Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

Ryne nodded. "I'm still so hot. I need more of your seed." He said as he kissed Kevan.

Kevan worried about that, it meant the children needed more of Ryne to grow and be healthy he kissed Ryne, hard as he slowly began to trust again into him his hands expertly exiting his mate so that he could provide more nunrishment for the clutches of eggs inside him, just as the new clutch was forming

Ryne moaned as Kevan thrusted into him. His belly bounced up and down from Kevan's thrust, making Ryne moan louder in pleasure.

Kevan kissed Ryne´s belly as he estimulated Ryne´s thighs "how are you feeling?" he asked seeing how his belly bounced filled with the many children inside of him.

"amazing!" Ryne moaned as he rested his head against Kevan's chest.

Kevan kept moving his hips as he made love to Ryne and smiled "I love you Ryne....Im glad its you who carries my eggs" he whispered as he released again to give him a second clutch of eggs that day

Ryne moaned as he felt Kevan climax. ""As long as you want me, I'll gladly carry our eggs." He said happily as 7 new eggs started to develop in his womb.

"dear, I will always want you, but I dont want you to carry my eggs unless you really want to" he said smiling and rubbing his belly gently as he kissed Ryne´s whole body, admiring every inch of his pregnant form

Ryne smiled at Kevan's words and affection. "As long as it's yours, I'll carry as many eggs as I can." He stated as he relaxed into the bath.

"I think you are carrying too much right now...Im worried, it will be best if we don´t make love for a while," he said smiling "you need rest my love, you make me worry all the time" he said his purple eyes full of concern as he took Ryne in "how´s your back? I could go get some compresses if its bothering you too much" he asked eager to tend to him

"My back hurts a bit. It's not too much." Ryne said as they exited the bath. His belly started to make gurgling noises.

Kevan helped him out and to dry himself, and heard the gurgling noises just as he was going to get Ryne some clothes "is it a growth spurt or you hungry love?"

Ryne rubbed his belly before moaning softly. His belly started to grow before their very eyes. By the time the growth spurt ended, Ryne's belly looked overdue with 13. A few eggs pressed against the inner walls of Ryne's womb and created a significant bulge. "It feels tight." He moaned.

Kevan had hurried to Ryne´s side and held him as his skin stretched to accomodate the seven new eggs, he was now carrying 12 eggs. "Lets...lets get you to bed," he said forgetting about clothes not thinking they would fit Ryne it was clear Kevan was stressed and worried. "Im sorry...I shouldn´t...I should have not given in I should have waited..." he said ashamed as he carried Ryne to bed and gently tucked him in feeling around his belly noticing how the eggs were pressing against Ryne´s skin.

Ryne quickly grabbed Kevan's hand and brought it to the spot that was near his heart. "It's okay. I'm okay. Just need some rest with you." Ryne said calmly and softly as he laid down.

Kevan was not that convinced but nodded and kissed Ryne´s forehead and squeezed his hand. making sure Ryne was well covered as he laid next to Ryne yet now he just realized just how much Ryne´s belly protured from his thin and still skeletical frame.

Ryne smiled as he nuzzled his head against Kevan's shoulder. "I'm okay. I promise." He said as he started to fall asleep.

Kevan smiles and kisses Ryne´s hand as Ryne fell asleep, and convinced Ryne to rest the two following days as the first ceremony of their marriage approached in wich Ryne would be presented before the ancient dragon gods and Kevan´s family. A ceremonial gown had been made for Ryne, one that covered his huge form.

Ryne blushed as he wore the gown. "I thought women wore gowns? I feel exposed and it's drafty." He said.

"no, I mean in the past men too and its not a gown exactly its just...a ceremonial thing dear" Kevan said smiling as Ryne was getting into the gown that had in golden thread embroidered the history of Kevan´s family with intircate designs and scenes. "you want to wear something else?" he asked.

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