09-17-2013, 08:46 AM
Winter closes his eyes as it becomes visible the damage done. His sides are already trying to bruise from talons cracking his ribs. He is bleeding as well as he lays on the cave floor. Any cat would have flipped being lifted into the air in such a way. And winter had tried to stay calm and stay limp in the near death experience. He licks streak's cheek lovingly laying on the floor of thunders cave. A good friend to both thunder and Dante. The healer kneels down and focuses first on stopping the bleeding. He then focuses on the cracked ribs. "Did a rather big amount of damage. Winter. Its so unlike you to let so much damage happen." He says quietly obviously having treated him before. Though never having seen him as a human. Winter llet's out a weak growl in warning though he can't do any damage in the state he is in laying next to streak his body a furnace from living in the cold. "Yeah. I got the message." The healer chuckles and stands up. "Don't let him do much for at least a weak. Try not to move him too much. He's stubborn and tends to re injure himself on accident."