The Chosen (story rp, open.)

(He let him go and left to seek full permission to guard him.)

(Oh, sorry. Please continue)

Ryne sat down after being let go. He hoped the Light Elf wouldn't do what he thought he would do.

Shinjo snarled angrily at the elf and got ready to tear his hand off of his body. "You fucking bastard!". He was ready to kill the elf on the spot for touching Ryne's stomach in a slightly rough manner. "At least I am not a coward and risk harm to a unborn child!". He countered hating the elf even more. He would have fought the elf on the spot. But he couldn't risk Ryne or the unborn child getting hurt in the battle. He snorted at the elf's retreat and sat beside Ryne. "Don't worry, I promise I will do everything to make sure you and your unborn child will make it Aura safely. I will not allow anyone to take your child away from you. Even if it costs me my own life it will gladly given up to ensure you and your child's safety." He replied calmly and bowed to Ryne. "Don't worry little one, you have my word nothing will separate you from your mother". He whispered softly to Ryne's belly.

Ryne smiled at Koji's words. "Thank you Koji. That means a lot to me and the baby. Would you like to rub my belly?" He offered.

Aster did not harm the child from merely grabbing the belly in the manner that he had done, but that was for another matter. He had merely marked the male to keep better track of him through the night in case his own enhanced senses had failed him. At either case, he was back at the fort and merely relayed part of the truth to his authorities. Once he was given permission to track the mission in full detail, he began to arm himself properly, most notably taking a swordstaff in case he had to behead the wild savage beast. He was given full authority to do so and would not feel guilty about it in any way, despite the werewolf making quite the convincing tale. It could be false for all they knew.

"Learn to think with your head and not your feelings more and maybe you'll last longer" he merely retorted as he had returned, sheathing the long weapon and placing it on his back. "The child is and has always been alright, though I can't be certain if it will be alright the moment it bares witness to that face of yours." He revealed before Ryne some things wrapped in large leaves. "I've brought some things in case the journey though the Marshes take longer than expected." In it was some fruit, bread and some of their pure water.

Koji growled at the elf's comment. "And I would hate to see the unlucky creature who ends up settling down with you!". Before turning to Rayne and nodded. "Yes, I would like that very much". He smiled started to gently massage Ryne's belly with both of his hands. "That's right little one, you have a entire group to protect you and your mother. So you just worry about growing stronger and healthy until you are ready to come into the world to meet us all". He whispered softly to Ryne's belly. He wished for a family of his own. A wonderful mate who would carry his pups and allow him to massage his belly like this. Koji had always loved children but he never a chance to have a family or mate of his own. He had experience in massaging and a vast knowledge of herbs.

Ryne smiled at Koji and placed a hand on the top curve of his belly. "Thank you Koji. And Aster, I hope you do nothing that could harm the group. Especially Koji, werewolves seem evil, but they are very noble and more in tune with nature than even Light Elves." He stated.

"You're welcome Ryne". Koji replied gently and massaged certain points on Ryne's belly. By doing this would help him and the baby to relax. "And thank you for you kind words to me". He added as he continued the massage.

Aster highly doubted that, but said nothing on the matter. "I don't deal the first blows. I strike the last, so you have nothing to worry about on my end." He left what he offered and merely took to the trees again, not preferring the tents and other contraptions most used. He instead stared at the stars while awaiting this situation to end.

Koji snorted and smirked slightly knowing that he got under the elf's skin with comment. "That's right, elf keep telling yourself that". He told him in a blunt tone. Before whispering one of his species's folk tales to the unborn child to entertain it. As he continued the massage gently. Before pausing and looking at Ryne. "I have a request of you. I wish to serve as a teacher to your child once he or she is born." He asked quietly

"We aren't the ones that are barely breathing and chased out of our homes, but that's none of my business." He simply responded back all while sipping on the tea he had carried around with him. The comment did not bother him because Giants had more grace than them, even the ones that swam in the sea, but he would let the werewolf claim whatever victory it wished it could have over them. Instead, he tuned them out for the night in favor of preparing his weapons and other provisions for the morning.

"I think that would be a great idea. But please, do not fight with Aster. We do not need anymore conflict." Ryne asked as the baby started to sleep.

Koji nodded. "As you wish I promise to stop fighting with the elf." He tuned the elf out in favor of telling the unborn child folk tales about his people and ones he had heard during his travels. He was hoping to feel a kick or two in response to his voice and touches. But instead he could feel the child slowing down to sleep. He continued the massage for a bit longer until he was sure the mother and the unborn child were relaxed. He was convinced that Ryne would most likely chose someone else to help raise the child if he wanted anyone to help. At least if Koji could be the child's teacher. He could stay in it's life and have his freedom to roam the lands.

Zahina hanged back near Koji as the light elf came back and started to argue over things. She glared at him, feeling a little useless and confused. She had hissed when the male had touched the belly of their new leader, fighting back a strong urge to cover the carrying man with feathers and protective flames. The phoenix was glad when the elf went off, coming over to join Koji and Ryne as the massage the belly and calmed the babe. She though the idea of the werewolf teaching was a good idea, the man obviously had good morals and a strong heart. Maybe she could help too? If the child was gifted with magic then she could teach him a lot that maybe Koji couldn't. "You alright Ryne?", she murmured, kneeling beside him to watch the belly.

Koji nodded to Zahina and could smell fire magic on her. He had a feeling she wasn't human and instead a creature a very powerful one at that with magic. But she had earned his trust and respect so he wouldn't say anything about it to the group. He waited until the baby was completely asleep and Ryne completely relaxed from the massage. "Sleep well little one". He whispered to Ryne's belly and gave it one last gentle stroke. Before releasing Ryne's belly and sat beside Jeremy with Ryne on his other side.

Ryne nodded to Zahina. "I'm okay Zahina. I should probably eat before going to bed." He said.

Koji nodded at Ryne and grabbed a large portion of cooked meats for him. "Here you are, please eat as much as you like." He told him and looked around for other foods that was needed for a healthy pregnancy.

(12-03-2014, 02:48 AM)DragonKnight Wrote:  Ryne nodded to Zahina. "I'm okay Zahina. I should probably eat before going to bed." He said.

"There are some blackberry bushes nearby." Said Jeremy "I can pick some if you want"

"Good idea Jeremy, I will help you". Koji told him and got up to gather the blackberries with Jeremy. He trusted Zahina to protect Ryne and also he wasn't going to be far from them. He still didn't trust the elf in the trees even though he wasn't going to fight him unless he had too.

(12-03-2014, 03:44 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Good idea Jeremy, I will help you". Koji told him and got up to gather the blackberries with Jeremy. He trusted Zahina to protect Ryne and also he wasn't going to be far from them. He still didn't trust the elf in the trees even though he wasn't going to fight him unless he had too.

Jeremy began to pick some blackberries, selecting the best ones to give to Ryne

"Hey, koji, can i ask you something about werewolves?"

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