08-08-2013, 07:41 PM
"Please, stop it," Leo mumbled in his sleep not hearing Shizan. "I'm already mated and you're hurting me."
Leo sobbed even more as the human creature doesn't stop only to continue even rougher than before. The kits in his belly begin squirming as if they knew Leo was in distress.
"Please, you'll hurt my babies," Leo mumbled again. He couldn't say anything to his captor in his dream so only Shizan could hear what he was saying.
Leo sobbed even more as the human creature doesn't stop only to continue even rougher than before. The kits in his belly begin squirming as if they knew Leo was in distress.
"Please, you'll hurt my babies," Leo mumbled again. He couldn't say anything to his captor in his dream so only Shizan could hear what he was saying.
Everyone should experience the wonders of pregnancy...including men.
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