C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"So you all have been teasing papa hadnt you?" Arcturus laughed at the hilarious scene, crossing his arms at the door, he wasnt doing anything to save Iruka. Though some pups ran to him and ask for a lift in the air.

"He....help me!" Iruja pleaded as he managed to get a hand up in the air to wave but he was still trapped under griffin younglings.

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Arcturus laughingly gathered the kids "now get off your papa, he just gave birth to your little brothers there, give him a break."

Released from the furry and feathered mess, a groan left Iruka as he sat up. A few gasps left him as he tried to get the air back he really needed.

"Thank you..." Iruka said. "So...how's Alfred doing?"

It seemed like a decent conversation starter.

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"I guess he was still struggling to accept the fact that he had... resurrected? I tried consoling him but I guess I.know too little about him and his past to really let him." Arcturus sighed. He started playing with the kids and started tickling them.

"No doubt..." Iruka said. "The poor man did destroy a lot of things and...no doubt killed many people. The fact that the creature possessing him went after magic, it essentially killed many through taking away all the magic in em."

A shrug left him as he gave a sigh. Setting a hand to his stomach, it felt a little weird.

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"Well I still believe he should not dwell on past sins but should look forward and embrace the chance given to him once again." Arcturus turned and saw Iruka's gesture. "What is it? Are you feeling not well? Is it because of the dififcult birth this morning?"

"It can be hard....to look past such things." Iruka replied. "I feel sick honestly...it could be due to the...birth."

Iruka took a seat on the ground, exhaling in a long breathe. Considering the long birth and now this feeling, he honestly didn't want to open up.

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"Is it your belly or your stomach? Do you need some manna?" Arcturus asked worriedly, rubbing on Iruka's arm.

"I...I don't know..." Iruka replied as he sat there. "I just feel a bit sick. It might pass but I'll do what you recommend."

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Arcturus quickly retrieved a bottle for Iruka and started rubbing his front, both the stomach and the belly.

HIs stomach was flat, so there was no belly to really rub. Course, drinking the bottle of manna ended up making him feel a bit worse. Though with Arcturus's urging, he finished the bottle. Though a groan left the sorcerer as he sat there. The effects of the manna slowly kicking in. Despite feeling a bit more ill, something in his mind just seemed to urge him to ask for another bottle. Though Iruka hadn't a clue why he asked, it was just a urge despite the feeling he felt.

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"You want another bottle?" Arcturus frowned at an even paler Iruka even after the manna.

"I honeslty...have no idea why I asked for another..." Iruka replied. "There's just a urge for it for some reason.."

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"I guess your body knows best?" Arcurure handed him another. He wondered what could be the implication for all these.

"I...I guess..." Iruka replied.

It took longer to finish the second one and he did have a little bit of bloat from it. His eyes had a glow to em though Iruka shuddered a bit, feeling a shudder run up his spine.

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Arcturus frowned a bit more at the not quite notmal reaction of Iruka. "Iruka, are you alright? How are you feeling now?"

"I....uh....not sure..." IRuka replied as he swayed a bit. "I still feel a little...funny..."

Course there was a rip sound and adjusting his position revealed a dragon like tail sticking out of his pants!! It was gold in color with creamish spikes sticking out along the top, though they were very dull and small. As if the tail and spikes were matching the human size that Iruka had.

"That's...funny..." Iruka muttered before toppling over, his new tail sticking up in the air. "ow..."

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"Wow Iruka? I didnt know you are a dragon." Arcturus caught Iruka right before he tumbled on the floor. He touched on the newly grown tail a bit and felt Iruka twitched.

The sensation registured somewhat, but in his manna overdosed state it was hard to know what was going on. Slowly sitting up, Iruka swayed a bit.

"I...I'm not..." Iruka said, though the tail ended up doubling in length and size, if the sorcerer got up, it would drag on the floor; but still small in regards to a real dragon's tail. "I'm just a...sorcerer."

Looking at Arcturus, the griffin would notice the pupils of Iruka's mix matched glowing eyes were slitted like a dragon's as well now. There was a stranger feeling in him now, most of him wanted more manna. Yet there was something else, he couldn't put his finger on it. Though, he had a claw at the end of each finger now on both hands.

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