Fantasy Kingdom (Open to Everyone) (possibly NSFW)

Izer grinned and gave a soft murr "mmm sounds good to me, im sure he would like to meet you too"

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Rolan smiled "I want to meet him as well," he said chuckling following Izer to his home.

Izer nodded and continued to walk home. hand in hand with the elf. The mansion wasn't huge, but was decent sized. Two stories, Six Bedrooms all with their own bathrooms, it had been custom built by Izer and his Mate Jason some years back. As they approached the home the smell of wood being burned for heating and the sound of woodworking going on in the distance "Sounds like he is still working on the Cot" Izer said with a smile

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Rolan was nervous at holding Izer´s hand a good nervous, the one that made you felt alive after passing through life just being there, yet as they arrived home, he thought it decent to let go, even if he wanted to still hold his hand.

Jason was concentrated in his workshop, his sleeves rolled up her arms as he worked on the crib for his child, the cleaned the sweat of his forehead on his shoulder sleeve and continued working.

"He should really be committed to you Izer," Rolan said "You sure is fine if I come in? I don´t want to impose and...I'm so sorry for taking the liberty of holding your hand earlier, it was out of line," he apologized deeply.

Izer chuckled softly and smiles "I was the one who didn't let go" he said and opened the front doors. the entrance hall was large, with a large grand staircase in the middle leading up to the second floor and a chandelier above the centre of the room. The floor seemed to be made out of Polished Quarts and it was reasonably well decorated, a sign was carved into the wall with inlaid gold above a painting at the top of the stairs of Both Izer and Jason with the words "The home that love made"
"Welcome to my home" he said with a smile "Took five years to complete, but we built it all ourselves. It took me ages to dig up all the quarts needed for the floor, Jason only Just finished getting the Gold for that sign, it was his idea" he smiled and placed the bags on the lounge near the front door "What would you like to do first? See the house? or come meet Jason first?"

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Rolan blushes and is left confused of what Izer meant with that, did he liked holding his hand too? He looked around the house, it was a true mansion, not even his father´s castle (and his father was a King) had this luxury.
"its," he said looking around "I would say doing all this in five years is quite impresive," he said and smiled as he looked at the painting of Izer and Jason.
"Perhaps meet your mate...I hope okay with me," Rolan said.

Izer nods and takes him by the hand again, escorting him through the hall in the back and through the large kitchen, it large enough to cook for a hundred people. out the back is a large garden with several sheds around the yard. as Izer Continues down the path to one of the sheds he points them out "Black smithery, Stone working, Glass, Right down the back is the tannery, and over here, is the woodworking" he knocks on the door then opens it "Honey, I'm home, and have a guest"

Jason looked up as the door opened. he was working on milling the slats for the cot, putting allot of details into it even if it wasn't going to be a permanent piece of furniture in the house. "Oh Hi there" he says dusting himself off and taking off his safety goggles. he notices Izer holding his hand and only seems to smile more. "Nice to meet you"

(Btw, i want to send you a note Nurse, but your inbox is apparently Full)

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Rolan feels that fluttering in the pitch of his stomach again as Izer takes his hand once again. "Do you usually cook a lot?" he asked noticing the big kitchen, he is impressed with the garden, being a forest elf, he was always glad to feel and see nature around him, he could listen to the soft song of the trees that the air carried.

"does your mate does all that?" he asked seeing all the sheds quite impressed. He sees their joined hands and is nervous to enter the wood shed like that but Izer seems calm so he goes with it.
"Its a honor to meet you, my name is Rolan, I´m a midwife, and I met your mate on the road, I hope Im not imposing," he said trying to smile surprised the sight of his joint hand with Izer made the human smile.

Izer chuckled and nodded "We both do the cooking, and were both self trained in all the works out here but he has more skill with some than i do. I'm better at stonework than metalwork or woodwork. I can also tolerate the smells from the tannery better than he can... mostly from my time a s slave, the things i had to do..."

Jason walks forward and shakes the elf's hand "Its nice to meet you" he chuckles softly at what the elf says about being imposing "oh please, If Izer asked you to come over, hand in hand at that, he must really like you, so your not imposing at all. Besides, i should take a break"

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Rolan smiled glad Izer seemed to be having a happy life "Im good at archery," he said feeling he should say at least something he was good at so Izer wouldn´t think he was a good for nought. His smiled erased as Izer talked of his time as a slave "is...there anything I can do to help with that?" he asked gently squeezing his hand.

