09-04-2018, 04:05 PM
"I like grooming you, little one. I am sorry if I woke you up. You can sleep again." Ke'anu said softly with a loving smile, laying down near his beloved son. He yawned once, falling into a light but worthwhile slumber. He slumbered for a while, dreaming about him and Camlen making such sweet lovemaking but did not make it seem as though it was like that. He stayed still but inside he was in an internal war with his feelings. He wanted to be friends with Camlen and had awoken as he heard his yelp of fear. He got up gently, speaking to him. "Are you alright, Camlen?" He asked softly to his friend simply to be in a friendly sort of way.
He nodded, laying his head back down lazily. He felt as though he could express his feelings for Camlen in his dreams. He yawned as he slumbered for a longer while. He slept soundly, feeling as though he could simply sleep and dream and express his feelings and so much more for him."Camlen .. I need to tell you something .. I am sorry for .. putting my feelings out there like that. You are right I don't know you but we can be just friends if you want. I am fine with that." He said as he awoke from his sleep, expressing himself as he had expressed a warm smile. He gazed at Camlen, his smile was friendly and inviting.
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather