07-29-2013, 01:42 AM
"It's....complicated," Leo said as he prepared the wild chickens that Shizan just plucked to be cooked. He was going to wait to tel Shizan, but they're mates now and going to be having kits soon so now would be the best time to tell Shizan. "I felt like I was the slave and he was my owner: I had to do everything and he just sat back and did nothing. Unless he yelled at me for not doing what I was supposed to do or if there was something to be done that he'd prefer to do himself like cooking, mowing the lawn, etc. My brother felt the same way. At least that's what he has told me.
"I've been trying to break away from his control and be able to do whatever I want to do when I want to do it, but haven't been able to. Until now. Now I can do everything and anything without worrying about him yelling at me for not doing what he wanted me to do."
"I've been trying to break away from his control and be able to do whatever I want to do when I want to do it, but haven't been able to. Until now. Now I can do everything and anything without worrying about him yelling at me for not doing what he wanted me to do."
Everyone should experience the wonders of pregnancy...including men.
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