The Pirate's Secret. A Fantasy Spinoff. FINISHED

The Tidal Pearl was a proud, and strong ship. One would say it was too good for the kind it was carrying. Pirates, one might think, could not appreciate such a fine ship. Any pirate worth half a damn would know that some of the finest conneseuors of ships were pirates. And it should figure that one of the finest ships would carry some of the proudest pirates. Adventures, taverns across the seas, ships to plunder... all of these were part of serving on the Tidal Pearl. When they weren't just in the middle of nowhere, of course.

On this morning, the longboat sat on the waves, tied to the mother ship, just drifting alongside the larger one. In the small boat sat one of the pirates, Arnwen, an elf. Hanging over the side of the boat, his shoulder length red-brown hair swaying in the wind from beneath his bandana, looking at the reflection in the water below, he stared at the emerald eyes staring back at him. He looked off into the distance, watching the sun play off the rolling waves. In the distance, he saw a group of gulls, circling around some driftwood. Looked like a ship had capsized somewhere in the area. "Poor sods." He said to himself. Squinting his eyes, he saw that the gulls were squaking at someone on the driftwood. With a gasp, he put in place the longboat's oars and rowed over. Thankfully, the rope tying him to the Pearl was long enough to let him row over.

Leaning over, he grabbed at the man and struggled to pull him into the boat. Finally, with a thud, both lands on the floor of the longboat with a thud. Arnwen looked over the man briefly. He wore the shreds of a naval uniform, barely recognizable from how it was so very mangled. He took a seat on the bench and began rowing back to the ship. "Hey, hey!" He called, "I gots a man! I gots a castaway! Let me up, let me up!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Horus, Peet, Dahl, and Ashahn rushed over and hoisted the boat aboard.
"Yer supposed to be catchin' fish, Arn," Gorrister huffed. "An' it don look like you got any fish."
"Got ya some human wreckage," Horus groaned.
"He be at least half elf, check out his ears," Gorrister stated. "Better get him to Doc, he might still be alive."

"Yeah yeah, I'll go." Arnwen said. He tried to carry the stranger, but had trouble. The navy trained their people well, it seemed. Hr was much more muscular than Arnwen, who was little more than skin and bones. "He's heavy." The elf groaned. All the same, he staggered over as best he could, until a horned giant came out from the cabins, no doubt to see what the commotion was. "Ashahn!" Arnwen said. "Can ya help me get this man to doc?" He asked.

Ashahn sighed, and took the man from Arnwen. "To think the captain was mad at you before. No one can guess what he'll do to you now." His speech was finer, more educated than that of his shipmates.

The giant man entered Doc Manon's quarters and put the castaway on a cot before turning to face Arnwen. "I'd get back in the longboat if I were you. You have a punishment to finish serving." And with that he left the room.

I'm just here for a laugh

"What the fuck, Arn?" Manon spat. "Why'd you have to bring him here? Capt'n gon shoot me if he sees him."

"But he could die! Please doc, ya hafta heal 'im!" Arnwen begged. "Cap'n'll find some use fer 'im, but cha can't just let 'im die! Please, doc, please!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Manon grumbled. "Fine, but ye owe me." He removed the man's clothes and shoved them into Arnwen's arm. "Git rid o' these would ye?" He cracked his fingers and looked to the unconscious man who had several cuts on his body and was suffering from severe sunburn. "I'll see what I can muster up. Now get."

Arnwen quickly nodded and left. Unsure of what else to do with the clothes, he threw them overboard. At least now the captain wouldn't see them. He scurried back to the longboat and lowered himself into the water. He still had to fill a basin with fish before the captain would let him back on board. The whole time, though, he couldn't turn his thoughts from the stranger he'd picked up.

I'm just here for a laugh

Manon turned his healing magic to the young man, healing most of his cuts and what he didn't heal was wrapped in bandages. He then put a salve together to treat the sun burn, bring careful not to burst the blisters that had formed. He then went to the kitchen and had Craw give him a simple bowl of fish stock so he could give the boy some sort of sustenance.

A large man, human, then entered the infirmary. He wore a hat with a large feather, a coat denoting rank, and carried a sword upon his belt. Captain Reinhardt, the leader of the Tidal Pearl. He looked to Manon. "I hear Arnwen caught more than just fish today. Figures. Can't ask him to do one bloody simple thing without him cockin' it up."

I'm just here for a laugh

"He'll be of use once he wakes up," Manon said simply. "Looks like he can lift quite a bit."

"'Fore I can worry 'bout that, we need to see where 'e came from. If 'e's navy, I'll have Arnwen scrapin' off the barnacles fer this."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Po' lad washed up in just his skivvies," Manon stated simply. "But the barnacles need to be scraped off an'way."

"You let me know the second 'e wakes up, Manon. I got some questions fer 'im." And with that, the captain exited the infirmary.

I'm just here for a laugh

Manon simply nodded and went to tending to the young man, working the broth down the lad's throat a spoonful at a time. His breathing was slow and shallow, so he was alive for the most part.

Hours later, Arnwen came back into the infirmary, wringing his bandana in his hands nervously. "I wanted ta see if 'e was doin' any bettah... Is 'e?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"His breathing has gotten stronger," Manon said. "I'd say he be recovering."

"Tha's good." Arnwen rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "You fink 'e's gonna be all mad when 'e sees 'e's wif pirates?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Wha ye gots t'e hot for 'im? It don' matta what he thinks cuz he be stuck with us unless the Capt'n' says diff'ent."

"I don't want 'im gettin' scared 'n tryin' ta kill 's all. 'E reaches fer a sword 'n tries ta chop us all down, we'll be 'urt, 'n 'ell be dead." Arnwen looked at the man sadly. "Poor bastard. Ya fink he was the only survivor? Fink he 'ad friends on 'is ship?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"If ye di'n't see an'mo' out thar then he prolly the only one who survived. Ot they jus' lef' his sorr' ass out th're think'n' he be dead."

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