Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Chris stares at him for a moment before he practically hauls the man inside before closing and locking the door though he doesn't sit him on the couch or anything, instead he shoves him into the hall closet before throwing some blankets on top of him. "Stay quiet." As if on que there was a knock at the door.
Peter cried out when he was dragged across the unfinished floor and stuffed into a closet too small for him, his knees curled up against the side of his belly. While his middle was wide and pushed out between his knees with movement from inside of him, he whined,"No... Don't leave me here... Don't- Please-"He couldn't move himself, he was too weak, pushing himself against the door to the closet and whimpering quietly still, though he did quiet down some. Breathing in through his nose and biting down on his lip until he drew blood, tilting his head back firmly against the wall and keeping in the groans that tried to escape him when his stomach clinched. Without the medicne, his gestation was accelerating and he was helpless to stop it, simply praying that they would pass the house and just leave him alone.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
The two men that had found the cabin made their way inside, searching every room. Chris said nothing, simply letting them finish. The entire search took only about 5 minutes before the men set off to continue their search elsewhere. Another few minutes passed as Chris watched the trees where they had disappeared. When he was certain they were gone he once again locked the door and made his way over to the closet to pull Peter out.
It was torture, being cooped up into the closet, he was sobbing into a coat that was hanging from the rack above him, his hands scrambled for some sort of hold on anything. He was gasping in breaths desperately and it felt like his insides were going to spill out if he moved even an inch more. His eyes were wet as he looked up helplessly to Chris, with his knees pressed firmly against the large swell that was his stomach and it was pulsing almost. The weakened man tilted his head back against the wall with sweat glistening on his collarbone and staining the sweat suit he was stuffed into his first day at the lab. "It's coming... It's coming... I can't stop it!"His muscles flexed and he groaned loudly,"Help me, help me, please... It's too big, too big."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris looks him over for a moment before he practically picks the laboring man up out of the closet and carried him over to the couch before sitting him down again. Peter's legs automatically spread to accommodate his large stomach and there was no doubt that his hips ached constantly as Chris finally got a good look at him.
Peter cried out when he was plopped down onto the couch, whining as he tried squirming out from beneath his own weight,"G-Get it out... Cut it out of me... Help me..."He sobbed again, his trembling stomach sat between his legs and he was still whimpering for relief,"They let it keep growing, now it's too big... It's too big for me."he was panting still, though from the way Chris was looking at him he felt even more hopeless and alone,"Do something! You fucking cock sucker! Help me! Help me, please!"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris continued to look him over for a minute or two before he momentarily disappears only to return with a armload of towels and a few other materials. Peter noticed Chris lay a knife down on the coffee table before he begins to arrange the towels on the floor and around Peter's body, lifting his feet up to place them on the coffee table as well.
Peter quivered as his body tensed again, attempting to push whatever it was inside of him, outside of his body to no avail when Chris left him for a moment then came back just as fast. His eyes looked over what was in his hands as he placed it down and squeezed his eyes shut with a whimper, groaning loudly when his feet were dragged up to place them on the edge of the coffee table,"Why did you leave me? Why? I... I just wanted to go home..."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I tried to get you out a few times, I was stopped every time though they never managed to catch me." Chris moves to slide Peter's stretched shirt up over his belly so he can get a good look at what he's working with. "You know going home isn't going to be your best plan, they'll find you."
"It was your fault... You told me you wouldn't let them take me."he wiped his eyes with his hands and pressed his lips together, sniffing and trying to ignore the hands that moved over his pulsating belly,"I just want this to be over with... I don't want to do this anymore... I'm so tired."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I know." Chris didn't deny it, didn't deny the fact that he had allowed the scientists to take Peter without so much as a fight. His hands ran over Peter's stomach once or twice, judging the position of whatever it was he was carrying before his hands move down to the hem of Peter's sweats, pulling them down a little more.
His clothes were dirty, stained with some blood and whatever fluids were leaking out of the space where they had gestated the thing as well as sweat and tears, he sobbed suddenly when his stomach tightened again despite having calmed down. He groaned and wrapped his arms around what he could of his large belly, it seemed he was now the largest he's ever been and it mad him wonder if they were just going to make him keep going until he couldn't function any more. Peter clinched his fists and jaw tightly for a long moment as he tried clearing his mind,"It won't work... It... It's not like the aliens from before... It's not human... I don't... I don't know what it is..."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris looks at him before running his hands along the underside of Peter's stomach. "Are you sure you want me to do this?"
"Am I sure I want you to cut me open?"he almost laughed, though it was a pitiful sound as he covered his face again with his hands and pushed his hands through his hair, he had no answer for him though before he could ever attempt to say anything. His stomach rumbled and gurgled and he moaned out in pain, his back arching as his stomach pulsed again,"Nh!"His toes curled and the coffee table he had braced his legs against shifted forward, dropping his legs as a dark stain grew on the groin of his sweatpants. The size of his belly shifted downward and his eyes rolled back as inkish fluids bubbled down between his legs in a dark ooze,"Oh no..."he couldn't see what was happening to himself, but he had an idea.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris watched for a moment. Honestly he wasn't too keen about cutting anyone open. He had very little clue as to what he was doing and really didn't want to risk cutting through or into something important. Though it would help matters if they knew what Peter was actually carrying.
Peter was crying again now, sobbing like a big baby as his stomach stretched out even a few more inches like it was expanding. Then retracting into his body as more oozed out of him like black tar, he squealed when it did so and choked as something felt like it was filling his airway. Tears streamed down his face and he was sunk into the cushions of the couch, his legs were limp and he spat up black, something big was coming.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris had no earthly idea what to do. Though if whatever was inside Peter was going to kill him, Chris didn't plan on letting him die alone, he at least owed him that much.
Peter's eyes squeezed shut and he clinched his jaw tightly with small weakened whimpers, his head tilting back as he swallowed down the black, powder tasting substance, his stomach pulsed again when he did. He reached for Chris to grasp tightly onto his arm, tears seeped down his face and he couldn't express how much agony he was in before even more ooze spewed out of him,"Do it... Do it please-"he gasped for breath, screaming when his back arched with the pure size and strength of the creature inside of him, he spat up more when the sound of snapping filled the air and his legs spread unnaturally. A pure black, almost purple form crowned visibly from his ass.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
It was too late for Chris to do anything now. The creature was already too low. If he were to cut now he would surely end up killing Peter where he sat, if the creature wasn't already planning on doing so.
His hips had snapped apart and he was blubbering nonsense as he dug his nails deep enough into Chris's arm to break the skin. He forced his eyes to stare directly into the other man's, tears seeped from his eyes and he couldn't speak as the respute only lasted a few moments. Before his stomach was gurgling again, his face twisted up in pain and another few cries coming from the back of his throat as the creature's head came through him. Blood dripped from the abrupt tear in his perinium and he sobbed, he knew this was it, he wasn't bouncing back from this, the thing emerged head first and it's thin wirey fingers spread him like some easy opening.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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