Navigating the Seas (BabyDaddy and Eskal)

(I think the eggs would just break down and be absorbed into the body if it was really enough. But since Ralor would be 5 months along I think his pouch would open prematurely.)

One month had passed since the day that Ralor had moved in with Arvia and Laven. He couldn't say he was happy, but he wasn't the worst he could be, either. Laven of course was ecstatic and fawning over his new wife and pregnancy, but Ralor hadn't let Arvia touch him.

And so, it was a rather normal day at the clinic when Ralor began to feel a bit odd. "Oh...hmm..." he said, not quite able to put a finger on what was wrong as Pelagius swam into the room.

"Something on your mind Ralor?" Pelagius asked as he looked through some paperwork.

"I feel...odd... but I can't explain it," he said, a hand drifting down to his small, yet noticeable bump.

"Odd how?" Pelagius asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't know... there's something... oh Goddess..." he gasped breathlessly, watching as the opening to his pouch began to spasm. "Pelagius!" Ralor cried, suddenly overcome with pain.

Pelagius dropped his paperwork and swam over to Ralor. "Oh gods..." He firmly grasped Ralor's shoulders. "You're having a miscarriage, Ralor." He rushed Ralor to one of the free rooms. Out of everything Pelagius had to deal with with his job, this was his least favorite occurrence. He dug through the drawers and called in for a pain killer as he pulled out a needle an syringe.

"Argh!" Ralor cried, fully knowing what was happening. But the ramifications of a miscarriage were not upon as his mind as his pouch painfully spasmed. "Get...the needle..." he growled through gritted teeth.

A nurse dropped off the medicine and Pelagius quickly measured out the dose and injected it into Ralor's arm. There wasn't much Pelagius could do but ease the pain while Ralor's body rejected the fetuses. "Do you want me to send for Arvia?"

"Ah...ah..." Ralor panted, feeling the painkiller begin to take effect as he watched his pouch slowly begin to open. " get my things..." he panted, focusing on keeping the pain away.

"Your things? I thought that you and Arvia finally worked things out." He offered a hand to Ralor to squeeze to cope with the pain.

"I was there... for them... I'll leave... I cannot stay there," he said, gripping Pelagius's hand. The painkiller kicked into effect and Ralor could only sit and watch as his pouch began to open and spasm, sending orange jelly into the water.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" Pelagius asked.

"No...not at all. I sold my apartment..." he said, still looking at his pouch as it fully opened and began to spasm. "Argh!" he cried, throwing his head back.

"I have a spare room," Pelagius said. "You can stay until you can find a place of your own."

Puffs of orange jelly spurted from his pouch as Ralor felt a small body begin to emerge from his opening. The soft egg slipped free of his pouch and floated into the surrounding water, dead.

Pelagius held held Ralor's hand through the entire ordeal. Once it was over he had the young merman moved to a recovery room while the other was cleaned up. "I'm sorry, Ralor. You know there wasn't anything I could have done once it started. I contacted Laven and told him to gather your things."

Ralor deeply sighed. "...I know. And they had not begun to move. Hell, I didn't even really feel them inside me.'s...hard..." he said softly as Pelagius gave him a comforting hand.

"From the looks of it, they stopped developing a few weeks ago," Pelagius said. He sighed. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I knew they hadn't gotten bigger..." Ralor sighed, looking up at Pelagius. "Kind of. I just... want to leave..." he said, looking out the window.

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