O A Wolf's Special Star (first come first served since I need someone to play the star)

Ash nods and picks up his phone from the table in the living room. He sent a text to his parents and his older brothers telling them that Sherlock was pregnant. He sat down on the couch waiting for Sherlock to come back down. Smiling at the messages they had sent him and Sherlock at the moment all of them said congratulations.

Looking up smiling he did look different from normal. "You look different and nice. My parents said congratulations ",Ash told him.

"Thanks, tell em I'm glad they're happy and thanks." Sherlock said. "Let us go and see how many! No doubt they want to know how many more grand kids they'll be getting."

Ash nods pulling on his shoes and tying them back up. "OK let's go and see",he said smiling and heading towards the door to go.

It was easy to get to the clinic and once there, the disguise seemed to be working. He was glad it was though there was no way to know if it would work the whole time. The doctor had him lay back and after squirting some gel onto his stomach, they used the machine on him and scanned. Sherlock was nervous though the doctor seemed shock.

"oh my..." the doctor said.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

"Well....I do hope you're doing a surrogacy...."

"What's that suppose to mean? How many are there?" the doctor took a deep breathe.

"Eleven." a shocked expression came to sherlock's face.


Ash drove there since he rather not walk there. He stood next to him rubbing his on stomach watching the scanner. Ash wandered why the doctor looked so shocked at the moment frowning he was nervous as well now. We'll that explained the look on the doctors face Ash was shocked as well eleven more he didn't think it would be that many. "Oh",was all he could say at the moment since that was all that came to mind at the moment.

"Yes...it looks like eleven heartbeats in there, you did say you were a shifter right? So it's very possible that you'll be able to have a unusual amount. Though I hope you don't have anywhere to be for a while."

Oh boy...this was certainly unexpected. On the way back, Sherlock stared down at his stomach. Eleven? How were they going to do this? In reality they were having thirteen pups.

"So....any ideas on what we're gonna do since...um...my surprise litter has made a big dent in things?" SHerlock asked nervously.

Ash was still surpised but he sent his parents a text saying how many. Sighing it seemed to have shocked them as well though his mother said she would help.

Though he was glad he was only having twins at the moment. Though he knew his body wouldn't be able to handle that many since he wasn't shifter and wasn't a born werewolf. He was wandering how they were going to get through this even with his mother's help.

"My mom said she would help. Yea it is a surpise we are going have one hell of a time with thirteen pups",he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm glad she's willing to....I can't let my parents know of this....maybe if it was two or three it woul be a bit more okay. Though this many....oh boy. I do agree it's gonna be a hell of time." Sherlock said.

He was glad he didn't have any movie projects coming up.

Ash ran his hand through his hair he understood why he didn't want his parents to know. Making his way to the car "Sherlock are you OK?",he asked when he was done talking. He was still scared of his parents since he wasn't sure what Sherlock's parents would do if they found out that he was pregnant as well.

"Huh?" Sherlock muttered as his ears popped up. "Yeah I....I guess. I mean I'm really happy that we're having more pups even if it....is overwhelming sounding. I...I should be able to handle it.....though maybe I'm a ta......d emotional now.."

Ash smiled a bit and pats his hand. He took out his phone when he felt it vibrate in his jacket pocket. Ash nods since it is overwhelming he could understand the last part be cause of how many there was.

"Are they...texting back?" Sherlock asked when he saw Ash take out their cell phone.

He was curious though if Ash choose not to answer it was fine. He was starting to feel a little odd in his stomach as it felt like there was a preassure building up there but he choose to ignore it for now.

Ash nods before answering " Yes they said that they would meet us back at the house" putting his phone back into his pocket when he was done.

Ash sighed not sure what else to say or do. Running his hand through his hair he thought that this whole thing was just fursting.

"Ah." Sherlock answered as he leaned back a bit more in his seat.

HOpefully things would all go well. He didn't really fancy anything going wrong. Though upon arriving, he pulled himself out of the car and went over to try and help Ash out if they needed it.

Ash nods he had answered it since it had been a red light. He moved on when the light had turned green going to the house.

Stopping in front of the house since his parents were in the driveway. Getting out of the car he stretched putting the keys and going over to help his parents out. After he had unlocked the door to the house and opened both doors as well.

Sherlock was the last to get in since Ash's parents were guests and it was always poliete to have guests enter first if you weren't in the house already. Removing the wig, he adjusted the coat and followed along. Course he went into the bathroom and removed the contact lens and went to where everyone was. With his coat off, his stomach was clear as day with a shirt struggling to contain it.

Ash left the house before going to get what they had brought. He was only taking a few things at a time since his mom would yell at him for getting a lot. Following his mom upstairs the house had nine bedrooms two of the rooms were in use and a third one was about to be used. Ash set down what he had in the room she had chosen for the second nursery since it was bigger than first and had enough room for eleven cribs to be in it.

The pressure never subsided and honestly Sherlock had a feeling on what it was. Shifters often had big growth spurts since their human bodies had to catch up with the developing young. Taking a seat while Ash had gone to one of the rooms with their mother, he honestly wondered how this would go. He didn't see Ash's father anywhere though.

Ash helped his mother put away some of things before he was shooed out of the room. He went to the bathroom before he headed back downstairs to the first floor. Washing his hands he left the bathroom running his hand through his hair. Ash sighed and stretched and went to find Sherlock since his father wasn't there at the house.


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