Closed The Delivery Ward 2

A few minutes later Dr. Pierce walks in to Emily-Ann's room pushing back the curtain as he does to see that she is resting comfortably on the bed. "Hello Emily-Ann. It looks like the big day is here, How are you doing?," he he greets her with a smile as he moves over to check her chart and the monitors.
Room 201 - Emily-Ann

"Hi doctor, more in pain with the contractions. Yes this is the day", answered Emily who open her eyes to look at the doctor.

"Well all the pain will be worth it when you hold your little ones," the doctor says as he moves over to the side of Emily-Ann's bed . "Now last time you were in my office we talked about how the twins were on the larger size and because you have a small frame we are going to need to do a c-section to get them safely out. Unfortunately the ORs are currently booked so it will be a while before we can get you in. From what Nurse Tiffany has told me you your contractions are still pretty far apart so I don't think we will have to worry about the wait. I am going to go get you on the waitlist for the OR. In the meantime just rest and I will be back in a bit," he tells her as he moves toward the door. "If you need anything just page Tiffany at the Nurses Station."

Jennifer walked back into Jacob's room carrying a cup and a container of ice chips and after quickly looking at the monitor saw that he was just finishing another contraction. "That looked like a pretty strong one," she said as she put the things down on his bedside table. "Dr. Pierce is just finishing up with another patient and will be in in a few minutes. Since your contractions are coming so sporadically this could just be some really intense practice labor which can be brought on by dehydration. Dr. Pierce asked me to hook you up to an IV while we wait for him just in case that is the cause." She explains as she moves to the cabinet and begins to pull out the necessary supplies.

"This will only take a moment," Jennifer tells him as she places her supplies on the right side of his bed before putting on a pair of gloves and beginning the search for a vein in his arm. "Was your last contraction as strong as the one before or was it stronger?" she asks as the cleans off his arm hoping to distract him from the needle as she begins to prepare it.

"Okay you are going to feel a big pinch," she warns him when she is ready before as gently as possible begins to insert the IV into his arm.

Jennifer gave Jacob a sympathetic glance when she heard him gasp as the needle went into his vein. "It sounds like things may be picking up a little she says as she tapes down the IV and begins to attach it to a saline bag that she hangs from the pole behind his bed. "There we go," she says as she starts to let the fluid flow down the line into his arm before cleaning up the supplies. "I promise to stop poking you for a while," she jokes as she makes a note on his chart. "Dr. Pierce should be in in a moment. If you need anything just page me."
Room 201 - Emily-Ann


"Yes I know, I cannot wait to have them in my arms. Yes I remember we talk about the c-section and the pain come more and more quickly. I hope I'm not going to wait very long to go to the surgery room", add Emily who nods her head in understanding.

(sorry about that. The autocorrect on my phone was playing games)

About a half hour later Nurse Tiffany walks into Emily-Ann's room. "There are only a couple of people left ahead of us in the OR so it shouldn't be much longer," she tells the laboring girl as she moves to check the monitors. "How are you holding up?"
Room 201 - Emily-Ann

(It's okay! I really like that name!)

"Okay thanks Tiffany! The pain gonna kill me, I feel my babies who try to come down in my birth canal and the contractions come more and more quickly", answered Emily-Ann
Alec pulled his Prius into the hospital parking lot and placed it into park. Turning off the ignition, he took a moment to collect himself, looking at the infant car seat already strapped into the back of his car though the rear view mirror. Next time I get into my car, I'll be strapping you into your car seat. Alec thought to himself, placing his hand onto his gravity belly as he did. And just maybe then I'll actually fit into my car. Even with the seat all the way back and mostly reclined Alec just barely fit into his car, his belly just narrowly avoiding rubbing against the steering wheel as he drove. 

Alec opened the driver's side door and began the arduous process of hoisting himself out. First one leg and then the other was swung out of the car before Alec hoisted himself up using the handholds for support. Once on his feet, Alec adjusted the waistband of his sweatpants on his hips and pulled his sweatshirt back over his belly which now poked out underneath the front pockets. From the back seat, he produced a small duffel bag containing a change of clothes and a few things for the baby which he slung over his shoulder before beginning a slow waddle to the receptionist's desk of the maternity ward to check in, supporting his back with one hand as he went. 

Approaching the front desk a little out of breath from the walk, he stepped up to greet the smiling receptionist who had watched him enter through the automatic doors. "Hi, my name is Alec Johnson, and I have an appointment to be induced today."

Tiffany gives Emily-Ann a sympathetic look, "I will try to get you bumped up the list for the operating room, and I will see if I can get the anesthesiologist in here to get you some relief a little sooner. Since you will be needing an epidural for the surgery anyway." She then heads out the door to make her phone calls.

Nina gives the pregnant man before her a warm smile as he stands in front of her giving her his information. "Yes of course, Mr. Johnson, I have all your information right here," she says as she prints of his hospital bracelet and signals a nearby orderly. "I will let Dr. Wells know that you are here so that they will be ready for you when you get upstairs," she explains as she places the bracelet around his wrist before watching as the orderly help him sit down in the wheelchair that was brought into the lobby. "He will be going to 305," she tells the orderly before turning back to Alec, "good luck Mr. Johnson!" she adds in parting as he is wheeled away toward the elevator.

