09-15-2013, 03:39 AM
Luke chuckled lowly at the sound of trees moving above him as he rested on the ground near a building. Several of their pursuers ran past him, not noticing him once. He would have killed them, but it was not his style. He only killed when he had to. The sport was endurance, something he could do for a good while thanks to his training. He knew who was after him and his cohorts now. It was Jon. His tongue rolled around his lips as he found the time to act. The soldiers that ran past him would find themselves dealing with other rogue soldiers. That left Jon and the ever watchful pest in his sights. He could have mistaken the movement in the trees and bushes, but humans gave a different scent compared to animals. The man was no exception. With a smoke grenade popping off, he.chuckled madly as he moved from his position.
Luke hid off in the trees after hiding his cover from both watching eyes. With the large rail gun activating with a charge, he planned out his next action accordingly. If he fired at Jon, the "watcher" would think they were bringing war into their town. It was true, but.it was apparent to Luke that he dealt with Rafa first. Then again, he could not pass up this chance to send Jon rolling towards the river in an effort to dodge. The sound of electricity surged through the air as it aimed directly towards the ground near Jon. He fired off again just to see him dancing. The male was not running. He was just waiting around. He was the predator after all.
Luke hid off in the trees after hiding his cover from both watching eyes. With the large rail gun activating with a charge, he planned out his next action accordingly. If he fired at Jon, the "watcher" would think they were bringing war into their town. It was true, but.it was apparent to Luke that he dealt with Rafa first. Then again, he could not pass up this chance to send Jon rolling towards the river in an effort to dodge. The sound of electricity surged through the air as it aimed directly towards the ground near Jon. He fired off again just to see him dancing. The male was not running. He was just waiting around. He was the predator after all.