Empty hearts' café (Open for Everyone)

He couldn't believe it. After months of hard work and suffering, he managed to get his little cafe. One of the first LGTB cafes in the city, where people could go on a date and not be uncomfortable with their sexuality and gender. But now, watching the test in his hands he could feel the storm on his back.
A positive test. He was pregnant. For five weeks
And he didn't know who the father was.
Five weeks ago... The music festival. He remembered getting drunk with his friend and then going to a VIP tent with the hottest guy on the festival. The rest of the festival went fine, counting they have to share their tent with two kids on their first festival.
Well, he couldn't think about that now. He had to open the cafe, his clients were waiting for him.

Hi! Welcome to "Empty hearts' café"! For now I'm looking for clients, a part-time worker, and a landlord! This thread will be more focused on the pregnancy itself, so it will be longer than usual. Also, every character has a story so not be shy to tell!

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Empty hearts' café (Open for Everyone) - by paulaenlaluna - 02-15-2018, 02:41 PM

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