Alone (nsfw, first come first serve.)

"It'll be okay. I promise I'll be fine." Ryne said as he kissed Kevan's neck.

Kevan smiles and grins "what if we take a shower together, and we see about this adding of our family" he suggested.

Ryne smiled as he kissed Kevan again. "Only if you promise to add to the family." He teased.

Kevan chuckled "I promise to add to our family my love," he said keeping him close, as he captured his lips lovingly.

Ryne returned the kiss and kissed passionately back. He broke the kiss so he could continue. "Lead the way."

Kevan lead him to their private bathroom, that was very luxurious, it had a small roman bath pool in the middle, Kevan opened up the different faucets to fill it up and placed bath oils and scented soaps for a better bath experience.

Ryne smiled as he looked to the bathroom. "It's so nice." He said before he started to strip of his clothes. He removed his shirt and pants, exposing his plump rear and round belly.

Kevan eyed his husband, he couldnt help but feel blessed he was still dressed but he just had to kiss Ryne in that moment, make sure he understood what he was to him.

Ryne smiled and returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Kevan as he did.

The water was still running as they kissed. Kevan took a step back catching his breath, Ryne was a drug to him...yet he never felt as lucid as when he was with him. His fingers traced his pregnant belly it was smallmas Ryne was carrying a single precious egg that had been conceived the night before

Ryne smiled as he felt Kevan rub his small belly. "Our new egg feels lonely in there. Why don't you help and give it some brothers and sisters to play with?" He said sensually as he pressed his belly against Kevan.

Kevan chcuckled " he has 12 siblings already" he said hos reluctancy coming from his worry not anything else yet Ryne was making it hard to say no, as he was letting Ryne start to undress him

Ryne removed Kevan's pants then his shirt, exposing his member. "Can you fill me up? I want to have more of your children. Dozens more Because I love you." He stated as he kissed Kevan again.

"Younknow I love you independtly of the number of kids we have, rght" he said looking down ast his little husband, without really seeking it he was already half hard, he kissed Ryne as they got into the pool

Ryne smiled and giggled. "I know. But I still love your touch." He said as he gyrated his body, making his belly rub circles around Kevan's stomach and groin.

"That is not fair" Kevan said as Ryne was driving him towards the edge.

"All is fair in love and war." Ryne teased as he reached down and started to pump Kevan's member.

Kevan was impressed, this couldnt be the sams scared boy he brought home, he kissed Ryne hard, his member growing erect in his hands "you say that as its to your convinience

"It's not?" Ryne playfully teased as he kissed Kevan again.

Kevan pulled Ryne up making Ryne lock his legs around his waist as he pinned him to the pools wall, his hands brushing Ryne's plump ass

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