Open Spell Mishap (open)
Plot: A pair of Magicians attempt to summon their own magical or ancient creature (What you want to summon is up to you) in order to do a show that very night. However their spells go wrong an results in them both carrying the young of what they attempted to summon forth.

Things in Rp:
Belly expansion.
Rapid pregnancy/normal pregnacy (you can have your character's pregnancy be slow or rapid)
Supernatural creatures.

Josh's grey eyes glanced over the spell book, making sure he had everything ready for his half of the spell. His companion was no doubt double checking their work as well. After all, this had to go right the first time. If it went wrong well, hopefully nothing went wrong. He really didn't want to think of the negatives on this, he just wanted to see the positives.

"You ready over there?" Josh asked as he looked over his shoulder at his companion.

Truth be told, the young magician was rather excited for this. He always wanted to see a real life Dire Wolf. Not one that was stuffed at a museum that was a attempt to recreate.
Seth's green looked over the spellbook that he had near him at the moment. He was making sure that he had everything right at the moment since he didn't want to mess up. Running his hand through his raven black hair when he was done now he was waiting to start. Seth had to be sure for his half of the spell he was nervous about doing the spell.

"Yes I'm ready are you?",Seth asked looking behind himself since that was where he was at.

He really did hope nothing would go wrong with this spell. He pulled on the sleeves of what he was wearing it was slightly weird. It would be cool to be able to summon some type of monster he had chosen.
"I'm ready to go." Josh said with a smile. "Now remember, keep in mind what the creature is you want to summon. If we get this right, they should appear right before us."

Waiting for Seth's answer, Josh stood there and took a deep breathe. This was going to be fun; more so if it worked. Sadly nether of em had noticed a key warning for if the spell went wrong. When Seth gave his answer, they both repeated the words in the spell book for the summoning. Sadly Josh had mispronounced a word and he attempted to fix it, hoping Seth didn't notice an that they didn't make the same mistake. The spell had a green glow in the room when they were doing it right however, it took on a more blue tone when the mistake happened. An with the spell soon completed despite the mispronounced word, the room was back to it's normal lighting. No creatures of any sort and a sigh left Josh.

"Well that was my bad, some of these words are tricky." Josh apologized.

He hadn't been a magician for very long, four years since he turned nineteen. So he was now only twenty three years old with only four years of experience.
Seth had finally settled on something to summon it would was going to be a kitsune since he had heard about them. "OK I will",he said turning his attention back to his book.

Seth nodded he was still nervous about the spell but was also confident to do it. Taking a breath he started to repeat the words in the book keeping in mind what he wanted to summon at the moment. He was contering on the words in his book and hadn't noticed that Josh had mispronounced a word. Though he noticed the light had changed to a blue tone to it. Seth sighed when he didn't see any sort of creature at all.

"Yeah some of them were tricky",Seth said in agreement since he had a hard time with some of the words. He had been a magician since he was nineteen and had been practicing things like this for five years now.
"Well we can always try later on, though we should think of a back up plan for the show." Josh suggested. "Just in case you don't want to try again or the spell doesn't work again. You're choice."

It was important to have Seth's say, at least in Josh's mind. They were both going to work together on this show, so their opinion was just as important. Though as he stood there, his stomach felt a bit upset. However, the young magician tried to ignore it for the time being. It wouldn't take much to reset up. some new candles and rewriting a few ancient words on the floor in powder. They would be set if they wanted to try again.
Seth nods since they could try again later on to see if they could summon them. "We should try again later but have back up plan for the show just in case",he said agreeing with Josh. He rubbed his stomach it felt weird but he decided not to worry about it right now. Seth sighed before moving away from where he was standing at and stretches feeling a bit better.
"Alright." Josh said "We could just do a simple act, basic tricks an spells. Or we can just make the llusions of having the creatures we tried to summon appear."

He was glad they were gonna try again, he honestly wanted to. After a few more minutes of discussing what the back plan was. Everything was prepared again though he honestly felt kind of sigh as his stomach protested his moving about. It was odd but oh well. Once again, he glanced over to Seth.

