02-21-2019, 04:07 PM
(02-21-2019, 03:48 AM)lxcttrll Wrote: Marcus swallowed down the ibuprofen, knowing it would be a little while before they kicked in. "I'm good, the baby's good. A couple kicks here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I was wondering if you were gonna induce labor, 'cause you said I was already dilated a bit yesterday, and they talked about it a lot in the ER when I first got in."
“Wi am glad to hear you are both doing well,” Dr. Foss says as she comtinues to check the monitor readings. According to these readouts you have been experiencing some small contractions.they are s Between this and the fact that you are starting to dilate I think it would be a good idea for us to induce today. However, before we talk about our options I would like to examine you again and also check the baby’s position. I know it is let the most comfortable position but I am going to have you lay flat for the exam,” she tells him as she moves to the bed’s controls to lay the bed flat for the exam.