Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

"I'm so hot. This happens every two weeks." Ryne explained as he felt horny.

"I believed its due to the pregnancy, a carrier needs the love and protection of his mate so your body umm...calls out for your lover," he said blushing, he knew a dragon pregnancy was meant and designed for both carrier father and sire father to be working together. "Im sorry," he said softly not knowing how he could help.

Ryne panted heavily, his body starting to glisten with sweat as his clothes clinged to his body. "Please help." He begged.

Kevan was at lost of what he could do, "maybe let me hold you close it will pass," he suggested not really knowing what else might work. He stood and helped Ryne to a guest room in the first floor and helped him to bed, the smell coming from Ryne was really powerfull as the boy called for his mate.

Ryne panted as he rested in the bed. He nuzzled Kevan, hearing his heartbeat. He looked deep into Kevan's eyes and simply got lost in then. "Can you help with the heat? Please?" He asked.

Kevan nuzzled Ryne back and smiled "I´ll try," he said holding him close "is this helping at all?" he asked softly cuddling with him, both his hands around Ryne´s middle.

Ryne breatges heavily as he shook his head. "Not really. I'm still horny." He stated.

Kevan sighted "can I touch your skin?" he asked gently not wanting to offend him.

Ryne nodded. "You can." He allowed.

Kevan nodded and smiled as he slid a hand below his shirt and gently traced circles on his belly "would you prefer if its your back I touch?" he asked as he began to sing in dragonish, a song that was usually shared between mates hoping that would help the fire go away or at least lessen it.

Ryne moaned at Kevan's touch. "That feels good. Keep rubbing my belly." He asked as he leaned into Kevan's hand.

Kevan smiled and slid a second hand rubbing his belly gently just as he would do if Ryne was his mate as he continued singing. his hands expertly tracing his new curves.

Ryne moaned and writhed in pleasure as Kevan rubbed his belly. "So good!" He moaned as he nuzzled Kevan.

Kevan nuzzled him back and slightly without thinking much kissed Ryne´s cheek as his hands kept tracing his belly, and had moved to his lower belly still being quite respectulf about it.

Ryne blushed as he nuzzled Kevan. He blushed at the kiss but he welcomed up. He returned the favour by kissing Kevan's neck, going upwards.

Kevan froze never expecting Ryne to kiss him back and didn´t knew if he should stop him or let him continue, He didn´t mind it, but probably the kisses were coming from Ryne´s need of comfort.

Ryne blushed at his actions but it felt right. The need for relief didn't drive his kisses, something else was.

"Ryne..." Kevan called softly carresing his cheek and kissed his nose fondly "how´s the heat?" he asked imagining it was gone now

Ryne blushed brightly. "It's gone now. Thank you." He said as he nuzzled into Kevan's chest.

Kevan smiled "Im glad," he whispered and smlied letting Ryne nuzle against his chest, as he rested his head over Ryne´s enjoying the simple pleasure of the silent moment they seemed to be having.

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