The Pirate's Secret. A Fantasy Spinoff. FINISHED

Arnwen bit his lip to keep from crying out. He could feel himself coming close to climax. "C'mon. Almost... 'M almost..."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen kept going and only unleashed his load when Arnwen was satisfied.

Arnwen made no noise, but his face spoke volumes as he came. Panting, he sat up and kissed Valen some more.

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen kissed back and broke away after a while to catch his breath. "It's getting...It's getting late..."

Arnwen nodded. "Should git to the barracks." He pulled on his clothes as best he could and climbed down the ladder. Thankfully, climbing the crow's nest's ladder while drunk was something he was used to. He leaned Valen down to the barracks, which thankfully had no one awake inside. He showed Valen into an empty one. There were many unused hammocks, too many for such a small crew.

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen quickly fell asleep once he got into the hammock.

Arnwen stumbled off to his own hammock, and, after inspecting it, climbed inside. Hefell asleep quickly, and slept straight through to morning.

Morning came, and Arnwen groggily woke up. He looked around and saw that the other hammocks were empty, which meant it was time for breakfast. He climbed out of bed, and shook Valen awake. "Wake up, 's breakfas'. We don't eat now, we're starvin' til lunch."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen got up and went to the dining room.
"Look who finally woke up!" Craw shouted with a laugh.

"Hey Craw the cook!" Arnwen said happily. He looked down at the plate of food given to him and sighed at the difference between the amount of food on his plate and Valen's. "When ya fink the cap'n's gon' letcha gimme more food?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"When ye stop fuck'n' up, knife-ear," Horus spat. "Be glad ye get anyt'in' to eat." He turned his gaze to Valen who was poking at his food. "Yer not hungry, boy?"
"Ah..I am. I just..."
"Somet'n' wrong wiff me cook'n'?" Craw grumbled with narrowing eyes.
"N-no! Not at all." Valen quickly shoved some overly boiled fish and potatoes into his mouth. It was a mix of salty and bland at the same time.

Arnwen shuddered at being called knife-ear. He looked over at Valen. "Ya can't say nuffin' 'bout Craw's cookin'. Cuz then 'e'll spit in yer food 'n say 'stick that in yer craw!' 'N tha's what we call 'im Craw the cook."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Damn straight," Craw spat. "Once yer done eatin' ye can clean the dishes."

Arnwen's voice dropped low, his tone serious. "Valen, since yer on th' ship now, ya bee to be careful 'n toe th' line. Ya see how many hammocks 're empty down below, yeah?Ya fink, 'small crew of pirates, innit? ' Most all new guys go ov'board at some point. Cap'n throws 'em over like 'e's emptyin' the privy. Ya need ta be careful. Cap'n prob'ly goes lookin' fer any reason ta toss ya over."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen nodded and managed to swallow the food. He thought back to his time in the navy and how the cadets would complain about the rations. IF only they could taste the slop he was eating now.

"Um, Valen? 'Bout las' night... Wha' happens now?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"What happened las' nigh'?" Manon asked.
"Ye came to bed late," Horus said. "Cap'n' di'n' have you scrubbin' either."
"Nothing happened," Valen stated.

"'E was 'elpin' me get them rats down in th' hold. They been nickin' food from the kitchen, they 'ave." Arnwen said. Which wasn't a total lie. The rats had been getting into the kitchen. But now the two men would have to actually go and take care of the rats so no one would suspect anything.

"Eeeugh rats." Kell said.
"I like rats. They're nice." Peet noted.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Well ye two betta do a betta job nex' time," Craw said.

"We'll 're down there agin, promise." Once the two were done eating, Arnwen led them both down into the hull, where they began taking care of the rats, and were finally along. "But... after las' night, what 'appens now?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I...I don't know," Valen admitted.

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