10-01-2013, 05:12 AM
Luke felt sick to his stomach. Did the little fever they had actually cause him...them to get knocked up? He thought to faint, but Jon beat him to it. He stared at the grains, watching them sprout. "How is that possible?"
"It's an old technique used by what you call the Egyptians. Something in a pregnant person's urine is able to fertilize the grains. I just found a way to speed the process up." Sarvange walked towards a cabinet, pulling out a green-purplish leaf. He began to waver it across Jon's nose.
"It's an old technique used by what you call the Egyptians. Something in a pregnant person's urine is able to fertilize the grains. I just found a way to speed the process up." Sarvange walked towards a cabinet, pulling out a green-purplish leaf. He began to waver it across Jon's nose.