C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"What is it? Whats the significance of it?" Iruka's response made Arcturus quite nervous. Would there be bad consequences for him to have taken that?

"It's the piece to something...something that according to all the legends I've heard is better off asleep." Iruka replied. "There was some person who had a gift for magic but they ended up corrupted by something and their power sky rockted, they were out of control. So much so, that even though they killed them, their magic was so powerful it tried to seek out a body to inhabit to allow the person to come back with it."

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"That's dark. So what role does the piece play in this?" Arcturus touched on the medallion hanging on his neck. "Cant we just destroy it?"

"They put the man's soul in there. Since he was forcefully corrupted, his soul was still innocent, they tried to save as much of it as they could and they bound it to that." Iruka answered. "If someone were to revivie them, they would have to get that medallion and remove the soul to put in the body first, otherwise the magic won't stay in whatever body it was placed in." Iruka explained. "I wish there was a way to save em but, their magic is too corrupted for them even if there was a way to merely revive em."

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"So your magical safe was chosen to store it? Oh you are placing yourself in immense danger! Any other place to put it now? Since I was commissionrd to steal it, it was bound to be known by many more. Any other sorceree with a similar magical safe thay you can untrust it with? Your grandma?"

"In a way..yes.." Iruka replied. "My family has been guarding it for centuries and in all honesty there is a reason for it. I can't send it to anyone else, my grandmother can't bear the burden of guarding it anymore. That's why I have them."

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"Then can we return it to the safe now? You have your power resumed after those little ones came out right?" Arcturus asked uegently.

"Yes my magic is back." Iruka replied. "But...I don't know for how long. I have a feeling that...I might be expecting again.."

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"You are expecting again..?" Arcturus gaped. "From... yesterday night? Is it all magical pregnancies go this fast?"

"I think, I'm not sure yet." Iruka replied. "I don't think all magicial pregnancies are like this. Maybe...maybe something happened to me while I was out last night..I don't know."

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"I have sensed small groupf of people always lurking around these past few weeks. If you are laced with something.... it is very probable that my previous employer was developing some plan to steal the medallion since I have failed. Oh what should we do now?"

"Great..right now all we can do is put the medallion back in the safe. I'm not sure what else to do other than try that." Iruka said. "I could always well...remove the soul from it and hide it elsewhere, using the medallion as just a ruse but...still.."

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"I am guessing that would need more power than affordable under your current situation. Let's put it back into the safe first and see what they would do next. I guess there isnt much else we could do now." They returned to their home and wnet to the safe.

"yes but...I have plenty of manna here and down bellow, so that's not the issue. The issue is where to put the soul." Iruka replied. "The medallion was made for them but...the only other place suitable for holding them would be...well a body...and if not a body created for him then, he would just grow inside of another person."

A sigh left him as he set a hand on the safe, it still being locked.

"Pretty much if the latter is done, he'd just be reborn again. At what stage in life I have no idea." Iruka added.

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A horrible idea crossed Arcturus' mind. "Yesterday when you lost a few hours..... would they be putting a body in you so that he could reborn as a baby...?" He paled at this.

"I don't think so. The body has to be made naturally, any body made through any other means would be too unstable by the magic he had." IRuka replied. "However...they could've put his magic in me and that would've influenced me to well..you know. Do it with you in order to create the needed body but...without the soul, all it'll do is grow and not be born. It has to have the soul with it."

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"So are they forcing us to release the soul into the fetus in you now or we would have you pregnant indefinitely?" Arcturus looked nervously at the medallion and Iruka's still fairly flat belly.

"They might be." Iruka replied with a sigh. "So either I just keep growing and never have em or...just give them what they want. Though...we might be able to take measures to prevent their magic from surfacing but it'll be hard."

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"How could we know what measures to take then.... your grandma?" Arcturus touched worriedly on the belly. "If we let them grow it would be too much of a burden on your body."

"It'll grow no matter what...I can already feel the craving for manna starting..." Iruka admited nervously. "THere's also the chance that there could be our kids in there too, it can't just be their magic in there. There's too great of a chance there's more children in there besides em, what of them?"

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