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Wolf smirks "I'm not even showing but sure"
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Sarvange looked puzzled. "Men always get pregnant. It's how we survive." It was not the first time foreigners asked him that. "It's simple. All you have to do is urinate on these grains of wheat. If they start sprouting, you're pregnant." Since they could not afford to wait for days to tell as with old times, the shaman had found a way to make the growth a bit faster.
Luke stared at Jon and at Sarvange before laughing. "Seriously that word is getting a bit played out..." he would have saw no problem with the word pregnancy and its other forms if they were not saying it about him. The theory itself was absurd. How could a man give birth. Taking the glass jar with the grain of wheat in it, he stared at them all. "I'll take the stupid test and if it doesn't pop or whatev..." he stopped in midsentence as he did not want to think of what would happen if it did start to sprout.
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Luke walked off to a more private area. He let out a sigh while staring the grains of wheat. "What am I panicking for?" Men could not get pregnant. He did have to put Jon's slightly worried conscience at ease though. Draining the urine into the glass, he examined the jar for a few minutes. "As I thought..." he walked back out. "See? Nothing's happened..." now Jon could stop worrying about him. Placing the jar down, he waited on Wolf's results. The sound of popping was eventually heard as the grains were beginning to sprout, prompting Luke's heart to sink.
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Wolf had also gone to a privet place to urinate in th jar. While bringing it back he could hears Luke's popping he places his glass by Luke's and sits by the wall part of him knows the result the wise one in that other village knew it and had hinted at it. When it popped it wasn't too much of a suprise to wolf.
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Luke felt sick to his stomach. Did the little fever they had actually cause him...them to get knocked up? He thought to faint, but Jon beat him to it. He stared at the grains, watching them sprout. "How is that possible?"
"It's an old technique used by what you call the Egyptians. Something in a pregnant person's urine is able to fertilize the grains. I just found a way to speed the process up." Sarvange walked towards a cabinet, pulling out a green-purplish leaf. He began to waver it across Jon's nose.
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Wolf sighs "how does a fever make us get pregnut is what I want to know. " he sits by Jon and looks at Luke 'how is this even going to work. Will we even be able to go back to our contry?' wolf thinks
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Sarvange chuckled. "If only I had known, I could have prevented the virus from taking place" he picked the pipe back up, watching as the small grains eventually stopped sprouting. "If you must know, strange sickness occurs anywhere. Did you know a spider is actually the source for men and their aging problem?" He was referring to a Brazilian Wonder Spider and Viagra. "This is just one of those areas where something strange happens like everywhere else. Wr however were lost by time."
Luke cringed at the thought of being pregnant. It was even worse to know that Jon was technically the father. Sarvange's explanation in it being a common and not so strange a thing made it even hard to accept. The theory that they were lost by time seemed to be true however had to be possible. Technology or anything high form was not present. Even his devices did not work. "...uh-huh..." was all he could get out of his mouth. He needed something to drink. Something non-alcoholic now but still gave the effect of being drunk. He would even settle for being bored. "9 months huh?"
Sarvange smiled. "This is where the virus gets a bit stranger. You instantly conceived after having sex. That created a womb instantly. There's no real time factor. A person could grow instantly or go the whole nine months."
((I thought to add that in for you all to decide how long it should last ^_^))
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Wolf "it can take less then nine months! Will that hurt?" Wolf looks at his stomach and then at Luke. Luke seemed to not be able to accept this at all.
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Sarvange shook his head. "Not in any trouble at all. There are risks like a regular pregnancy in your form of thinking." The few strangers that came explained how only the women there, got pregnant. He stared at Wolf. "Relax. If yoy have not put on any weight so far, then you're going the whole nine months. I have a chart for all this. As far as hurting, just the normal pains of pregnancy I guess..."
Luke just remained still, tension slowly building up.
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Wolf sighs in relif. He watches Jon go to Luke. He watches worried that this might break the man.
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Sarvange stared for a few. "Something like what?" There was pretty much nothing he could do other thank take care of them or whatever he preferred.
Luke did not stare back. "Can we go already? All this talk of something is beginning to bug me" he would leave it at that for the moment as he turned to exit. His mind was racing with a lot of thoughts at the moment.
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Wolf nods and follows Jon. he holds Jon's hand tightly "so do you think he will help us bring our men here?"
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10-04-2013, 07:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-04-2013, 07:54 PM by
Luke stared out into the busy streets of the town. Could he actually settle down there? He shook his head at the thought. He wanted out more than anything, but Jon had a point. That was not also to mention he was supposed to be brought back for his little court martial. "The men..." his eyes widened for a few. He had almost forgotten about them. If him and Wolf had gotten pregnant, then what of the others? Sarvange mentioning how they vary even had him concerned. He looked at the large steps that led up to the mountainside kingdom.
"Things seems to be going too smooth" Sarvange chuckled in his house to no one in particular.
The sound of women and men playing with little kids near a body of dark blue water on thr same isle was heard as one of the men began to swim into the water on his own. A large scaly tail slipped into the large water, a trail moving in the water as it neared the male. The male heard the voices of others, prompting him to turn around. Within an instant large jaws opened up creating a large splash in the water. Panic formed across their faces as joy was replaced with fear. Few of the men noticed the trail still moving as they drew spears, the water slowly rising as the large monster drew near. Their inferior weapons proved useless as the snout of an extremely large crocodile ripped out the water yet again, large claws tearing into the ground as it emerged. The sound of some demonic roar was heard as the large tail slapped whoever was near out of it's way, the man from before lifeless in it's teeth and drenched in blood. As everyone began to run, the croc let out something similar to a laugh. One of the terrorists had arrived.
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(And Jon is gone again) Wolf nods"they might have baby's already and we left them behind!"
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(Sorry for the delay. I had midterms as well as a 4 day away game. We had to leave Thursday, do a parade Friday, play at the game Saturday, and we arrived back late Sunday night. I'm still a bit tied up with another away game to Houston, so I will try to post next week. If not, in December for certain!)
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(Just reply when you can i guess)