A Debt Repaid (First Come, First Serve)

22 years ago, a struggling husband and wife have little to no success in making ends meet in the Bronx. To help cover some expenses, they turn to the Aratheusa family, the local mob in hopes that they could make out a loan. The mob boss, Arvani, answers of course, but his condition is simple as something with the woman struck his interest. She was eight months pregnant, nearing the end of her pregnancy. Out of all his children, his last was two years old at the time. If they would hand their child's hand in marriage to his by the time he was truly of age, the debt would be restored. If not, they could considers their life forfeit. The eighth and last heir is now 24 years old and like every member in his house who has gone through the tradition, he's ready to end the single and looking status to something more stable: marriage. His father contacts the parents immediately and from there, the young crime lord arrives at the person's day job: a construction site. Regardless of the person's sex or orientation, a deal's a deal. The catch is that the son of the parents was never told.

Name: Lúcio Aratheusa
Age: 24
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs. Athletic/Mesomorphic
Small bio: The youngest and last heir to the great Aratheusa fortune, the young mafia boss aims to settle down. That begins with getting to know who it is he's to be engaged to.
Personality: A bit nonchalant, complete with manners and a warm personality. He can get angry just as easily however. His sign is Ares, and like the warring god and flames, he is hotheaded but calculating. All that energy can go several places with him.

To anyone that joins, this can be a mutual pregnancy where both are pregnant as the means of conception is through an experimental drug, thus it could backfire on the seeder as well, or it could be just a regular pregnancy ^^

(I would prefer a normal one if that's ok.)

Name: Justin wolfpelt.
Weight:165 lean build
Small bio: a fourth Native American, Justin chooses to follow a mix of the old traditions with a lot of the modern day items and customs. He grew up hearing about the loan but not the cost.
Personality: he bottles his bad emotions up trying to look polite and kind. This does cause him to eventully bottle too much up and explode in rage. He is a Capricorn calm and thinks well till the bomb goes off. Also his spirit animal is raccoon.

(Okay. That works for me ^^)

The black limousine rolled up into the construction site for a new skyscraper. The place was not of no true importance to whoever was arriving as they had another goal in mind. Lightning a cigar casually, the figure tied his slightly lengthy hair back into a band as he opened the door. Black shoes stepped into the muddy ground as the male, simply clad in a stylish suit and shades, gazed off into the surroundings.

"This is the least likely of places I'd expect to find a bride... I hope father didn't hook me with some power hungry vixen..." He would have her offed in the night if that was the case. It was not a method he preferred, but it got certain tasks done. The Brazilian-Italian male made his way to the office doors, opening it as his guards simply followed close to tow.

"Can I help you?" The short gruff figure asked behind his desk.

"Yes...Actually I need some coffee and I think I'm done with this cigar...I was promised something more authentic and it is instead bland..." He flicked the large tobacco towards him, inciting a rage in the boss who was dressed in his yellow helmet and orange vest.

"I don't know who the hell you are, clown, but your business is done!" He shot up from his chair, but the figure in shades was unphased.

"You don't know who it is that helped get your job in this petty business?"

As the short buff man attempted to grab him, he was slammed against the wall by none other than the clean stylish figure himself.

"My father says you have someone of importance working for you. Be so kind as to bring in this Wolfpelt person and make yourself scarce afterwards, or must I force my hand and take out the debt you needed?"

A blade rested against his neck, a small trace of blood trickling off.

"No, boss! Whatever you say!"

Lúcio let him go as he scrambled off in fear, returning for his megaphone before hauling out into the rain. Lúcio took the chair and sat down, allowing his legs to rest on the desk before glancing at his men.

"Ugh...I forgot to ask him for the coffee...would one of you be so kind as to..." He did not get the question out fully as one of the men ran out into the rain. When this "Wolfpelt" person was brought to him, the discussion of her family's debt would be explained. Unknown to Lúcio however, he was unaware the figure was male.

Justin sighs as his boss calls him to the office. The tan male looks at his boss. His boss seemed scared. Annoyed he goes to office "if it's anouther spider I'm going to take that other company's offer at least I won't be someone's bug catcher. This is getting to be annoying." Seeing the men in fancy clothing he stops. "Uh may I help you? Sorry if my clothes are a mess it comes with the job." He tries to get some dust off and he was glad the hard hat is hiding most of his long black hair. His brown eyes look them over noticing they are from the local mafia. "Look I know the boss has stuff to do with you guys but I would rather stay out of it."

His warm brown eyes stared at the partially dark beverage.

"Neh...." His eyebrows furrowed as he was not going to drink the coffee after all. It was too light and otherwise lacked the power he enjoyed when he occasionally drunk the caffeinated beverage. Placing the mug aside, he watched as the door tore open and before his shaded eyes was a figure clad in the similar clothing as the codger he just ran out. He thought to have his men shoot him on the spot for interrupting their meeting, but his words caught him intrigued.

"You're Wolfpelt?" He began to chew at his thumb's nail a bit, flicking his shades off to get a better look at the male. "You'd think he tell me this one important detail" he was referring to his father as he chuckled alongside his little ragtag of henchmen.

"I don't have business with that boss of yours, I have business with you. Shall we talk somewhere more privately?"

Justin blinks at the males words "yes My last name is Wolfpelt. What detail are you talking about? Look I've kept out of mafia business as much as possible. Can I keep it that way?" The male is confusing him. the way the others chuckled with the well dressed male had him concerned for his and others that are close to him. He steps back not wanting to to be hurt.

Lúcio merely sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose a bit.

