The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Aster sighed deeply. They clearly were getting nowhere in the matter. One side wanted to argue that the male known as Kage was lying while only Ryne and Kage argued that it was time for them to go.

"Granted our councils are different, I'm certain their rulings on a an order is very much the same, which means that Ryne is to go back." Aster could see from his marking alone that every word was true. "It was you that appeared near the climax of this fight, wasn't it?" The appearance of certain celestial figures were indeed impressive and bizarre, but for a dragon as well -the exact same mark of Shinna-Ryu even on his arm- proved he was from his own council. It may not have necessarily been right to certain figures, but what more could they do? They clearly were not in the best of strengths to try and force a differing opinion.

"Choose to fight against him if you must, but we're otherwise getting nowhere with bickering about who gets to go anywhere." They did not have to agree with him, but Aster was already making up his mind on leaving for the time being.

"The elf is right. Come Ryne. We're leaving." Kage stated as Ryne nodded sadly. "It was nice knowing all of you." Ryne said as he walked with Kage into a golden portal, disappearing from the groups siight. How ever, a piece of paper fell to the ground. A map of Vangrid.

Aster caught the paper and examined it briefly.

"Telling a person what they want to hear is simply better than trying to argue." he chuckled as the two were gone. "When you're all rested, we should head out quickly." Just as they all made pacts, Aster had his own to still follow and he was not someone to easily let such a task down. He just got done fighting a Devil Rex to a small army. He was having the most fun in his life at the moment. There was no reason for him to return back to the Isles and be bored for the next hundred years or so.

Kirak sighs "whatever I'm gonna jurney on my own. If meeting ryne again means meeting lord dick face of the dragon then I'm going elsewhere so I can actully enjoy the journey."

The map showed Vangra but some points were underlined for importance. One place stood out, a small town in Dragonrock known as Lorstead. Lorstead was underlined in red ink for some reason.

"I am coming with you. I swore on my honor and life as werewolf to protect Ryne and his unborn child. I refuse to give up so easily". Koji stated bluntly and nodded at Aster. "When do we head out?". He asked

He peeked over asters shoulder to see the red underline city,
" Could ryne be trying to tell us to go here? It could be where that monastery of his is at.."He said putting in his opinion shyly

~Help me I'm human~

Aster glanced a bit further at the map.

"It's possible or it could be a trap. Either way..." He glanced at the village once more. "We aren't going to know unless we go, so if everyone's ready, we can go now." He was a bit exhausted, but that was nothing a walk in the forest could not handle. The more Ryne strayed away, the impossible it would have been to track him. His blade transitioned into his black bow, a quiver of arrows appearing on his back.

"I am ready to leave now. I don't care if it's a trap or not. I am not going to lose Ryne or his unborn child easily". He replied bluntly and grabbed his sword. He put it back into his sheath and stood beside Aster.

"Then let's not keep him waiting" he said stepping towards the exit of the village. He did stop to speak to Kirak. "We're running a bit low on some people. It would be a shame. Sure you don't want to save Ryne from this "dick-faced" dragon?" He didn't doubt Shiloh or Koji's skills; he didn't doubt Jeremy's for that matter, but the more the merrier. They could use all the help they could get.

Koji nodded at him and followed towards the exit of out the village. "Well, you said you wanted a adventure. Now is your chance so take it or leave now". He told him.

Kirak sighs "give me a moment then I'll join you. He grabes a bunch of gems"ok I'm ready."

"Ok, make it fast". He replied and mentally started to chart out the best route to get to Ryne.

Kirak "got it. Just needed a few gems. Ready when you are."

"Ok, let's go now". He nodded and started to lead the way on the best route he had planned out.

(01-02-2015, 05:23 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Ok, let's go now". He nodded and started to lead the way on the best route he had planned out.

"Ok" Said Jeremy, holding Koji's hand

As they began to walk from the village they passed the street where he had fought his older sister and her minions that still covered the rubbled street with blood and other gory things he shivered at and wrapped his arms around himself avoiding the scene when he noticed his sister was missing from the mess.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji squeezed Jeremy's hand quietly and looked at Shiloh. "What's wrong?". He asked quietly as they traveled.

His dreary mood quickly snapped back yo being mildly spot when someone talked to him.
"hmm? Oh yes I'm fine just kinda forgot the aftermath of the battles for a moment." he said with a smile and a small chuckle towards Koji.
"nothing to worry about really." he said keeping the fact about his sister out of his mind and how she could of been lurking in the shadows reporting their location of where they were headed to Malik easily.

~Help me I'm human~

"Let's continue then" he lightly patted Shiloh's back before following alongside Koji. If there were enemies lurking still, then it was a risk they would have to perhaps take. Chances were some could have very well been on their way to this Lorstead. Chances were this area they were going to even had Dragons and their variations, from Wyverns to Wyrms. Perhaps they would get stronger along the journey however. Something was needed to take on their foes. They just encountered a few beings who were able to use Anti-Magical abilities after all.

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