The Demon's Bride
Hiro chuckled and continued to nuzzle the boy. "No it's not. I would of smelled it along with your wonderful scent. Such sickness can't even touch me my bride. I could never you leave alone unprotected my little flower. Because if someone or something tried to steal you away. He smirked and showed off his teeth. "I would kill them or it. I am a very selfish god. I will not share you will anything or anyone but our cubs. Now my bride, how about a bath to help relax you". Hiro purred and cuddled the boy as he carried him to the springs though the temple.
"You know...I just washed. I don't think I need one. Maybe just best to let me pass out and sneak away when yer not loo..." All words stopped when he finally noted the bared teeth. "Or a bath sounds good...please don't eat me." Tory gulped as he was all purred and cuddled. Maybe it was time to just except his fate as...whatever a boibride can be to a demon tiger god. "You know...Im not that little. Well..I guess...compared to you...well...damnit."
(Quick Sketch of the Demon. I can refine it more later)

[Image: 8275951353_43ba572a9b_c.jpg]
Quick Tiger Demon by Mental-Mouse, on Flickr
(12-16-2012, 06:12 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: (Quick Sketch of the Demon. I can refine it more later)

[Image: 8275951353_43ba572a9b_c.jpg]
Quick Tiger Demon by Mental-Mouse, on Flickr

((Glad you Like it. I'll put it in my refinement and reference folder for further development!
Maybe draw him with his "Bride" at some point))
(12-16-2012, 05:58 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: "You know...I just washed. I don't think I need one. Maybe just best to let me pass out and sneak away when yer not loo..." All words stopped when he finally noted the bared teeth. "Or a bath sounds good...please don't eat me." Tory gulped as he was all purred and cuddled. Maybe it was time to just except his fate as...whatever a boibride can be to a demon tiger god. "You know...Im not that little. Well..I guess...compared to you...well...damnit."

Hiro chuckled as the boy tried to get out of being his mate. "Don't worry my flower, I would never eat you." Hiro carried the boy to the hot springs bath. The bath was the size of a large lake with a waterfall as a shower. It had moss covered stones surrounding it and steam coming up from the warm water. There was a large tray floating in the water filled with bath oils and soaps. Hiro set the boy down and nuzzled his neck. "Ready for a bath my bride?. Please wash yourself up and then I want to you put on the clothing I have laid out for you over on the bench. I will return for you and escort you to the dinner hall for dinner.Hiro left the boy in peace as he left the room to prepare their chambers and dinner.
(12-16-2012, 07:07 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: ((Glad you Like it. I'll put it in my refinement and reference folder for further development!
Maybe draw him with his "Bride" at some point))

That would kick ass. Thanks please do!
The boy burrred as he was set down and nuzzled. "Yeah...yeah..." He muttered as he looked over at the Demon God Thing and waited till he appeared to have left the area! "Now for my cunning plan!" Tory declared with gusto! Cringing right as he noticed he just how loud he had made his remarks. "I...err.." He stammered just before splashing into the water. Slowly Floating back to the surface, just letting his nose break above the waters. "Now for my cunning plan." He once more remarked. But it went more like "blug blug blug."
Thinking himself alone...he slowly swam himself across toward the other edge of the spring...well he was about to before he noticed just how massive this little "Spring" was.
There was no way he could swim that far in his fit condition...He'd need a raft!

And thusly he tried to climb up upon the table. With all its nice smelling things and other such unmanly thingamajigs. This, as the laws of narrative required, backfired. As he grunted and groaned to get atop the table...which he really didn't need to do. He could have stood, but he was trying to have a dramatic moment. Which just caused him to flip the table over! Dumping all its contents over himself. This ofcourse, as it got into his eyes, got him all splashing and flailing about like a drowning octopus!
(12-16-2012, 07:13 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:
(12-16-2012, 07:07 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: ((Glad you Like it. I'll put it in my refinement and reference folder for further development!
Maybe draw him with his "Bride" at some point))

That would kick ass. Thanks please do!