"I guess your parents never told you, huh?...that makes two of us right now..." He was going to need a hard drink after all of this. "Leave us, but stay close." He watched as the four figures walked outside into the soft rains. There was simply no other way around it all. As a hard working son, he simply would oblige to his father wishes and test the waters.

"Your parents got into some kind of situation a while back before they had you or something. They came to my father and you get where this is going. Their payment was your hand in marriage to mine. Now do you get what I'm here for or are you going to ask more questions?"

Justin is shocked and leans against the wall. His head is hurting, this is how they are going to pay off thier debt. It's not like he can ignore it. He won't let his parents get hurt. He takes a deep breath "very well one last question what do want to do about this?" He is going to need a lot of drinks to get through this.

"What am I going to do? See how it goes of course." Justin seemed to take it well, considering he looked a bit pale however. He got up from the chair after spinning it a bit, making his way over to the figure.

"Father said for a hand in marriage, but that doesn't mean everything would play out well. We could very well hate each other at the end of it." He merely assured the figure, though he was lying a bit. Lying in that, even though he was a bit reluctant, he would still carry it out. Besides, there was a chance he would find some luck from his past relationships with women.

"If you're done for now, we really should get you out those tags and into something better."

Justin nods and gets up. "Very well we can try this out." He bites his lower lip unable to belive that he was agreeing to this. He wanted to punch the guy then run, but he has to be better then that. Justin takes a deep breath and starts to walk to his locker "sorry but most of my clothes isn't much better then this. We aren't rich like you." He grabs his normal clothes proving this point.

"There's never any harm in trying" he smiled as he tossed off his coat, offering it to Justin. "I am Lúcio Aratheusa. You probably know me better for my father's brutal methods however...ignprong that, take the cost and don't worry about what you're wearing. You're going on a date with me. That means you can pick out something worthwhile. Anything to make you feel a bit more comfortable about the situation. I'm just as baffled as you are."

He opened the door for Justin, allowing him to head out first only after motioning for his guards to get an umbrella ready.

Justin puts the coat on "ok thanks Lúcio, I'm Justin Wolfpelt. I'm more interested in learning about you then your father at the moment. Your the one I'm trying to get along with." He walks out the door giving a polite nod to his to be husband. He takes his hard hart off letting his long black hair down. Two braids are by his ear with a bead at the end giving a slight reference to his heritage. He felt nervous but unless he does something bad they won't shoot him yet.

Lúcio followed out the door shortly afterwards. He merely motioned for Justin's soon to be former boss to resume his work like usual as him and his men walked away to the limousine.

"Don't mention it. As for knowing about me, I suppose we could work out way up to it with some partial background." When the backseats were open, he hopped back inside, where he was able to examine Justin a bit further. Now able to see his hair, skin complexion, he could see why Wolfpelt was his last name. He was Native American, which made Lúcio wonder how did they ever managed to get themselves into quite a debt that his father made such a bargain. "What is it about me you want to know first?"

Justin sits in the limo, impressed by the size and the sleek black paint. The interior looks just as fancy. Justin takes a window seat and looks outside for a moment. 'If only my great grandfather's shop hadn't burned down then I wouldn't be in this mess.' He looks inside again toward his polite host. 'Maybe this mess can turn into a good thing.' It's not like Lúcio is bad looking, he's actully rather handsome. "I think it's best to start with hobbies and likes."

"I believe I can answer those for now." His mind traced around his hobbies and likes. On certain occasions, he enjoyed wine and cigars. It was not a habitual habit as they, like sugar and creme to his coffee, were necessities he could do without. Then there were his other hobbies that would make most people run out in fear. He enjoyed underground fights of which he partook in. His father only made sure the male was trained in the best self defense both close and mid range as he had a business to run in the event his father was gone and the other seven siblings, five of which were male and well suited to the task, were unable to suit the task just finely.

"I like sunsets and the sea. I usually spend my time at a house in Cuba or Venice to get away from this city's madness sometimes. What about you?"

Justin looks at the athletic male interested by his words and his likes "I too like the water and often think of one day getting to scuba dive. I like to mediate once a week other then that I have been too busy to make any hobbies." He then looks at each of the guards wondering how and why they watch Lúcio. 'How much protection does one need for being the son of a mafia member? Or is he more then just the son?' "What do you like about the sea the most?"

"It's vastness. I often sit out by the villa sometimes and bask in it's real radiance. When you feel like you're bigger than it yourself, that's when you begin to sink into the abyss it has to offer, but when you realize that if you follow the rivers to the sea itself, there's much more to be had than simple self-minded pleasures and indulgences."

It was his usual way of thinking, but his father had no full interest in those thoughts. Money, power, corruption...it was all one large web with the Black Widow lying in the center. Lúcio was far from the saint like figure, but he had his theories on how he would fix things. For now, he would handle each situation as it was presented to him little by little. "What do you see when glancing at it?"

Justin was surprised by how deep Lúcio sounded. "That sounded amazing. I enjoy the ocean for is diversity and cooperation. The only piece of land that has the same effect to me is the rainforest. I can't help but wonder how these animal have it figured out better then we do." He looks down and blushes "I probably sound silly though."

"Quite the contrary" Lúcio chuckled. "We spend most of our days wondering how we're going to dress, plan the next day or just simply wondering how we manage to get ourselves into some predicaments. They simply don't focus on much of the aforementioned."

His eyes glanced outside to look at the several buildings they were coming across. When the fancy and expensive name brand stores began to pop up, Lúcio motioned for the limo to park. "Let's go shopping, shall we?"

Justin is suprised "that place has some of the most expansive stuff around! Are you certain?" He looks at Lúcio

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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