02-25-2016, 06:31 AM
Sherlock gave a kind smile to Mr. James, though the shifter stayed downstairs as Ash went to check on their siblings. He merely set the bags down an glanced about the room. It seemed rather normal for the most part, at least to what he could tell this was a normal looking house. Nothing too fancy and all that. He didn't really care, he was just trying to occupy his time as he wasn't too sure on what to say to Ash's father. Deep down the man was still afraid that Ash's family still had some...dislikes towards him. A nervous glance was given to Mr. James before he finally spoke to em.
"S...So....other than what...has happened...um...how is....everything?" Sherlock asked em.
"S...So....other than what...has happened...um...how is....everything?" Sherlock asked em.