He blushed as he shook Jason´s hand "is...this okay for you, I..." he said stuttering not even knowing how to explain why he was holding Izer hand it was something that went out of his comprehension at the moment, and even if he was embarrased all he could do was get a better grip in Izer hands. "you seem to be very skilled with the wood, Im sure your child will love it," Rolan said eyeing the unfinished crib.

Izer chuckled and gently rubbed his nose against Rolan's cheek 'nuzzling' him "You also have skill as a Midwife, Besides if you want i'm sure we can teach you, as for the slavery thing... Ill be ok, its a part of me ill haft to live with" he blinked and chuckled softly "And i cant believe i'm saying that"

Jason nodded and gave the elf a pat on the back "Is perfectly fine, Izer isn't one to show affection easily, If he is showing affection to you already, he must really like you" he looked down at the cot pieces with a smile "i figured that the pup should have a start in life that shows that its loved... and if that means i'm going to spoil it rotten, that's a small price for me to pay"

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Rolan was surprised by the nuzzling and tried to make the same back, only he was not that sure how as elves didn´t nuzzled "I would be honored to learn," he said smiling "I wished there was someting I could do though..." he said thinking of what that could be.

"pardon my asking Jason dont mind your mate...likes me? I must confess I him back he´s making my stomach flutter and this is so wrong from me, perhaps I should leave after treating his slave scar as I promised, please, forgive my indisretion," Rolan said not knowing what the hell he was doing, he was usually collected and reserved, he had never held hands with anyone before.

Both Jason and Izer laughed softly as they wandered to the kitchen to get some food for the Human. "Nonsense" Jason said with a smile "Your a guest here, Please stay the night at least" he wrapped his arm around Rolan's shoulder and pulls him into a hug "Besides, i think Izer would object to you leaving so soon he's taken a real shine to you"

With a smile Izer watches the two already starting to bond "and Besides, the longer you stay, the more we can teach you. We afforded this place by selling what we make if we don't make it for ourselves, we were about to start work on a pottery shed too"

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The elf blushed as the mates chuckled as he wondered what he had said that was so funny, he had actually expected to be quicked out by now. " I will stay then, seeing you both seem...okay with it even after what I said I feel for Izer," he said gently

He smiled at Izer "Im really looking forward to learn, in exchange please let me tend to your gardens and crops, and to take care of you medically," Rolan said bowing as it was costume wit his kind when placing his services before others.

Izer smiled and nodded "Sounds like a good deal to me" he said his belly having gone a slight pink from the flattering compliment and admission from the elf

"Why would i be upset about that? its one hell of a compliment to say That your attracted to him" Jason said and Izer meeped and blushed deeply "Besides, id be lying if i said i didn't found you attractive, and i think he does too" as they reach the kitchen, Jason pointed to the kitchen table and smiled "Lets sit and get to know each other, Izer sweety could you make us something?" Izer nods and then starts making food.

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It was clear to Rolan he was in a tentative situation here, it was new for him to be acepted like this... "he really is, I couldn´t keep my eyes off him in the tavern and as we began to talk I..." he blushed deeply as Jason said they both find him attractive...boy, this was definately new...

Rolan sit down on the table "I would love to know both of you more," he said wondering if this was something usual for the couple, to open the doors to a stranger that had feelings for one of them.

it was new for the. they usually didn't even open the door for the local priest unless he called ahead. But Jason knew Izer had taken a special shine to the elf for him to bring him home without consulting Jason first. And after only a few minutes of casual chatting Jason could see what it was that Izer had seen in him. Once the food was served, Izer sat the other side of the elf from Jason, and before any of them realised, both the human and Lizard were playing 'footsies' under the table with the elf. and they both hoped that they the elf had grown to like them as well.

When the Elf brought up the strange overly affectionate actions of the other two they both smiled. "what can we say?" Izer said with a nuzzle "were affectionate people... and were usually so... private, if you manage to make it This far into our home your someone we like allot"

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Rolan grinned at both and he was shy yet slowly he was returning their footsies below the table to both, yet his main attraction was Izer. He blushed "I like you both a lot," he said smiling. He felt this was a new adventure, perhaps the start of something exiting.

they both smiled and Izer gave the elf a gently nuzzle again "How about we go upstaris, you can have a look at my scar" he says with a seductive tone Jason chuckled softly

"Ill clean up down here and join you once im done"

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Rolan nods and blushes as he is nuzzled once again "okay, if you are not too tired," he said grabbing his medic bag not sure if Jason is really okay with him treating Izer alone.

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