Will do. Sorry about delay in reply. Was drawing abit.
Hiro purred as he set the table in the dinner hall. He placed a bowl of locally grown fresh fruit including rare fruits, a plate of rich cheeses, a bottle of wine, two crystal wine glasses, a silver platter of assorted chocolates, a plate of raw meat for him and plate of cooked sliced meats for the boy. He went into their chambers and set up candles around the room, laid a variety of different colored silk and satin sheets on bed along with animal fur skin blankets from his past hunts. He looked around the room and declared it ready for their wedding night. As he approached the bathing hall. He heard the loud splash and saw the boy falling off the table and thrashing around in the water. He couldn't hold back his chuckle as he helped the boy wash the oils and soaps out his eyes. He decided to continue letting the boy believe that he didn't know he wasn't a female. "Having a little trouble my little flower?"
(12-16-2012, 07:33 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote:
(12-16-2012, 07:13 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:
(12-16-2012, 07:07 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: ((Glad you Like it. I'll put it in my refinement and reference folder for further development!
Maybe draw him with his "Bride" at some point))

That would kick ass. Thanks please do!

Will do. Sorry about delay in reply. Was drawing abit.

That's ok! I understand!
The boy, for his part, cursed the lack of actual cunning in his cunning plan as he stood there getting washed out by the tiger demon god. He was for once oddly silent for more than a minute. Well beside the few sound he made each time he felt the Tiger's paws upon him. "Im notta flower..." He grumbled as he spat some of that oil tainted water from his mouth. He may soon just have to accept that he had no great cunning plan. He might just have to 1. Get Kill When the Demon Finds out he is not just an oddly flat chested girl. or 2. Give it up to the Beast and hope for the best. Though Option 3. ""Wake up and realise it was all just a dream"" seemed like the Best Option.

If his favorite option, #3, failed well than...he had better hope those clothes left out are both warm and comfy...cause he doubts that there will be much in the way of "Not in terrible manners of pain" soon.
(12-16-2012, 07:52 AM)Mental-Mouse Wrote: The boy, for his part, cursed the lack of actual cunning in his cunning plan as he stood there getting washed out by the tiger demon god. He was for once oddly silent for more than a minute. Well beside the few sound he made each time he felt the Tiger's paws upon him. "Im notta flower..." He grumbled as he spat some of that oil tainted water from his mouth. He may soon just have to accept that he had no great cunning plan. He might just have to 1. Get Kill When the Demon Finds out he is not just an oddly flat chested girl. or 2. Give it up to the Beast and hope for the best. Though Option 3. ""Wake up and realise it was all just a dream"" seemed like the Best Option.

If his favorite option, #3, failed well than...he had better hope those clothes left out are both warm and comfy...cause he doubts that there will be much in the way of "Not in terrible manners of pain" soon.

Hiro chuckled as he helped the boy out. He leaned near the boy's face and sniffed him. "Mmm..what a wonderful idea using all of the soaps and oils on yourself my bride. You smell even better and your skin is feels even smoother than ever. "Come along now my bride you must be hungry. Let's get you dressed and partake of our wedding dinner. Hiro wrapped a towel around the boy's waist and carried him to the bench. He set him down gently and dried him off with another towel. He grabbed a brush and fixed the boy's hair up into a bun and tucked a few flowers in it. He then placed a fine golden chain necklace around his neck with a jade tiger's paw charm on it. He grabbed the outfit and moved the boy behind a silk screen with black wooden frames and golden tigers painted on it. "Here please put on this outfit my bride". He left the boy behind the screen to get dress as he waited.
It could not be known if the Boy's face was red from anger or blushing from all the gooeyloviness..or because he thought he was soon to be done in. Whatever the cause, the boy was not really gonna ponder it. Nope, he was how ever going to fiddle with the bun and necklace. Taking the Charm in hand and giving it a gander. If he was less of a man, or more along the lines of not so scared, the lovely gift might make him swoon. But no, it just made him wretch abit...