Alec was wheeled to an elevator which took him up a level to his room. A nurse met him at his room and after a brief introduction instructed him to change into a hospital gown and then make himself comfortable on his bed. The nurse and orderly stepped out of the room to allow Alec to change before Alec began to undress, first pulling off his sweatshirt and sweatpants to reveal black compression shorts and a black sports bra. Once his underwear was off, he took a moment to marvel at his pregnant body which would soon be changing once again. He ran his hands over his stretch marked and veiny belly, feeling his belly button which had herniated and popped out. He marveled at the dark lines negra which ran from between his legs to almost the bottom of his rib cage. He turned to catch his side profile in their mirror on the back of the door, looking at the soft pudge of fat that now covered his hips and the round heaviness of his butt and thighs. Slipping into his hospital gown he looked at the outline of his nipples on his engorged breasts through the thin fabric. He had just finished making himself comfortable and straightening out his gown on his inclined hospital bed when he heard a knock and the nurse returned to his room. 
201 - Emily-Ann

"Thank you! It's can be so good if you can get me go jump more high on the waiting list for the surgery room and so I can have pain meds to stop the pain for a little while", said Emily who try to not cry in pain.

Nurse Katherine had been notified that one of Dr. Wells' patients was being admitted for his scheduled induction. She quickly called the doctor to tell her that he was there before getting his file ready. She had just grabbed the file when she saw him being wheeled out of the elevator and down the hall towards his room. Following behind she entered the room behind him and after a quick introduction stepped out into the hallway to allow him to change.

A few minutes later she steps back into the room to see that he has finished changing and has gotten comfortable on the bed. "Okay Alec," she says as she moves towards the supply cabinet and getting out the materials she will need, "Dr. Wells will be here in a few minutes to start your induction but before she gets here I am just going to set up on the monitors and start your IV." After gathering her supplies she moves over to the bed and begins to set up her supplies to insert the IV. "Do you have any questions about anything?" she asks as she puts on a pair of gloves and moves to wrap the tourniquet around his arm.


About 20 minutes after leaving the room Nurse Tiffany returns to Emily-Ann's room followed by an older woman wearing purple scrubs who is pushing a cart full of supplies. "Good news Emily-Ann, there is only one more person in front of you so it won't be long now," she says as she helps the other woman move the cart over to the bed. "This is Dr. Davis the anesthesiologist who is assigned to the Delivery Ward and she is here to give you your epidural. To give her some space to work I am going to help you move to the side of the bed so your feet are hanging down and your back is exposed. Are you ready?" Nurse Tiffany asks while Dr. Davis begins to set up her equipment.

As Dr. Pierce came into the room he saw that Jacob looked like he was resting comfortable on the bed. Walking quietly he made his way over to the bed and glanced at the monitors before looking over at Jacob smiling. "Hello there. I heard that there is a little one who is anxious to get here. How are you doing?"
Room 201 - Emily-Ann

"Good! It's hurt so much I cannot take it anymore! Nice to meet you doctor Davis! Okay no problem and yes I am so ready to have the epidural so the pain gonna stop for a while", answered Emily who let the nurse move her.

Nurse Tiffany quickly got Emily-Ann into position and then Dr. Davis opened the back of her gown and after sterilizing her back made quick work of inserting the large needle and setting up the epidural. After several minutes the process was complete "There you go," Dr. Davis said as she helped Tiffany settle back into bed, "You should start feeling relief in a few minutes."

As Dr. Davis was cleaning up her supplies and preparing to leave the room, Nurse Tiffany stepped out into the hall and came back a moment later, "Good news Emily-Ann. They are just cleaning up the OR and we will be good to go very soon. I will be back in a few minutes to do your prep."
Room 201 - Emily-Ann

Emily try not to move and she scream a little when she feel the needle enter in her back and she feel the nurse move her back in her bed. "Thank you", said Emily as she try to relax. She open her eyes to look at the nurse and add: "yes that's a good news! I cannot wait to see my babies!"

20 minutes later Nurse Tiffany entered Emily-Ann's room followed by an orderly, both dressed in surgical scrubs. "The time has come," Tiffany says as they move over to the bed and prepare to move Emily-Ann and her bed to pre-op, "are you ready?" Tiffany and the orderly quickly unhook Emily-Ann from the fetal monitors before the orderly unlocks the wheels on the bed and begin to move her down the hall to Pre-Op.


Dr. Pierce listens as Jacob describes what is going on as he washes his hands and puts on a pair of gloves. "All right then," he says softly. "I am going to take a quick look to see if you have progressed any since Nurse Jennifer examined you and then we will go from there." Dr. Pierce moves closer to the end of the bed before putting some lubrication onto his gloved fingers. "Can you get into position for me?"
Room 201 - Emily-Ann

"I'm so ready and the pain as stop wth the epidural", answered Emily with a smile. She move from her bed to the gurney to go to the surgery room for her c-section. She lay on the gurney and she close her eyes again as they leave the room.

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