside him.

He pulled out, grabbing his fat girth in his hand and slapping it against Harry's overly abused and ravaged cunt. "Good whore," He chuckled, finally moving away and leaving poor Harry splayed out on his desk.

"When you're done, lock the door," He fixed his pants again like nothing happened, and walked out rather nonchalantly without looking back.

Harry cried out as his very monumentally pillar like Professor's substantially over-spilling seed had been expelled into his womb, causing his aready bloated of abdominal cavity to expand further outward, each thick as a quarter drop distending it's fleshed interior further downward to where it had increased pressure upon already painfully strained hipbones, causing him to whimpered. As he was used as a "cum-dumpster" he accepted, remaining still as his thighs were being yanked and gripped by the male above him, letting him freely assert dominance upon any body part he desired.

Soon, within a lust-hazed, sex-driven daze, he felt his beloved Professor, Renzo, was his name, depart, but not before retrieving his masculine mammoth like girth and yanking it from his very insides, the same of which were now of highly sensitive and tormentedly throbbing to no possible end, but did not complain, nor snivel, not one single bit. "Thank you, Daddy," He said with a soft, breathless purring, remaining on the desk where he was splayed out on his backside upon.

He slowly arose to a position, one of upright sitting, redressing and softly panting while doing so, it was because he was quite flustered, sexually opened (vaginally speaking) and his assets exposed to the wind which made his already inflamed flesh even more hardened (his nipples, speaking) as well as his easy to startle and rouse clit and it's surrounding pink, soft as a newborn petal lips.

"Y-Yes Professor Renzo, r-right away .. h-have a wonderful rest of your e-evening .." He raised his eyes, hues gazing curiously at his Renzo, wishing that he was those fingers fixing his pants. "And thank you for the nightly sexual experience, I-I .. love .." Before he could say the words he longed to speak, his beloved Renzo had left the room, leaving poor Harry to wallow in his own self pity. "I love you, Renzo .." He whispered softly, gathering himself mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually as he redressed his own self, redoing his formal attire, first his shirt, then his dress and finally had retrieved and readorned himself in the underwear he tossed aside while in the throes of lovemaking.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Harry was long gone from his mind the moment Renzo pulled out of him. Thoughts about Connie inevitably filled his mind. He hated that he couldn't get his student out of his fucking head ever since that night.

By the time Renzo made it to his room, he was hard again, just thinking of Connie. He ended up jerking himself off, closing his eyes and imagining being inside the petite boy again.

Soon after that, he dozed off to sleep.

A few more days passed by, and Renzo had made sure to keep a bit of distance between him and Connie. Nearly every night we went to bed hard just because of the unsuspecting boy.

Those days he avoided Connie ended up being for nothing.

Today a man had come from another school to teach some sort of sex Ed class for the boys. The teacher talked and talked nonstop about how they were to save themselves for marriage and "be a good housewife" to their future husbands.

Renzo stood by the corner of the classroom, unable to get his eyes off Connie. Once everything wrapped up and the students were dismissed, Renzo approached Connie.

He wasn't sure if he was making things up, but the older man could've sworn he saw Connie's eyes lighting up as he noticed Renzo's attention was on him after so many days of keeping distant.

"You're still a good boy. Even if we slept together, it doesn't mean you're less pure. Plus, your future husband doesn't even have to know you've already had sex. In fact, no one has to know it was me," He stated, taking Connie's arm and pulling him farther away from the rest of the class. Once Renzo made sure no one was looking, he pulled Connie into an empty classroom.

Harry went about his remainder of night, and the days following of  were mundane without his beloved Professor in his existence  He wished he was loved by the man that his body feared but his heart craved, even enduring all forms of abuse and beyond, just for the ultimate chance to be touched by him.

It was the absolute thrill, but also the most soul-crushing, and his Professor was a smart mouthed, silver-tongued sly heart-throb as much as a heart-breaker. But he would go through flames of hellfire and the trenches of no-man's-land just to be touched by such a smoky hard-to-get man like him.

And that was what he was doing.

He did the very same, only rubbing himself to the image of fantasy within his mind. His mind tended to be quite like that of a butterfly, always jittery, always craving Renzo the professor to lift him up, even in times of being ignored and disregarded he remained feeling that way.

- - - - -

Connie had felt rather neglected ever since his Professor had kept distance from him. He wished to remain a friend of his, even though he knew that he was good inside, he kept blaming himself for the separation between pupil and teacher.

One morning, as he was in usual "perfect attendance" he noticed the presence of a new male who had arrived from a nearby school, innocently remaining silent as a mouse through the whole entire lecture. All the young lads were swooning over him but not Connie, no Connie was fixated on his studies, not elsewhere, but there was a part, a miniscule piece of him that wished for the Professor to be the one lecturing him that day.

And through it all Connie tuned in, absorbing all, and keeping his thoughts, those of budding curiosity inward, and to himself but was still focused. After the official dismissal, Connie went to depart, his pitch-black, lower white-striped and short upper thigh length skirt ruffling silently with movement as he turned to leave, dark dark onyx brown eyes lowered to the floor but when he spotted his Professor's presence he brightened from his depressive state of facial emotion, smiling wide with eyes as bright as the first lights of the sun, in other words he was filled with true bliss, extremely, extremely so.

"I am a good boy, I have been Professor, Professor, I swear I am. Sex? Is sex a punishment? Professor Renzo?" He said softly, whimpering silently but yet still diligently obeying, following close after his teacher from the other just as focused, motivated pupils and into a more suitably empty section of the school's farthest classroom.

"Are you sure I am not a bad boy, Sir?" He asked worriedly, his voice soft, feeble, as if it were a carefully carried china glass. "I have been keeping my cellphone off until after school."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Not a punishment at all. When we had sex, it was... It was not your punishment. I just lost control, honestly," He confessed, deciding to b straightforward about it. Sure, Connie was younger, but he wasn't dumb or stupid. "I like you and desire you in ways I shouldn't."

He came to sit down by the chair by the desk, taking Connie's hand into his and pulling him close, having his student sit on his lap. "I know, I know you've been behaving. I ask around about you all the time just to make sure you're doing okay." He touched Connie's cheek, then brought a finger down across his chin to tilt his face up and press his lips against Connie's in a slow, gentle kiss that only lasted for a few seconds longer.

"To make it clear to you, sex is not a punishment or a sin. Sex is something you practice with someone you're drawn to, my sweet boy. You want to give it another go? Have your teacher touch and own you like before? I can be gentle, I can make you like it."

Connie was confused at first, knowing no single clue about what the word "sex" even meant, but he did his best to listen, to comprehend as clearly and as concisely as he possibly could. He stood where he was, too fearful to react on his very own. He was usually punished for doing simple actions, so now he was restrained "minded", not knowing what to do.

As he was sat beside by his Professor he reacted, but with that of high curiosity, his curiosity indeed piqued, but not realizing that he was a "pawn" in a sexual triangle between his Professor and another, Harry, that of what the esteemed "Professor Renzo" had not seemed to have a single iota of passion nor an ounce of affection for.

"Sex? .. if it wasn't a punishment then why did it hurt? punishments are supposed to hurt, Professor Renzo?" He asked, curiosity and a bit of hesitation in his tone. "W .. Will it hurt if we do "it"?" He furthered with questioning, much too cowardly, even a bit fearful of making a direct promise he could not keep to his Professor, his teacher. "I do .. like it when you touch me, is that alright to confess, Professor?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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