The Pirate's Secret. A Fantasy Spinoff. FINISHED

"Ah try to be nice. Cuz tha's th' nice thing tuh do."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen sighed and took Arnwen's hand.

"'S not so bad here. Jus' con... convi... jus' convict cap'n you're a pirate too, 'n you'll be fine."

I'm just here for a laugh

"And how do I do that exactly?"

"When 'e asks who you is, you tell 'im you was on a pirate ship, not a navy ship. Simply enough, yeah?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"Fine," Valen huffed.

"Things 'll be okay. I promise ya." Arnwen said with a smile. Then, the door swung open, and in walked Captain Reinhardt.

He turned to face Arnwen. "There you are, ya lazy knife-ear." Arnwen visibly shuddered at the use of the slur. "I tell ya to do one. Simple. Bloody. Thing, and you cock it up. I can't even punish you without you fuckin' it up."

"But cap'n..." Arnwen began, but he was cut off.
"Get yer lazy ass in the damn longboat and get ta scrapin' off them barnacles. If you aint on it in the next thirty seconds, yer gettin' the whip."

Arnwen practically sprinted out of the infirmary, out of sight. The captain then turned his attention to Valen. "He's gettin' it anyway, damn layabout. And who are you, exactly? Where ya come from?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm Valen, I'm from a port town," he responded. "The navy attacked my ship a few days ago." He quickly added.

"Fellow pirate, eh?" Reinhardt stared at the man for a moment, though his steely gaze made it feel like a small eternity. "Well then, in exchange felt so kindly patchin' ya up, you'll join our crew."

I'm just here for a laugh

Fantastic, Valen thought sarcastically. "Fair enough."

"Good. Should be some extra clothes in that cabinet there. Get yerself dressed 'n find Ashahn, my first mate. He'll show ya round the ship. I got something else I gots to do." The captain walked out, almost bumping into Ashahn. "Just talkin' about you. Show 'im round the ship." And with that he walked out.

Ashahn walked in and looked at Valen. "At least he didn't kill you." he said. He walked to a nearby cabinet and pulled out some clothes, handing them to Valen. "Here."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen took the clothes and quickly dressed. He made sure everything was in it's place and he was presentable. He may be stuck in the life of a pirate, but at least he would dress well.

"Follow me." The horned giant first led Valen to the galley, where one could smell lunch being cooked. This is where we eat. That's the kitchen. I don't recommend being in there unless our chef is on good terms with you, or the captain orders you to go back there and work. And he isn't on good terms with anyone. Except Arnwen, perhaps." Ashahn led him back into the kitchen. "This is the cook, Craw. Craw, this is the castaway Arnwen brought on board this morning. He's a new addition to our crew."

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Craw looked over from his pot. "Ho' much can ye lift?"
"'Bout a hundred fifty," Valen said.

"He can help you later, Craw. I need to finish showing him around, first." Ashahn led Valen down into the bunks, where they found Peet, Horus, and Dahl playing cards. Peet was a human, as was Dahl, and Horus was a dwarf. "He that castaway?" Peet asked.

"Dinnae tell me we're stuck wif 'im." Dahl added.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Arn can 'ardly catch enou' fish for us, now we 'ot 'nother mouth to feed?" Horus grumbled.

"Remind me ta piss in tha lit'le bastard's hammock later." Dahl said, and with that the three of themreturned their attention to their ham of cards.

Ashahn then led down to the weapon bay, where Kell, Gorrister, and Doc Manon where. Kell was a dwarf, and the other two men where human. Kell was still talking with Manon. "I'm just sayin', if we let the swords rust just a li'l bit, it'll hurt the other guys more. Aye, who's this?"

"This is Valen, the castaway and our new crewmate." Ashahn explained.

I'm just here for a laugh

"It be a waste though," Manon stated. "Blades ain't cheap."
Gorrister looked over Valen and narrowed his eyes. "He lookin' a bit small."
Manon rolled his eyes. "Giv' em time, he'll bulk up like you Fatty."

Ashahn showed Valen around the rest of the ship, culminating in them standing on the deck. "You're with us now. This isn't like the navy. Get used to it."

The longboat came back up as Arnwen stepped back onto the deck with buckets of barnacles. Ashahn gathered them up and walked off with them. "Craw the cook likes ta cook wif barnacles sometimes." He explained. "So, I reckon ya thinks ev'ryone's a bastard, by they're all a good lot beep down, ah'm sure. None of 'm 're nice ta me, but they get on wif each other well enough... Craw the cook's nice to me. Nicer 'n anyone else, anyway..." The eleven man smiled. "Well, if no one else, I'll be nice to ya."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Must be rough being the only elf on board," Valen said as he brushed his long, brown hair behind his slightly pointed ear. "My father was an elf, not that I ever got to see him much or anything."

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