12-25-2017, 06:23 PM
"Babe... this proved why I need to arrange for this trip... I want to kiss you anytime!" James chuckled. Horu was so shy in front of the kids, James sometimes felt like he lacked the time to be intimate with Horu since Henry and Johan were always near. Hepatted Horu's back when his wife had become emotuonal, and kissed him again. "Yea i feel like we havea lot of packing to do, but thankfully it would be summer clothes, easier and less trouble. Just remember to bring your swimming shorts." He smuled at Horu. He had insisted on buying one for pregnant male, at the time he had told Horu he might find swimming to be relaxing since in water, the bellt would be less heavy. He rubbed the bottom of Horu's belly and added. "And the kids already knew they would be going to grandpa's for awhile... it's just 10 days i am afraid you might be tired if it lasted any longer. Just a little trip before we are oncw again too busy with these 2 coming." He said ezplaining. He would like to make the trip even longer, but he didnt want to exhaust his wife.