09-26-2013, 02:52 AM
"Crying like a...Stronger one?" Luke gave an amused look before pinching him in one of his sensitive spots on his body. "You couldn't even beat me at tugging the cuff. I let you win. I suppose you can have that though seeing as you could never beat me at a race or on the obstacle course" he looked at the paste. "What do you take me for? Some psychotic maniac?" It did not dawn on Luke that he was a terrorist at the moment as it seemed as if Luke had never defected in the first place. "Nah. It's something I picked up while we were in the forests in Africa. The caretaker or whatev that we were staying with showed me how to do it when I cut myself on the arm..." he looked at Jon's hand. "Sure you would...You looked like the kind of guy that like to take peeks when no one's looking."