09-25-2013, 05:58 AM
Luke rolled his eyes a little, trying to find other ways to stay focused. "Oh I would be if you count me stopping the government as corrupt and their loyal dogs, that's you..." he felt the harder grip on the cuffs, the event arousing him even further just as well as allowing him to think. "What makes you think when they wake they won't just go back to it? I tried everything before knocking them out. It was as if they were in a trance." Maybe Luke was lucky in that he was not around anyone. Now he was catching the strange virus in full effect. "You act like me getting tired of war, wanting something better for the world is wrong...Like every stereotypical American: When one person sees differently, you see them as monsters." He turned to look at Wolf. "And what about you? They (Caucasians) came to your motherland and practically wiped you out. Now here you are acting like a sick slut to him..." Luke was trying to make them come to some form of sense in his own way.