Centaur Breeder (first come, first serve)

Ryne moaned in pain as he struggled to sit up, thinking it would help if gravity pushed the foals down. His massive belly tightened and squirmed as the foals started to move downwards.

Chase helped Ryne move as much as he could before slipping off the bed to get some towels. He couldn't risk going too far right now.

"Ok, so....I don't know much about humans, but the midwife told me how birth goes with centaur." He said as he returned. He helped Ryne out of his pants, putting a towel under him, before pulling the blankets up to keep him comfortable. "Sometimes a mare in labor will walk around, sort of helps things move. I could help you up if you want to try that." He said, tilting his head. He looked both nervous and excited knowing his foals were on their way.

Ryne panted heavily before he nodded, slowly getting up as he waddled into Chase's arms, afraid that he would fall if he let go. "Help me walk around?" He asked weakly.

Chase wrapped his arms around Ryne, giving a sweet smile as he shifted to support the laboring young man. He walked slowly, letting Ryne set the pace. Hoping the gentle motion would help the foals drop further.

Ryne waddled around, panting in pain as he walked around the room. "I don't know if it's working. But it hurts so much."

Chase sighed softly, rubbing Ryne's back. "Try not to focus on the pain." He said, starting to hum softly. He hoped Ryne would focus on his humming and relax a bit....There really wasn't much else he could do...

"My back hurts so much. Can you massage it?" Ryne asked weakly as he leaned against Chase.

"Alright" He said, shifting them around so Ryne could lean against a wall while he massaged his back. He hummed the whole time, hands working in firm circles where the muscles were tense. He knew it would be a long night ahead of them.

Ryne moaned as he was massaged by Chase. His belly ached and tightened as the contractions got stronger.

Chase was getting worried, afraid he would need to go find some help. He didn't want to leave Ryne alone, even for a few minutes. So he kept massaging his back and humming softly to keep him relaxed.

Ryne moaned as his belly tightened and contracted. He looked back at Chase with eyes of pain and need. "It hurts so much. I can't take it any longer." He said. "Get them out of me." He plead.

Chase gave Ryne a sympathetic look, hands drifting to his belly and rubbing it firmly with each contraction. "I wish I could. I really do." He sighed. He lowered himself, wrapping his arms around Ryne and nuzzling his neck, gently rocking him side to side as he rubbed his belly. "Come on, little ones. It's time to come out, don't be difficult for your mama." He muttered, feeling the foals shift about between contractions. He felt them shift down, dropping fully into Ryne's pelvis as a contraction rolled through him. "That's it." He whispered, hugging Ryne close through his pain.

Ryne moaned as he felt the foal enter his pelvis. His belly dropped as Ryne's water broke. "My water broke!! It hurt!!!AAAAHHHH!!" He screamed in pain as he held his belly.

Chase held Ryne, supporting him and slowly moving him towards the bed. "Shh, shh, its okay." He muttered, nuzzling against him before scooping him up bridal style and laying him in the bed. "Breathe." He said, taking slow deep breaths to help give Ryne an example.

Ryne panted heavily as he looked so weak and in need as he held his belly. "How far am I dilated? I can't hold on much longer. They need to get out!" He said as he gripped the sheets in pain.

Chase blinked at the question, looking confused. The midwife hadn't explained that to him, but he couldn't let Ryne know. He shifted onto the bed and spread Ryne's legs, one hand sliding up his inner thigh before his fingers ran over his entrance. He gently pushed one in, feeling how slick he was from the birthing fluids. He had to remind himself what was happening, or else his mind would run off into dirty places. Pressing his finger deeper, he paused, then tilted his head. "Not much...." He sighed.

"Calm down, you can't rush this. It could hurt you and your foals. " He said, rubbing Ryne's tight belly. One foal was already shifting into position, head first with front legs and upper body coming soon after. The pressure from the foal's head helping to spread Ryne open from the inside.

Ryne groaned and moaned as the foal started to descend downwards. "I need the midwife. It hurts so much! Please, go get her." Ryne begged.

Chase frowned at Ryne's begging, sliding himself off the bed and going to get a cool damp cloth. "Alright." He said, setting the cloth on Ryne's forehead. "I'll find her. Just breathe, don't push. Even if you think you should, wait for me to come back." He said, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

With that, he left the house as fast as he could, galloping full speed to find the midwife. She was tending to one of Ryne's pregnant cattle and didn't even need Chase to say a word before she was off running to the house with the younger centaur close behind.

She didn't bother putting on the soft boots, she simply wiped her hooves and headed inside. She got to Ryne's side after washing her hands, quickly checking him before offering him what looked like a leaf that had been soaked in something. "Chew on this. It will help dull the pain. You aren't quite ready to push, but everything looks good." She said, a warm smile on her age-worn face. Chase crawled onto the bed, dabbing at Ryne's forehead and taking his hand.

Ryne chewed on the herb to try to relieve the pain. "How far am I dilated Doctor? It hurts so much." He said as he held Chase's hand tightly, squeezing it when he felt a contraction.

The midwife moved to rest the front half of her lower body on the bed, spreading Ryne's legs and using a damp towel to clean off his opening. "Not sure the exact measurement, but you are nearly there. A few more and you'll be ready." She said, patting his leg. She gently felt around his belly, making sure both foals were in the right position, which they thankfully were. "Your foals seem quite eager to meet us." She chuckled.

Chase winced when Ryne squeezed his hand, the man had quite strong hands from being a farmer all his life. He looked nervous and excited, almost wanting to go announce the first centaur birth in many years. But for Ryne's sake, he would wait until they were safely born.

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