The Pirate's Secret. A Fantasy Spinoff. FINISHED

Arnwen waited in the crow's nest, stroking his belly. "'S all gon' be good, baby. We'll make sure. 'M scared too. But Valen'll take care 'f us."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen to get some scraps of food and quickly made his way back to the crow's nest. "I managed to find some rolls and cheese."

"Fanks." Arnwen took the food and quickly ate it. "Bettah."

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen sighed and leaned back against the walls of the crow's nest.

Arnwen repositioned himself so he was on Valen's lap. "Valen... Remembah how ah said ah can't leave th' ship cuz ah don't know wot else ah can do? 'S only part of it. Troof is... cap'n owns me much as 'e owns th' ship."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Really? So you're like his slave or something?"

"Well.... sort of?" Arnwen sighed. "Ah served on this ship long time ago, back when it belonged ta merchants. But the merchants went belly-up, so they had ta sell th' ship. Ashahn did the dealin' fer it, and the contract said they got the ship, 'n me ta go 'long wif it. Somethin' 'bout the way it was worded er some shit, but cap'n owns me much as 'e owns the Pearl. Ah can't leave it." Arnwen said, tears filling his eyes.

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen kissed Arnwen's cheek. "I'm sure someday you'll be able to."

Arnwen sniffled. "Maybe. But that prolly won't be fer a looong time. Ah'm stuck here 'til... 'Til the cap'n dies, or the ship gets broke."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What about the baby then?"

"Ah dunno." Arnwen said as the tears began to fall freely. "Ah dunno." He sobbed.

I'm just here for a laugh

Valen hugged Arnwen close. "It's going to be alright. I won't let anything happen to you or the baby."

"Ah'm scared." Arnwen hoarsely whispered.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I know."

Arnwen cried into the crook of Valen's neck until he finally ran out of tears. "Sometime's ah get ta thinkin' Ashahn actually feels bad 'bout ropin' me onto th' ship."

I'm just here for a laugh

"You knew Ashahn before the captain took over?"

"No, 'e was the one what worked out th' contract with th' merchants. 'E was th' one what pushed to 'ave an extra 'and along wif the ship, ta git more from 'em. Wot's th' word? Ne... goo... shee... ay-ted? 'E did that thing."

I'm just here for a laugh


Arnwen sighed. "Well, scuttlebutt* says we'll be makin' landfall soon. Least on land ah can eat much as ah want."

(Scuttlebutt in slang usage means rumor or gossip, deriving from the nautical term for the cask used to serve water (or, later, a water fountain).
The term corresponds to the colloquial concept of a water cooler in an office setting, which at times becomes the focus of congregation and casual discussion. Water was stored in a scuttled butt: butt = cask. Since sailors exchanged gossip when they gathered at the scuttlebutt for a drink of water, scuttlebutt became Navy slang for gossip or rumours.)

I'm just here for a laugh

"We could run away then," Valen offered once again. "I can find work."

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