"Ready?" Josh asked.
(Mind if I join..?)
(Well the story has room for just two magicians but let me pm you another one of my threads that are open but needs some peeps. Okay?)
(Okay, sounds good!)
Seth rubbed his stomach again it still felt weird. He thought about before answering "Either one would work",he said going back over to where he had been standing at before.

He had replaced the candles some of the candles before he had gone back to his spot. Groaning he rubbed his stomach it felt really strange still at the moment he looked over his spellbook once more. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath that felt slightly better. "Yes I'm ready",Seth said looking to Josh.
Josh nodded an he started the spell again. It was going decent though he felt really odd during it, his stomach felt tighter and rather uncomfortable, however he hadn't notice it slowly growing as they chanted the words. When his clothes started to feel tight, he glanced down and to his shock there was a bulge, not big bit enough to be full term with one kid but almost there. This caused the spell to be halted and he put his hands to his stomach.

"Oh man..." Josh said, not realizing that by stopping the spell again it as just gonna add more in there. "I think the spell will give us what we want but....not in the way it should."
Seth started saying the spell again looking at the book every now and then. He groaned in his head it felt weird as he felt his stomach grow. Closing his eyes he kept on saying spell though since he didn't know what would happen if they stopped it now. Seth heard Josh stop the spell he finished the spell a bit afterwards he put his hand on his stomach when he was done.

Seth nods in agreement he rubbed his stomach. He groaned feeling horrible at the moment. Seth didn't think this would happen he looked over to his spellbook and read more of it. He cursed when finished reading it all of it at the moment he groans,
"I...I think it only happened this way due screw up earlier..." JOsh said as he panted, feeling his stomach groan as it stretched further out.

This wasn't good, both were carrying something and while he knew what he was carrying, he only hoped for Seth's sake they didn't ask for anything too powerful. Looking own at his stomach, his clothes still contained the growing mass however it was clear his clothes were struggling to do so as the buttons were being pulled apart. Slowly he looked back up at Seth.

"So...what...what did you try to summon?" Josh asked curiously. "I tried to summon a dire wolf."
Seth it had explained what would happen if something went wrong or something else. But he didn't think it would be this he had the feeling that they might not be able to do the show that night.

Seth winced it was hurting since his clothes had gotten tighter at the moment. Unzipping his jacket he took it off and laid it on top of the stand where his spellbook was at. Groaning he rubbed his stomach with one hand he looked several months pregnant though his stomach was still growing. His eyes widen he guessed this what the book had meant. "I tried to summon a kitsune"he said he sat down on the ground after awhile no longer able to stand up.
"Ah I see." Josh answered as he attempted to remove his shirt.

The buttons were in the way though, so that was a problem and whenever he got one undone his stomach would grow faster for the moment. Quickly taking up the newly added space. Only getting half of the bottoms undone, his stomach surged in growth and tore the other ones apart. Sending em flying but not towards Seth.

"Whoops." Josh muttered.
Seth sat down on the floor he pulled off his shirt before his stomach grew even more.

He rubbed his stomach wandering if it would stopped growing soon. Or all together either one would work for as well. Seth leaned back against his arms feeling horrible as well he was trying to ignore the feeling as well. His eyes widened when that has happened not expecting that at all. He didn't know what to say at that since it was unexpected.
Josh was pondering if there was a way to stop the spell or to merely reverse it, to make it where there wasn't a unknown amount growing insided of em. Sadly he couldn't recall anything in the book about how to do that to pregnacy related goof ups. Oh well. His stomach kept growing, making his pants feel uncomfortable on him and a groan left him. His stomach halted when he looked overdue with Triplets, rather big on his once slender form though he laid down on his back an sighed.

"Oh boy....we might have a problem." Josh said.
Seth stomach continued to grow for a bit longer. His stomach did stop growing he looked overdue with either quads or more than that. Standing up carefully but decided against it since that wasn't going to be comfortable at all. He didn't even want to know how they would come out.

"Definitely I don't think we can do the show",Seth said.
"We've got.....oh....two choices. One not do the show like you said. Or two, we wait for one of us to birth and do the show if there is enough time to get cleaned up. What say you?" Josh asked. "Or I could look for a way to reverse what's happened?"

He could do that, after all there was still five hours left till show time. Plenty of time to search through old books and try to find a cure.

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