Set to Sea (closed RP with @bhdire8)
After a few days, Arthur had procured a vessel, and James was even closer to his dream of escaping the small village. In that time, he spent time with his new companion often, mostly working and helping make preparations for travel; he'd taken it upon himself to create an inventory for supplies, and balance out the finances available in petty expenditures with the necessary expenses. However, he couldn't deny that he was starting to grow pretty fond of Arthur's company; the tall man proved to be enigmatic with his stories, yet full of vigor and vitality much like himself. They shared a kinship in their desires, their aspirations, and it was this that forged the first bond of friendship.
James had just finished saying goodbye to his father, the elder man delighted to have James venturing out at last. He wanted more for his son; he wanted James to become who he was meant to be. Not a human, trapped in a small village, stuck in the mundane cycle of marrying a local maiden and having plenty of children. Rather, the Selkie that he was; a man full of confidence, undaunted in facing the vast world ahead, and forging a new legacy on the sea and foreign turfs. With his father's approval, the brunette had a light heart, and a kick in his step as he made his way down the main pier, to where Arthur would be waiting. He came upon his companion with the brightest of countenances, embracing him with a familiar handshake and a gay smile. "This is it, then. Board is ready, just give the word and we'll be off.", he said excitedly, his entire body electrified with anticipation. He turned to board the bark with Arthur, having been on board a few times already to chart out their lodgings and stock. But still, with every preparation now complete, it suddenly seemed like an entirely new world to him. He couldn't help his boyish delight in heading up to the nose of port bough and looking over, down at the calm sea below. He envisioned it; the life he'd lead from now on, the joy of being at sea....he was no fool, of course; the sea was a dangerous watery grave to humans. Arthur likely didn't share in his delight for open water travel, as the seas could prove to be fearsome on stormy nights. But James figured that if worst came to worst, he'd be able to help in some way or another. Not only was he a Selkie, but he was quite a strong swimmer if faced with the task. Either way, he had not a single worry for their voyage, finding only freedom as a gust of wind buffeted around him.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Set to Sea (closed RP with @bhdire8) - by sipscan330 - 02-22-2019, 04:15 PM

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