The pondering on the charm had to wait though. If it actually did anything, well he could not know. But he did know that a giant Tiger Demon God with Desires of Carnal Pleasure was waiting. And he did not really wish to actually irritate him...well that is, not too much anyways. So, in defeat, the boi slowly got into the dress. Or atleast he tried. Even the if it was a simple set of clothes, he apparently had trouble donning them. Stumbling and tripping about. Struggling with the damn thing before he some what managed to get it on...and than promptly started to fall over.
Hiro chuckled as he watched the boy's shadow though the screen as he struggled to put on the simple wedding Kimono. It was a long silk white robe with cherry blossoms on the sleeves and bottom with a dark pink sash. The hem pooled on the ground causing the boy to step on in and trip over it. Hiro decided to help the boy out. He chuckled as the saw the boy laying on the ground struggling to get the kimono on. He chuckled and helped the boy up. "Here my little flower allow me to help you. Hiro slipped the boy's hands and shoulders into the kimono first. Next, wrapped it shut and tied the slash around his waist giving the boy the illusition of womanly curves. "Now my little cherry blossom, let's go enjoy our wedding feast. Hiro purred as he picked the boy up bridal style and carried him to the dinner hall.
Tory didn't seem quite capable of much coordinated movement. Not after all that stumbling with the Kimono..but hey, to him it seemed like it would be a hassle to get offa him. Even if it did make, atleast his shape, seem more womanly. Though all such illusions are gonna be quickly dispelled once he opens his mouth...or for that matter, his legs.

"Im not a cherry Blossom..."He mumbled as he was seated. Grumbling, well, that was until he spotted the food. So hungry was he,due to not eating earlier cause those damn village elders wanted to make sure they could just fit him into the dress, that the mere sight of food caused him to momentarily forget what was going on.

So it was that in short order Tory started to devour whatever was before him. Quaffing whatever drink and consuming whatever food. Well that was until he noted what he was doing. That being hastening his arrival to sexy tiger demon god fun tyme.
Hiro chuckled as he listened to the boy's protest to being called a cherry blossom. He carried the boy to the dining hall and sat him down at the table. He joined the boy by sitting across from him. He chuckled as the boy devoured the food in a staved manner. Hiro calmly watched him as he tore into the raw meat in front of him. He stopped when he noticed the boy slowed down and was chewing quietly in thought. "Is something wrong with the food my cherry blossom. Are you full?. Hiro stood up and picked the boy up and sat back down with the boy in his lap. He grabbed a piece of chocolate and held it to the boy's mouth. "Say sweet cherry blossom. You must still be hungry, it seems like you haven't had a bit of food all day. Hiro purred as he stroked the boy's side with his tail. "Or if you are full, we can move on to our wedding night".
This Boi's head nearly exploded as he was picked up and promptly sat upon the Tiger's lap. His body unable to quite stop fidgeting and squirming as he rested there. "Naagh...I mean Awww." Tory went as he heard a threat of Wedding Night and Bed Chambers! As of right now there was no such thing as full and no such thing as enough food. Doing whatever it takes to delay his impending doom! Which at this moment meant trying to eat cake at a painfully slow rate. This, to the boy, was going to be an incredible feat of will. Trying to eat the cake very slowly but not so slow as to quicken his arrival to Bed Room Adventure Time.


Ofcourse that tail was tickling him. And he could not help himself from those damn giggles.
Hiro chuckled as he saw the boy's plan to delay his wedding night plans. "Please my little cherry blossom try not to choke on the cake." Hiro purred as he felt the boy squirming in his lap. "It seems like someone is excited about her wedding night. Please keep squirming my little flower it feels very nice and it's going to help get me ready for our activities later." Hiro continued to tickle the boy with his tail as the boy continued to eat. "My what a healthtly eater you are and you are not even carrying our unborn cubs in your belly yet. Oh! I see what a good mother you already are being preparing your body for our cubs. Don't worry my little flower your belly will be swollen soon enough with cubs. Even though it's alright pretty swollen now with food". Hiro chuckled as he stroked and poked the boy's stomach. "Please hurry up and finish eating soon my bride. I don't know much longer I can wait to have you. I might just skip our chambers and have you right here on the table.
And with those words the boi started to flail about madly...well the tickling didn't help. It was really much like having an over active vibrating cushion on your lap. One that was warm, spilling cake all over the place and making strange giggles. Tory really wanted to say something. Or Run away. Or just be knocked out. But all he was going to get was PURE ABJECT TERROR as the tiger demon godmanthing talked about his impregnation plans for the boi. And despite the boi knowing it was IMPOSSIBLE! (Silly Boy!) He could not help but have his mind race through a series of images. All concerning him being with the creature's cubs. "O Gawds!" He part shouted part giggled out as his mind reached the mental images of the birthing process and the incredibly painful logistics of that EXPERIENCE!

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