Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

Ryne nodded as he took deep breaths before nodding. "Go."

Kevan gripped the egg gently and began to pull it trying to go as fast he could without harming Ryne, the egg was really small so it went down easily.

Ryne moaned as he felt the egg come out. He felt the egg crown and moaned as his tender hole stretched around the egg and Kevan's fingers.

Kevan paused as the skin around the egg and his fingers was too tight "deep breaths dear, " he said waiting for another contraction to finally slid the egg out.

Ryne nodded as he took deep breaths and moaned as a contraction passed through.

Kevan then, managed to slid the egg out working with Ryne´s contraction. "Its here my love, its very small," he said holding the egg with care.

Ryne got back onto his back, managing to lay down. "Bring it here. I want to hold my eggs." He asked.

Kevan gave Ryne the small egg and kissed his lips, before going and bringing the others, placing them next to Ryne.

Ryne smiled at all the eggs he birthed. "They're so beautiful. Thank you Kevan. W-when will they hatch?" He asked.

"In three days...Im afraid we will need to be warming them together, here in our room..." he said grinning and kissing his lips.

Ryne blushed. "How?" He asked.

Kevan smiled as he got up and began to make a sort of nest out of blankets and pillows in their bed, the then placed the eggs there and helped Ryne up the bed once again " the eggs need to be bellow us both, to get our heat," he explained.

Ryne nodded. "Anything I can do to help?" He asked as he wrapped his arms the last egg.

"No, just rest, once you need to get up I will breathe some fire into them" he said laying over half of their eggs.

Ryne nodded as he relaxed, holding the egg close to his chest

Kevan smiled at him feeling happy and pleased with the many children they were having together "you made an awsome job, you know that?" he asked "Im just sorry we couldn´t exactly do it as tradition calls, but...I now feel so much closer to you my love"

Ryne smiled. "As do I. Can we have more?" He asked embarrisngly

Kevan grinned and nodded "not now though, lets wait for your body to rest and this little ones to hatch, okay?" he said happy Ryne still wanted more kids with him.

Ryne nodded as he rested beside the eggs. He fell asleep, tired from giving birth.

The days were slow and hot, as everytime Ryne would stand to go to the toilet or stretch his legs Kevan would bath the eggs in fire, Ryne would sleep most of the days recuperating from the birth, Kevan himself was dozing over the eggs the third day, he was cuddled with Ryne, he had done much of that the past three days, that and kissing.
The shell of one of the eggs below Ryne began to shift, as the first egg was about to hatch.

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