03-07-2012, 09:33 PM
Robin had lost track of how much time it was taking for he to find a parking spot. No one in college orientation had told him that commuters would have such a hard time finding an open space, especially those who arrived later on in the morning. After what seemed like forever, he settled for parking on the side of the road, a half-mile away from campus. He knew his leg would be screaming and protesting by the time the day would be over with. No matter. This was a new beginning and a new Robin emerged, dressing in a flower-print blouse and jeans opposite of the gender he accepted himself as. He had clearly taken painstaking steps to look as natural as possible, as opposed to the over-the-top style of a drag queen. Robin trodded to the university center, his gait slowly giving in to a noticeable limp. The cafeteria provided a surprisingly diverse selection for breakfast, and Robin blended in line, just how he had imagined. He picked out an empty table and sat at the end, glancing at his watch. There was still an hour before his first class, he realized as he began to munch.
Mpreg Central's resident gearhead princess!