08-10-2018, 06:46 AM
Jackson Tucked his phone into the pocket of his pants. When the paramedics got there, they’d tell him which hospital Zander had to go to. While waiting he comforted Zander through a contraction. “Hey, if you need to, you can squeeze my paw,” he offered sweetly, holding it out for him. This would be good practice for when Parker had to give birth.
He lightly rubbed the raccoon’s shoulder to comfort him. He had no idea what contractions felt like but judging from his face, it looked like they felt awful! He felt bad for him. He glanced at Parker, wondering what it would be like when they had to go through this.
Luckily the paramedics arrived, and an eagle and a ferret entered calmly together to help Zander grt to tbe hospital. They asked him some basic questions, and prepared to get him up and ready to go.
Jackson quickly mentioned that he had a planned hospital, and told them which one it was.
He lightly rubbed the raccoon’s shoulder to comfort him. He had no idea what contractions felt like but judging from his face, it looked like they felt awful! He felt bad for him. He glanced at Parker, wondering what it would be like when they had to go through this.
Luckily the paramedics arrived, and an eagle and a ferret entered calmly together to help Zander grt to tbe hospital. They asked him some basic questions, and prepared to get him up and ready to go.
Jackson quickly mentioned that he had a planned hospital, and told them which one it was.